DK for Delphi | FMX.GisViewerWnd.TGIS_ViewerWnd | Constructors | Methods | Properties | Events
Name | Visibility | Description | |
Add | public | Add a layer to the Viewer. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.Add) |
AddHierarchy | public | Read hierarchy and build groups with layers. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.AddHierarchy) |
AssignedBusyEvent | public | Reference to a help event handler assigned to the Viewer. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.AssignedBusyEvent) |
AssignedHelpEvent | public | Reference to a busy event handler assigned to the Viewer. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.AssignedHelpEvent) |
AttachLayer | public | Attach layer to the viewer by re-parenting. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.AttachLayer) |
BeginPaintInternal | public | Notify viewer about entering of a paint mode. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.BeginPaintInternal) |
BusyPrepare | public | Prepare BusyEvent for long-term operation. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.BusyPrepare) |
BusyRelease | public | Release Busy state. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.BusyRelease) |
BusyShake | public | Shake Busy state. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.BusyShake) |
CenterViewport | public | Set viewport to the vale when _ptg will be visible on the center of the screen. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.CenterViewport) |
ChangeHash | public | Change hash. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.ChangeHash) |
Close | public | Close a project. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.Close) |
ControlAutoCenterViewport | public | Move the screen origin of the map by delta values. (Implements IGIS_ViewerParent.ControlAutoCenterViewport) |
ControlCanvasHeight | public | Get canvas height. (Implements IGIS_ViewerParent.ControlCanvasHeight) |
ControlCanvasScale | public | Get canvas scale. (Implements IGIS_ViewerParent.ControlCanvasScale) |
ControlCanvasWidth | public | Get canvas width. (Implements IGIS_ViewerParent.ControlCanvasWidth) |
ControlClose | public | Notify control that is map is going to be closed. (Implements IGIS_ViewerParent.ControlClose) |
ControlDrawTexture(TObject; TGIS_Extent; Integer) | public | Draw texture. (Implements IGIS_ViewerParent.ControlDrawTexture) |
ControlDrawTexture(TObject; TGIS_LayerAbstract; TGIS_Extent; Integer) | public | Draw texture. (Implements IGIS_ViewerParent.ControlDrawTexture) |
ControlExtentChanged | public | Notify control that is map extent was changed (Implements IGIS_ViewerParent.ControlExtentChanged) |
ControlFlash | public | Do flash. (Implements IGIS_ViewerParent.ControlFlash) |
ControlHourglassHide | public | Do Hourglass hide. (Implements IGIS_ViewerParent.ControlHourglassHide) |
ControlHourglassShake | public | Do Hourglass shake. (Implements IGIS_ViewerParent.ControlHourglassShake) |
ControlHourglassShow | public | Do Hourglass show. (Implements IGIS_ViewerParent.ControlHourglassShow) |
ControlPPI | public | Get current PPI. (Implements IGIS_ViewerParent.ControlPPI) |
ControlProcessMessages | public | Do process messages. (Implements IGIS_ViewerParent.ControlProcessMessages) |
ControlRaiseEditorChangeEvent | public | Raise event on editor change. (Implements IGIS_ViewerParent.ControlRaiseEditorChangeEvent) |
ControlRenderer | public | Get renderer instance. (Implements IGIS_ViewerParent.ControlRenderer) |
ControlRepaint | public | Repaint control. (Implements IGIS_ViewerParent.ControlRepaint) |
ControlSet3DMode | public | Set current 3D mode. (Implements IGIS_ViewerParent.ControlSet3DMode) |
ControlSystemPPI | public | Get system PPI. (Implements IGIS_ViewerParent.ControlSystemPPI) |
ControlUpdateBasemap | public | Update basemap. (Implements IGIS_ViewerParent.ControlUpdateBasemap) |
ControlUpdateEditor | public | Update the editor. (Implements IGIS_ViewerParent.ControlUpdateEditor) |
ControlUpdateProgressive | public | Progressive update. (Implements IGIS_ViewerParent.ControlUpdateProgressive) |
ControlUpdateSelection | public | Update Selection layer. (Implements IGIS_ViewerParent.ControlUpdateSelection) |
ControlUpdateSynchronize | public | Wait for pending paint operation to be finalized. (Implements IGIS_ViewerParent.ControlUpdateSynchronize) |
ControlUpdateTopmost | public | Update Topmost layer. (Implements IGIS_ViewerParent.ControlUpdateTopmost) |
ControlUpdateWholeMap | public | Update whole map. (Implements IGIS_ViewerParent.ControlUpdateWholeMap) |
Delete | public | Delete the layer identified by a name. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.Delete) |
DoMouseDown | public | Execute operation equal to the reaction to a mouse down event. | |
DoMouseMove | public | Execute operation equal to the reaction to a mouse move event. | |
DoMouseUp | public | Execute operation equal to the reaction to a mouse up event. | |
Draw | public | Draw all layers on a current renderer. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.Draw) |
EndPaintInternal | public | Notify viewer about leaving of a paint mode. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.EndPaintInternal) |
FullExtent | public | Calculate the screen origin, zoom, and viewport to place the whole map in the window. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.FullExtent) |
FullExtentZoom | public | Calculates a zoom which places the whole map inside the window (Implements IGIS_Viewer.FullExtentZoom) |
Get | public | Retrieve the layer identified by a name. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.Get) |
GetCacheBitmap | public | Return a copy of last cache bitmap. | |
GetGrid | public | Fills provided _grid array with values defined by _extent. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.GetGrid) |
GetRenderContext | public | Return current context object. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.GetRenderContext) |
GetViewer | public | Get internal viewer handle. (Implements IGIS_ViewerParent.GetViewer) |
HourglassActive | public | Test is hourglass is active. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.HourglassActive) |
HourglassPrepare | public | Prepare Hourglass cursor for timely operation. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.HourglassPrepare) |
HourglassRelease | public | Release Hourglass. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.HourglassRelease) |
HourglassRestart | public | Restart hourglass timing used for progressive updates. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.HourglassRestart) |
HourglassShake | public | Shake Hourglass. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.HourglassShake) |
Interrupt | public | Will terminate timely operation as soon as possible. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.Interrupt) |
Interrupted | public | Test if any pending operation must be aborted. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.Interrupted) |
InvalidateBasemap | public | Invalidate only basemap layers. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.InvalidateBasemap) |
InvalidateEditor | public | Invalidate editor. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.InvalidateEditor) |
InvalidateExtent(TGIS_Extent) | public | Invalidate an extent for full map redraw (Implements IGIS_Viewer.InvalidateExtent) |
InvalidateExtent(TGIS_Extent; Boolean) | public | Invalidate an extent. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.InvalidateExtent) |
InvalidateSelection | public | Invalidate selection. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.InvalidateSelection) |
InvalidateTopmost | public | Invalidate only topmost layers. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.InvalidateTopmost) |
InvalidateWholeMap | public | Invalidate whole map. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.InvalidateWholeMap) |
Locate(TGIS_Point; Double) | public | Locate a shape that is near _ptg, but is closer than _prec distance. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.Locate) |
Locate(TGIS_Point; Double; Boolean) | public | Locate a shape that is near _ptg, but is closer than _prec distance. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.Locate) |
Locate(TPoint; Integer) | public | Locate a shape that is near _pt, but is closer than _prec distance. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.Locate) |
LocateEx | public | Locate shapes on layers that are near _ptg, but closer than _prec distance. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.LocateEx) |
Lock | public | Lock viewer. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.Lock) |
MapToScreen | public | Converts point coordinates from map related to screen related. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.MapToScreen) |
MapToScreen3D | public | Converts 3D point coordinates from map related to screen related. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.MapToScreen3D) |
MapToScreenEx | public | Converts point coordinates from map related to screen related, but result will be in TGIS_Point. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.MapToScreenEx) |
MapToScreenRect | public | Converts rectangle coordinates from map related to screen related. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.MapToScreenRect) |
MarkModified | public | Mark viewer upon some modifications. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.MarkModified) |
MoveViewport | public | Move the screen origin of the map by delta values. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.MoveViewport) |
MoveViewportEx | public | Move the screen origin of the map by delta values. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.MoveViewportEx) |
MustSave | public | Check if any layer or the project file was modified by editing. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.MustSave) |
NotifyPaintException | public | Transform underlying exception into TGIS_Viewer.OnPaintException (Implements IGIS_Viewer.NotifyPaintException) |
NotifySubscribers | public | Send notification to subscribers. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.NotifySubscribers) |
Open(String) | public | Open project. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.Open) |
Open(String; Boolean) | public | Open project. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.Open) |
OpenEx(TGIS_ConfigAbstract; String) | public | Open project file from the memory. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.OpenEx) |
OpenEx(TGIS_ConfigAbstract; String; Boolean) | public | Open project file from the memory. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.OpenEx) |
PixelsToTwips | public | Convert size from device dependent pixels to device independent Twips (1/1440 inch). (Implements IGIS_Viewer.PixelsToTwips) |
public | Print the current viewer content using the default printer. (Implements IGIS_ViewerWnd.Print) |
Print(IGIS_Printer) | public | Print the current viewer content using the given printer. (Implements IGIS_ViewerWnd.Print) |
PrintBmp(FMX.Types.TBitmap) | public | Print the current content on a bitmap. | |
PrintBmp(FMX.Types.TBitmap; Boolean) | public | Print the current content on a bitmap. | |
PrintBmp(TGIS_Bitmap) | public | Print the current content on a bitmap. (Implements IGIS_ViewerWnd.PrintBmp) |
PrintBmp(TGIS_Bitmap; Boolean) | public | Print the current content on a bitmap. (Implements IGIS_ViewerWnd.PrintBmp) |
PrintClipboard | public | Print the current view to the clipboard. | |
PrintClipboard(Boolean) | public | Print the current view to the clipboard. | |
RaiseBusyEvent | public | Fire Busy event of a viewer. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.RaiseBusyEvent) |
RaiseHelpEvent | public | Fire Busy event of a viewer. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.RaiseHelpEvent) |
ReadConfig | public | Read all configuration data from project. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.ReadConfig) |
RecalcExtent | public | Calculates a common extent. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.RecalcExtent) |
ReParent | public | Set a new parent for the viewer. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.ReParent) |
ReParentLock | public | Block reparenting. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.ReParentLock) |
ReParentUnlock | public | Unblock reparenting. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.ReParentUnlock) |
Reposition | public | Reposition the map within the component window. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.Reposition) |
RereadConfig | public | Reread all configuration data from project and layer configuration files. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.RereadConfig) |
RestorePaintState | public | Restore and free the current paint state. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.RestorePaintState) |
RevertAll | public | Revert all layers to a file-based original. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.RevertAll) |
RotatedExtent | public | Compute extent (encompassing area of the extent) after the viewer rotation. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.RotatedExtent) |
RotatedPoint | public | Compute position of the point after the viewer rotation. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.RotatedPoint) |
RotatedPoint3D | public | Compute position of the 3D point after the viewer rotation. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.RotatedPoint3D) |
RotatedPoint3D_ref | public | Compute position of the 3D point after the viewer rotation. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.RotatedPoint3D_ref) |
SaveAll | public | Save all layers (parameters and data) (Implements IGIS_Viewer.SaveAll) |
SaveData | public | Save all changes to the data. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.SaveData) |
SaveProject | public | Save current project. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.SaveProject) |
SaveProject(Boolean) | public | Save current project. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.SaveProject) |
SaveProjectAs(String) | public | Save current project under new name. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.SaveProjectAs) |
SaveProjectAs(String; Boolean) | public | Save current project under new name. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.SaveProjectAs) |
SaveProjectAsEx(TGIS_ConfigAbstract; String) | public | Save current project under new name. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.SaveProjectAsEx) |
SaveProjectAsEx(TGIS_ConfigAbstract; String; Boolean) | public | Save current project under new name. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.SaveProjectAsEx) |
ScreenToMap | public | Converts point coordinates from screen related to map related. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.ScreenToMap) |
ScreenToMap3D | public | Converts point coordinates from screen related to map related. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.ScreenToMap3D) |
ScreenToMapEx | public | Converts point coordinates from screen related to map related, but source will be in TGIS_Point. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.ScreenToMapEx) |
ScreenToMapRect | public | Converts rectangle coordinates from screen related to map related. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.ScreenToMapRect) |
SetCSByEPSG | public | Setup Coordinate System to a coordinate system provided by EPSG code. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.SetCSByEPSG) |
SetCSByWKT | public | Setup Coordinate System to a coordinate system provided by WKT string (GEOGCS or PROJCS). (Implements IGIS_Viewer.SetCSByWKT) |
SetCSByWKTFile | public | Setup Coordinate System to a coordinate system provided by file which contains WKT string (GEOGCS or PROJCS). (Implements IGIS_Viewer.SetCSByWKTFile) |
SetViewer | public | Set internal viewer handle. (Implements IGIS_ViewerParent.SetViewer) |
SetViewport | public | Set viewport to a given position. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.SetViewport) |
StorePaintState | public | Store the current paint state. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.StorePaintState) |
Subscribe | public | Add provided control to the notification subscription list. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.Subscribe) |
SynchronizePaint | public | Wait for pending paint operation to be finalized. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.SynchronizePaint) |
TapDouble | protected | Call action equivalent to double tap. | |
TapLong | protected | Call action equivalent to long tap (tap and keep tapped). | |
TapSingle | protected | Call action equivalent to single tap. | |
TwipsToPixels | public | Convert the size from to device independent Twips (1/1440 inch) to device dependent pixels. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.TwipsToPixels) |
TwipsToPoints | public | Convert the size from to device independent Twips (1/1440 inch) to device points. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.TwipsToPoints) |
Unlock | public | Unlock viewer. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.Unlock) |
Unlock(Boolean) | public | Unlock the viewer but do not redraw (Implements IGIS_Viewer.Unlock) |
UnrotatedExtent | public | Compute original extent of the rotated extent. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.UnrotatedExtent) |
UnrotatedPoint | public | Compute original position of the rotated point. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.UnrotatedPoint) |
UnrotatedPoint3D | public | Compute original position of the rotated 3D point. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.UnrotatedPoint3D) |
UnrotatedPoint3D_ref | public | Compute original position of the rotated 3D point. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.UnrotatedPoint3D_ref) |
UnSubscribe | public | Remove provided control from the notification subscription list. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.UnSubscribe) |
WaitForBackgroundProcesses | public | Wait for any pending background processes that must be finalized before app can continue. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.WaitForBackgroundProcesses) |
WaitForNotBusy | public | Call _proc when viewer will fully end painting procees. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.WaitForNotBusy) |
WriteConfig | public | Write all configuration data to the project or layer ini file. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.WriteConfig) |
ZoomBy | public | Zoom the viewer. (Implements IGIS_ViewerWnd.ZoomBy) |