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TGIS_Shape.AddPoint method

DK11 for Delphi | GisLayerVector.TGIS_Shape.AddPoint | Constructors | Fields | Methods | Properties

Add a point to the last part of the shape.

Available also on: .NET | Java | ActiveX | Python.


// Delphi
  procedure AddPoint(
    const _ptg : TGIS_Point
  ); virtual; abstract;
// C++ Builder
  virtual void AddPoint(
    TGIS_Point* const _ptg
  ) = 0;


Name Type Description
_ptg TGIS_Point point to be added


Internal representation of a shape is the same as in the SHP file. If you want to set a new geometry, this will call Reset, AddPart, AddPoint...AddPoint. For TGIS_ShapePoint, only one Part and one Point is allowed.

See TGIS_Shape.Lock for details and example.

Adds a new 2D (X,Y) point value, specified as TGIS_Point record value, to a specific part of the shape. The new point is added at the end of specified part of the shape


2022/11/16 01:22

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