Documentation | Samples | DirectWrite
How to merge vector layers and how to do this in the most efficient way using direct write.
This sample illustrates use of:
Name | Description |
TGIS_LayerVectorMergeHelper | Helper for merging the data into an existing layer. |
TGIS_LayerVectorDirectWriteHelper | Helper for direct writing into a layer storage. |
TGIS_LayerVector.ImportStructure | Imports the field structure from another layer |
TGIS_LayerVector.Build | Builds a new layer - prepares storage. |
TGIS_LayerSHP.SaveData | Saves layer and destroys mirrored items. |
TGIS_LayerSHP.MergeLayerEx | Merges layer with an existing layer. |
TGIS_LayerSHP.ImportLayerEx | Imports a layer from an existing layer. |
TGIS_GeometryFactory.GisCreateShapeFromWKT | Create the shape from a Well Known Text (WKT). |
This sample is available on following platforms (click to see source code):