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TGIS_ViewerWnd properties


Inherited Protected
Name Visibility Description
Action published Standard FMX property.
ActiveBackgroundColor public Active Background color.
Align published Standard FMX property.
Anchors published Standard FMX property.
AutoCenter published If True, then the screen will be centered on click, edit, etc.
AutoStyle published If True, layers added to the viewer will have a unique style applied; Default is False.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.AutoStyle)
BackgroundColor published Background color.
BigExtent public Map extent.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.BigExtent)
BigExtentMargin published Map extent margin.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.BigExtentMargin)
BusyLevel public Level of current busy state.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.BusyLevel)
BusyText public Text related to current busy state.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.BusyText)
Center public Center the screen based on given point.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.Center)
CenterPtg public Point on which Viewer will be centered during Zoom.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.CenterPtg)
Color public Background color.
(Inherited from IGIS_Viewer)
Copyright public Legal notice and product version.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.Copyright)
CS public Coordinate System assigned to the viewer.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.CS)
CursorFor3DSelect published Cursor for TGIS_Viewer3DMode.Select.
CursorForCameraPosition published Cursor for TGIS_Viewer3DMode.CameraPosition If not set (equal crDefault) then built-in cursor default for this Mode will be used.
CursorForCameraRotation published Cursor for TGIS_Viewer3DMode.CameraRotation.
CursorForCameraXY published Cursor for TGIS_Viewer3DMode.CameraXY.
CursorForCameraXYZ published Cursor for TGIS_Viewer3DMode.CameraXYZ.
CursorForCameraZoom published Cursor for TGIS_Viewer3DMode.Zoom.
CursorForDrag published Cursor for TGIS_ViewerMode.Drag mode (dragging a map within the component window).
CursorForEdit published Cursor for TGIS_ViewerMode.Edit mode (editing a feature on a map).
CursorForSelect published Cursor for TGIS_ViewerMode.Select mode (selecting items on a map).
CursorForSunPosition published Cursor for TGIS_Viewer3DMode.SunPosition.
CursorForUserDefined published Cursor for TGIS_ViewerMode.UserDefined mode.
CursorForZoom published Cursor for TGIS_ViewerMode.Zoom mode (zooming a map using a rubber-band rectangle).
CursorForZoomEx published Cursor for TGIS_ViewerMode.ZoomEx mode (zooming a map interactively).
CustomData public List of custom, user-defined data.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.CustomData)
CustomPPI published Custom resolution in pixels-per-inch.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.CustomPPI)
DelayedUpdate published Delayed update threshold in milliseconds.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.DelayedUpdate)
Editor public Editor context.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.Editor)
Enabled published Standard FMX property.
Extent public Map extent.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.Extent)
FileCopyrights public List Copyrights
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.FileCopyrights)
FontScale published Font magnifying factor in percents.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.FontScale)
FullDrawExtent public Extent of full current/last drawing area including margin and w/o tiling.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.FullDrawExtent)
Graticule public Graticule object.
Height published Standard FMX property.
Hierarchy public Hierarchy list.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.Hierarchy)
HiRes published HiRes support.
HitTest published Standard FMX property.
IncrementalPaint published Is partial drawing to screen done in incremental mode?
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.IncrementalPaint)
InPaint public True if Viewer is busy in Paint procedure.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.InPaint)
IsBusy public True if Viewer is busy.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.IsBusy)
IsEmpty public True if Viewer is empty (no layers).
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.IsEmpty)
IsLocked public True if Viewer is in locked state Lock.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.IsLocked)
IsTopmost public True if Viewer has a topmost layer.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.IsTopmost)
Items public All layers.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.Items)
KeepScale published True if a viewer should maintain scale upon resize.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.KeepScale)
LabelsReg public Labels position allocator object.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.LabelsReg)
Level public Sets and gets zoom level for a viewer.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.Level)
Locked published Standard FMX property.
Margins published Standard FMX property.
MasterViewer public Master Viewer reference.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.MasterViewer)
MinZoomSize published Minimal size of the zooming rectangle.
Mode published Mode of reaction to mouse events.
ModeMouseButton published Active button for Mode operations (dragging, selecting ...).
MultiUserMode published Multiuser mode.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.MultiUserMode)
Opacity published Standard FMX property.
OverlappedExtentMargin public Overlapped extent margin (in pixels).
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.OverlappedExtentMargin)
Padding published Standard FMX property.
PopupMenu published Standard FMX property.
Position published Standard FMX property.
PPI public Rendering resolution in pixels-per-inch.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.PPI)
ProgressiveUpdate published Progressive update threshold in milliseconds.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.ProgressiveUpdate)
ProjectFile public Project file itself as opened in Open procedure.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.ProjectFile)
ProjectName public Project file name as opened in Open procedure.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.ProjectName)
Renderer public Currently operating renderer.
RestrictedDrag published If true, then you can not drag outside the map Extent.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.RestrictedDrag)
RestrictedExtent public Restricted Map extent.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.RestrictedExtent)
RotationAngle published Standard FMX property.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.RotationAngle)
RotationAngleEx public
RotationCenter published Standard FMX property.
RotationPoint public Point of viewer rotation in map units.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.RotationPoint)
Scale public Setting up and reading the scale factor.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.Scale)
ScaleAsFloat public Setting up and reading the scale factor.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.ScaleAsFloat)
ScaleAsText public Setting up and reading the scale factor as text in format '1:10000'.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.ScaleAsText)
SelectionColor published Color for selected objects.
SelectionGisColor public Color used for selecting object.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.SelectionGisColor)
SelectionOutlineOnly published If true then polygons will be marked only with outline not a full fill.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.SelectionOutlineOnly)
SelectionTransparency published Transparency value for selection; if 100 SelectionGisColor will not be transparent.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.SelectionTransparency)
SelectionWidth published Outline width of selection area (>0 in twips, <0 in pixels).
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.SelectionWidth)
Size published Standard FMX property.
SystemPPI public System resolution in pixels-per-inch.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.SystemPPI)
TabOrder published Standard FMX property.
TabStop published Standard FMX property.
TemporaryScaleInternal public Used to force rendering in a different scale then actual.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.TemporaryScaleInternal)
TemporaryVisibleExtent public Used to force rendering labels while drawing with tiles.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.TemporaryVisibleExtent)
TiledPaint published Is partial drawing to screen done in tiled mode?
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.TiledPaint)
TouchTargetExpansion published Standard FMX property.
UponDestroy public True if viewer is upon destruction so some operations (like screen updates) should not be performed
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.UponDestroy)
UseAnimations published True if animation upon zooming are allowed.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.UseAnimations)
UseRTree published True if RTree will be used by default upon creation of any layer.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.UseRTree)
View3D public 3D state; If set to true them Viewer is in a 3D mode.
Viewer3D public 3D Viewer object.
ViewerParent public Parent for the current IGIS_Viewer object.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.ViewerParent)
ViewerParentRoot public Parent for the current IGIS_Viewer object.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.ViewerParentRoot)
Viewport public Setting an upper left corner position of the components window within the map.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.Viewport)
Visible published Standard FMX property.
VisibleExtent public Extent of the map that is visible in the window.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.VisibleExtent)
Width published Standard FMX property.
Zoom public Setting up and reading the related zoom factor.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.Zoom)
ZoomEx public Setting up and reading the absolute zoom factor.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer.ZoomEx)

2025/01/31 01:06

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