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Documentation | Samples

This is a list of source code samples available for Developer Kernel 11 editions for all supported platforms.

A sample can be listed in more than one category.

Samples are typically located at (on Windows platform):

  • C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\TatukGIS\DK11 for Delphi\Samples
  • C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\TatukGIS\DK11 for Java\Samples
  • C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\TatukGIS\DK11 for .NET\Samples
  • C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\TatukGIS\DK11 for ActiveX\Samples

Alphabetic list


Hydrology How to use hydrology toolset.
PaintEvents How to use events raised upon Paint procedure.
OnlineServices Shows how to utilize the TatukGIS online services: forward/reverse geocoding routing, and isochrone.
JupyterNotebookDKforPython How to useTatukGIS DK for Python in Jupter Notebook.
JupyterNotebookPythonAndNumpy How to useTatukGIS DK for Python in Jupter Notebook.
BIMViewer How to create a simple BIM viewer.

Basic usage

HelloDK How to create a very basic DK11 application. See step-by-step tutorial.
Hello.NetCore How to create WinForms application with .NET Core.
AddLayer How to add a layer to the viewer and do few basic operations like zoom in/out or drag a map.
Zooming How to perform zooming using mouse movement and mouse wheel. Also how to change a mode of mouse operation: zoom vs drag.
Locate How to convert mouse coordinates to map coordinates and use them to locate a shape.


CGMViewer How to create a simple symbol viewer, not only for CGM anymore.
Locate How to convert mouse coordinates to map coordinates and use them to locate a shape.
Projections How to show a map in different coordinate systems (projections). Both vector and pixel (raster) layers are supported.
Renderer How to render a map according to the attribute field using sections. Use rendering from the project file.
SimpleEdit How to create a basic editor: edit existing or create a new shape and edit its vertices.
TwoWindows How to show maps in two windows and synchronize visible extent between them.
WKT How to use WKT (Well Known Text) geometry. Edits WKT text and shows the result.
Legend How to add a legend control to an application.
Viewer How to create a quite complete map viewer with a legend, scale, north arrow (compass rose) and printing capabilities.
ViewerLite How to create a very simple viewer. This sample is also available for FMX.Mobile and can be compiled for iOS and Android apps.
Rotation How to show map rotated around selected point.
MiniMap How to build a small map overview window.
ShowHint How to show map hints based on fields from a vector layer.
Enumerators How to use “for each” like loops to find all shapes matching DE-9IM topological relationship.
Zooming How to perform zooming using mouse movement and mouse wheel. Also how to change a mode of mouse operation: zoom vs drag.

Layer operations

AddLayer How to add a layer to the viewer and do few basic operations like zoom in/out or drag a map.
BitmapFill How to draw a vector layer, which every polygon is filled with a different bitmap upon drawing time using PaintShapeEvent.
CGMViewer How to create a simple symbol viewer, not only for CGM anymore.
DragLabel How to implement labels that can be dragged by mouse.
InMemory How to create in-memory vector layers.
Pixel How to open pixel layer and apply operations like colorize, inversion, histogram enhancement defined in projects files.
SimpleEdit How to create a basic editor: edit existing or create a new shape and edit its vertices.
PixelLocate How to retrieve image and grid pixel value based on a mouse position.
Encode How to implement a very simple content protection of an SHP Layer.
CuttingPolygon How to define a visible area of a pixel layer using a polygon shape.
DirectWrite How to merge vector layers and how to do this in the most efficient way using direct write.
DemOperations How to perform DEM (Digital Elevation Model) analysis operation like slope, hill shade, flow directions, curvature and more.
PixelOperations How to use PixelOperationEvent to dynamically alter pixels of pixel layer before displaying them.
Transform How to use transformation to rectify a layer.
CustomPaint How to do custom drawings in a platform-independent way and how to assign renderer other than default and access its low-level API (like DC, Graphics).
PixelEdit How to modify pixels covered by a polygon and calculate terrain profile.
Interpolation How to analyze a set of points with measurement data using Kriging, IDW, Spline, and Heatmap.
IsochroneMap How to create a Isochrone Map (road isodistances).
Viewshed How to use the Viewshed functionality.
LayerStatistics How to produce statistics on layer.
RasterAlgebra How to perform raster algebra operations.
GridToVector How to convert grid to vector.

Shape operations

InMemory How to create in-memory vector layers.
Locate How to convert mouse coordinates to map coordinates and use them to locate a shape.
SimpleEdit How to create a basic editor: edit existing or create a new shape and edit its vertices.
WKT How to use WKT (Well Known Text) geometry. Edits WKT text and shows the result.
MultiSelect How to implement selection of several shapes at once.
TrackingTest How to efficiently implement tracking layer - to update locations of dozens of shapes like vehicles.
Relate How to compute the geometrical relationship between two shapes.
SelectByShape How to select shapes from a layer by user-defined shape (circle and rectangle in this samples).
Enumerators How to use “for each” like loops to find all shapes matching DE-9IM topological relationship.
Grid How to open grid layer and colorize it using a configuration file or programmatically.
DragLabel How to implement labels that can be dragged by mouse.
BitmapFill How to draw a vector layer, which every polygon is filled with a different bitmap upon drawing time using PaintShapeEvent.
FieldRules How to use field rules to use predefined field values, field value verification, or value aliases.
CuttingPolygon How to define a visible area of a pixel layer using a polygon shape.
ShapeOperations How to move, rotate and scale any given shape.
CustomPaint How to do custom drawings in a platform-independent way and how to assign renderer other than default and access its low-level API (like DC, Graphics).
PixelEdit How to modify pixels covered by a polygon and calculate terrain profile.
HelloDK How to create a very basic DK11 application. See step-by-step tutorial.


Topology How to calculate union, difference and symmetrical difference of two shapes.
Buffers1 How to create a buffer around a shape and what happens to holes when a buffer is positive or negative.
Buffers2 How to create a buffer around a shape and use it to select other shapes.
SplitByArc How to split polygon using polyline shape.
Relate How to compute the geometrical relationship between two shapes.


GPSSimple How to connect to a GPS device and display basic parameters.
GPSTracker How to connect to a GPS device and record position on a a map.
Snap How to snap a vehicle to a road if the known vehicle location is not very precise. Uses a simulated GPS-like position.

Geocoding & Routing

GeoCoding How to perform simple geocoding and routing.
TigerGeocoding How to perform advanced geocoding and reverse-geocoding using address parsing standardization.
OnlineServices Shows how to utilize the TatukGIS online services: forward/reverse geocoding routing, and isochrone.


BitmapFill How to draw a vector layer, which every polygon is filled with a different bitmap upon drawing time using PaintShapeEvent.
CustomPaint How to do custom drawings in a platform-independent way and how to assign renderer other than default and access its low-level API (like DC, Graphics).
DragLabel How to implement labels that can be dragged by mouse.
DynamicAggregation How to perform dynamic clustering and binning.
PaintLabel How to use PaintShapeLabelEvent to dynamically modify labeling.
Statistic How to use PaintShapeEvent to dynamically create statistical analysis.
JoinAndChart How to join a vector layer to an external database and how to provide charts based on values from a join.
Classification How to provide classification feature.


BitmapFill How to draw a vector layer, which every polygon is filled with a different bitmap upon drawing time using PaintShapeEvent.
DynamicAggregation How to perform dynamic clustering and binning.
Hydrology How to use hydrology toolset.
Interpolation How to analyze a set of points with measurement data using Kriging, IDW, Spline, and Heatmap.
IsochroneMap How to create a Isochrone Map (road isodistances).
JoinAndChart How to join a vector layer to an external database and how to provide charts based on values from a join.
JoinAndRender How to join a vector layer to an external database and how to render map based on values from a join.
LayerStatistics How to produce statistics on layer.
PixelEdit How to modify pixels covered by a polygon and calculate terrain profile.
Pipeline How to utilize the pipeline functionality.
PixelFilters How to perform filter operation.
Statistic How to use PaintShapeEvent to dynamically create statistical analysis.
Triangulation How to perform Delaunay triangulation and how to generate a Voronoi diagram.
Viewshed How to use the Viewshed functionality.


projectconvert How to convert project file formats from .ttkgp (an old format) to .ttkproject (a new format).
Reproject How to export vector layer changing its coordinate systems (projections).
any2any How to create a command-line utility to convert vector layer to another format.
Project2Sqlite How a create a command-line utility to convert whole project (including layers) into an SQLite database.
UDFLayerVector How to add support to a new layer vector file format using User Defined Layer.
GridToVector How to convert grid to vector.


PrintPreview How to create a print preview.
TemplatePrint How to print a map using print templates.
Viewer How to create a quite complete map viewer with a legend, scale, north arrow (compass rose) and printing capabilities.
SimpleEdit How to create a basic editor: edit existing or create a new shape and edit its vertices.


Languages How to add multi-language support. Demonstrates full Unicode support.
PrintPreview How to create a print preview.
Legend How to add a legend control to an application.
DataSet How to use TGIS_DataSet component to connect layer vector to data aware components.
Hierarchy How to create and manage a group of layers in a legend control.
MiniMap How to build a small map overview window.

Custom events

DragLabel How to implement labels that can be dragged by mouse.
PaintLabel How to use PaintShapeLabelEvent to dynamically modify labeling.
TrackingTest How to efficiently implement tracking layer - to update locations of dozens of shapes like vehicles.
InMemory How to create in-memory vector layers.
SimpleEdit How to create a basic editor: edit existing or create a new shape and edit its vertices.
PaintEvents How to use events raised upon Paint procedure.

Changing attributes

SimpleEdit How to create a basic editor: edit existing or create a new shape and edit its vertices.
WKT How to use WKT (Well Known Text) geometry. Edits WKT text and shows the result.
Fields How to access fields (properties) of a layer, and how to use field values in map rendering.
Grid How to open grid layer and colorize it using a configuration file or programmatically.


ExportToImage How to export pixel layer to another format.
Reproject How to export vector layer changing its coordinate systems (projections).
any2any How to create a command-line utility to convert vector layer to another format.
Project2Sqlite How a create a command-line utility to convert whole project (including layers) into an SQLite database.

Data base operations

SQLLayer How to open layer which resides in SQL database.
SQLWizard How to create a wizard for SQL connection: to select a database, a layer, and a layer format.
SQLLayerAdvanced How to open export layer to a new SQL Layer and get familiar with .ttkls connector files.


CuttingPolygon How to define a visible area of a pixel layer using a polygon shape.
SimpleEdit How to create a basic editor: edit existing or create a new shape and edit its vertices.


View3D How to create simple 3D viewer.
BIMViewer How to create a simple BIM viewer.


ClientServer How to create a basic client-server solution.


ViewerLite How to create a very simple viewer. This sample is also available for FMX.Mobile and can be compiled for iOS and Android apps.
Measure How to provide measurement; draw a measurement line and a measurement polygon.
HelloDK How to create a very basic DK11 application. See step-by-step tutorial.
View3D How to create simple 3D viewer.


WFSManager How to query server map server for available WFS layers and select layer to be added to a map.
WMTSManager How to query server map server for available WMTS layers and select layer to be added to a map.
SQLWizard How to create a wizard for SQL connection: to select a database, a layer, and a layer format.
2024/08/20 10:50

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