DK for Delphi | FMX.GisViewerWnd.TGIS_ViewerWnd | Constructors | Methods | Properties | Events | Events
Name | Visibility | Description | |
Action | published | Standard FMX property. | |
ActiveBackgroundColor | public | Active Background color. | |
Align | published | Standard FMX property. | |
Anchors | published | Standard FMX property. | |
AutoCenter | published | If True, then the screen will be centered on click, edit, etc. | |
AutoStyle | published | If True, layers added to the viewer will have a unique style applied; Default is False. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.AutoStyle) |
BackgroundColor | published | Background color. | |
BigExtent | public | Map extent. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.BigExtent) |
BigExtentMargin | published | Map extent margin. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.BigExtentMargin) |
BusyLevel | public | Level of current busy state. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.BusyLevel) |
BusyText | public | Text related to current busy state. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.BusyText) |
Center | public | Center the screen based on given point. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.Center) |
CenterPtg | public | Point on which Viewer will be centered during Zoom. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.CenterPtg) |
Color | public | Background color. (Inherited from IGIS_Viewer) |
Copyright | public | Legal notice and product version. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.Copyright) |
CS | public | Coordinate System assigned to the viewer. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.CS) |
CursorFor3DSelect | published | Cursor for TGIS_Viewer3DMode.Select. | |
CursorForCameraPosition | published | Cursor for TGIS_Viewer3DMode.CameraPosition If not set (equal crDefault) then built-in cursor default for this Mode will be used. | |
CursorForCameraRotation | published | Cursor for TGIS_Viewer3DMode.CameraRotation. | |
CursorForCameraXY | published | Cursor for TGIS_Viewer3DMode.CameraXY. | |
CursorForCameraXYZ | published | Cursor for TGIS_Viewer3DMode.CameraXYZ. | |
CursorForCameraZoom | published | Cursor for TGIS_Viewer3DMode.Zoom. | |
CursorForDrag | published | Cursor for TGIS_ViewerMode.Drag mode (dragging a map within the component window). | |
CursorForEdit | published | Cursor for TGIS_ViewerMode.Edit mode (editing a feature on a map). | |
CursorForSelect | published | Cursor for TGIS_ViewerMode.Select mode (selecting items on a map). | |
CursorForSunPosition | published | Cursor for TGIS_Viewer3DMode.SunPosition. | |
CursorForUserDefined | published | Cursor for TGIS_ViewerMode.UserDefined mode. | |
CursorForZoom | published | Cursor for TGIS_ViewerMode.Zoom mode (zooming a map using a rubber-band rectangle). | |
CursorForZoomEx | published | Cursor for TGIS_ViewerMode.ZoomEx mode (zooming a map interactively). | |
CustomData | public | List of custom, user-defined data. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.CustomData) |
CustomPPI | published | Custom resolution in pixels-per-inch. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.CustomPPI) |
DelayedUpdate | published | Delayed update threshold in milliseconds. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.DelayedUpdate) |
Editor | public | Editor context. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.Editor) |
Enabled | published | Standard FMX property. | |
Extent | public | Map extent. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.Extent) |
FileCopyrights | public | List Copyrights (Implements IGIS_Viewer.FileCopyrights) |
FontScale | published | Font magnifying factor in percents. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.FontScale) |
FullDrawExtent | public | Extent of full current/last drawing area including margin and w/o tiling. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.FullDrawExtent) |
Graticule | public | Graticule object. | |
Height | published | Standard FMX property. | |
Hierarchy | public | Hierarchy list. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.Hierarchy) |
HiRes | published | HiRes support. | |
HitTest | published | Standard FMX property. | |
IncrementalPaint | published | Is partial drawing to screen done in incremental mode? (Implements IGIS_Viewer.IncrementalPaint) |
InPaint | public | True if Viewer is busy in Paint procedure. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.InPaint) |
IsBusy | public | True if Viewer is busy. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.IsBusy) |
IsEmpty | public | True if Viewer is empty (no layers). (Implements IGIS_Viewer.IsEmpty) |
IsLocked | public | True if Viewer is in locked state Lock. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.IsLocked) |
IsTopmost | public | True if Viewer has a topmost layer. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.IsTopmost) |
Items | public | All layers. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.Items) |
KeepScale | published | True if a viewer should maintain scale upon resize. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.KeepScale) |
LabelsReg | public | Labels position allocator object. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.LabelsReg) |
Level | public | Sets and gets zoom level for a viewer. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.Level) |
Locked | published | Standard FMX property. | |
Margins | published | Standard FMX property. | |
MasterViewer | public | Master Viewer reference. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.MasterViewer) |
MinZoomSize | published | Minimal size of the zooming rectangle. | |
Mode | published | Mode of reaction to mouse events. | |
ModeMouseButton | published | Active button for Mode operations (dragging, selecting ...). | |
MultiUserMode | published | Multiuser mode. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.MultiUserMode) |
Opacity | published | Standard FMX property. | |
OverlappedExtentMargin | public | Overlapped extent margin (in pixels). (Implements IGIS_Viewer.OverlappedExtentMargin) |
Padding | published | Standard FMX property. | |
PopupMenu | published | Standard FMX property. | |
Position | published | Standard FMX property. | |
PPI | public | Rendering resolution in pixels-per-inch. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.PPI) |
ProgressiveUpdate | published | Progressive update threshold in milliseconds. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.ProgressiveUpdate) |
ProjectFile | public | Project file itself as opened in Open procedure. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.ProjectFile) |
ProjectName | public | Project file name as opened in Open procedure. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.ProjectName) |
Renderer | public | Currently operating renderer. | |
RestrictedDrag | published | If true, then you can not drag outside the map Extent. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.RestrictedDrag) |
RestrictedExtent | public | Restricted Map extent. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.RestrictedExtent) |
RotationAngle | published | Standard FMX property. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.RotationAngle) |
RotationAngleEx | public | ||
RotationCenter | published | Standard FMX property. | |
RotationPoint | public | Point of viewer rotation in map units. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.RotationPoint) |
Scale | public | Setting up and reading the scale factor. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.Scale) |
ScaleAsFloat | public | Setting up and reading the scale factor. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.ScaleAsFloat) |
ScaleAsText | public | Setting up and reading the scale factor as text in format '1:10000'. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.ScaleAsText) |
SelectionColor | published | Color for selected objects. | |
SelectionGisColor | public | Color used for selecting object. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.SelectionGisColor) |
SelectionOutlineOnly | published | If true then polygons will be marked only with outline not a full fill. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.SelectionOutlineOnly) |
SelectionTransparency | published | Transparency value for selection; if 100 SelectionGisColor will not be transparent. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.SelectionTransparency) |
SelectionWidth | published | Outline width of selection area (>0 in twips, <0 in pixels). (Implements IGIS_Viewer.SelectionWidth) |
Size | published | Standard FMX property. | |
SystemPPI | public | System resolution in pixels-per-inch. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.SystemPPI) |
TabOrder | published | Standard FMX property. | |
TabStop | published | Standard FMX property. | |
TemporaryScaleInternal | public | Used to force rendering in a different scale then actual. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.TemporaryScaleInternal) |
TemporaryVisibleExtent | public | Used to force rendering labels while drawing with tiles. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.TemporaryVisibleExtent) |
TiledPaint | published | Is partial drawing to screen done in tiled mode? (Implements IGIS_Viewer.TiledPaint) |
TouchTargetExpansion | published | Standard FMX property. | |
UponDestroy | public | True if viewer is upon destruction so some operations (like screen updates) should not be performed (Implements IGIS_Viewer.UponDestroy) |
UseAnimations | published | True if animation upon zooming are allowed. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.UseAnimations) |
UseRTree | published | True if RTree will be used by default upon creation of any layer. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.UseRTree) |
View3D | public | 3D state; If set to true them Viewer is in a 3D mode. | |
Viewer3D | public | 3D Viewer object. | |
ViewerParent | public | Parent for the current IGIS_Viewer object. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.ViewerParent) |
ViewerParentRoot | public | Parent for the current IGIS_Viewer object. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.ViewerParentRoot) |
Viewport | public | Setting an upper left corner position of the components window within the map. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.Viewport) |
Visible | published | Standard FMX property. | |
VisibleExtent | public | Extent of the map that is visible in the window. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.VisibleExtent) |
Width | published | Standard FMX property. | |
Zoom | public | Setting up and reading the related zoom factor. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.Zoom) |
ZoomEx | public | Setting up and reading the absolute zoom factor. (Implements IGIS_Viewer.ZoomEx) |