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SelectByShape sample

Documentation | Samples | SelectByShape


How to select shapes from a layer by user-defined shape (circle and rectangle in this samples).


This sample illustrates use of:

Name Description
TGIS_LayerVector.DeselectAllClears selection of all shapes.
TGIS_LayerVector.RevertShapesReverts all shapes to their original state.
TGIS_LayerVector.CreateShapeCreates a new shape and makes it editable.
TGIS_LayerVector.FindFirstFinds the first shape in layer.
TGIS_LayerVector.FindNextFinds the next occurrence of an item defined in FindFirst.
TGIS_Shape.AddPartAdd next part to the shape.
TGIS_Shape.AddPointAdd a point to the last part of the shape.
TGIS_Topology.MakeBufferCompute a buffer around a shape to a given distance.
TGIS_ViewerWnd.PaintExtraEventPaintExtra event.


This sample is available on following platforms (click to see source code):

2022/10/28 15:05

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