Documentation | Samples | ViewerLite
How to create a very simple viewer. This sample is also available for FMX.Mobile and can be compiled for iOS and Android apps.
See also Viewer sample.
This sample illustrates use of:
Name | Description |
TGIS_Viewer.Open | Open project. |
TGIS_Viewer.Close | Close a project. |
TGIS_ViewerWnd.Mode | Mode of reaction to mouse events. |
TGIS_Viewer.FullExtent | Calculate the screen origin, zoom, and viewport to place the whole map in the window. |
TGIS_Viewer.IsEmpty | True if Viewer is empty (no layers). |
TGIS_Viewer.Items | All layers. |
TGIS_Viewer.CS | Coordinate System assigned to the viewer. |
TGIS_Viewer.Locate | Locate a shape that is near _ptg, but is closer than _prec distance. |
TGIS_Viewer.ScreenToMap | Converts point coordinates from screen related to map related. |
TGIS_ViewerWnd.HiRes | HiRes support. |
TGIS_LayerVector.DeselectAll | Clears selection of all shapes. |
TGIS_Shape.IsSelected | Is shape selected. |
This sample is available on following platforms (click to see source code):