DK for Delphi | FMX.GisViewerWnd.TGIS_ViewerWnd.SetCSByWKTFile | Constructors | Methods | Properties | Events
Setup Coordinate System to a coordinate system provided by file which contains WKT string (GEOGCS or PROJCS). If file does not exist or provided WKT string is empty then coordinate system will be turned off.
Available also on: .NET WinForms | Java | ActiveX.
Implements IGIS_Viewer.SetCSByWKTFile.
// Delphi public procedure SetCSByWKTFile( const _path : String );
// C++ Builder public: void SetCSByWKTFile( const UnicodeString _path );
Name | Type | Description |
_path | String | path with WKT string (for example shapefile .PRJ) |