DK for Delphi | GisLayerVector | Methods | Classes | Prototypes
Name | Visibility | Description | |
GisExpandLabel(String; TGIS_ExpandLabelFun) | public | Function to parse label text and substitute embedded field values and formulas. | |
GisExpandLabel(String; TGIS_Shape) | public | Function to parse label text and substitute embedded field values and formulas. | |
GisIsPointInsidePolygon(TGIS_Point; TGIS_ShapePolygon) | public | Test if a given point is inside a given polygon. | |
GisIsPointInsidePolygon(TGIS_Point; TGIS_ShapePolygon; Integer) | public | Test if a given point is inside a given polygon. | |
Name | Description | |
TGIS_DynamicAggregatorAbstract | Base class for TGIS_LayerVector.DynamicAggregator implementation. | |
TGIS_DynamicAggregatorFactory | Factory to manage registration and initialization of aggregators. | |
TGIS_DynamicAggregatorValue | Aggregated value to be stored in shape TagPointer property. | |
TGIS_LayerVector | General layer class for vector layers. | |
TGIS_LayerVectorDirectWriteHelper | Helper for direct writing into a layer storage. | |
TGIS_LayerVectorEnumerator | Vector layer enumerator. | |
TGIS_LayerVectorEnumeratorFactory | Factory class for TGIS_LayerVectorEnumerator. | |
TGIS_LayerVectorMergeHelper | Helper for merging the data into an existing layer. | |
TGIS_SelectedShapeList | List of all shapes. | |
TGIS_Shape | Generic shape class. | |
TGIS_ShapeArc | Encapsulation of lines. | |
TGIS_ShapeComplex | Encapsulation of complex shapes. | |
TGIS_ShapeList | Shapes list for Items. | |
TGIS_ShapeMultiPatch | Encapsulation of MultiPatch shapes. | |
TGIS_ShapeMultiPoint | Encapsulation of multi-point shapes. | |
TGIS_ShapePoint | Encapsulation of single point shapes. | |
TGIS_ShapePolygon | Encapsulation of polygon shapes. | |
Name | Description | |
TGIS_CursorEvent | Standard event for CursorXXX events | |
TGIS_ExpandLabelFun | Function to be used by GisLabelTextParser. | |
TGIS_ForEachShapeEvent | Callback prototype for TGIS_LayerVector.ForEach function. | |
TGIS_ShapeEvent | Standard event for PaintXXXX. | |
TGIS_ShapeFieldChangeEvent | Callback prototype for TGIS_LayerVector.OnShapeAttributeChange function. | |
TGIS_ShapePosEvent | Standard event for OnPaintLabelPos. | |