DK for Java | tatukgis.jdk | Enums | Classes | Interfaces | Delegates | Types
Name | Description |
EGIS_Exception | Exception class for all GIS_Viewer exceptions. |
EGIS_PaintException | Exception class for GIS_Viewer paint exceptions. |
PaintAdapter | Adapter for PaintListener |
PaintEvent | Paint event. |
RenderAdapter | Render adapter. |
RenderEvent | Renderer event |
TGIS_AddressMatching | Class supports address matching according to defined formulas. |
TGIS_AggregatorAbstract | Extension of base class TGIS_DynamicAggregatorAbstract for TGIS_LayerVector.DynamicAggregator implementation. |
TGIS_AggregatorBinningAbstract | Base class for dynamic binning. |
TGIS_AggregatorBinningHexagonAbstract | Base class for dynamic binning using hexagonal grid. |
TGIS_AggregatorBinningHexagonFlat | This class implements the binning method using a flat-topped hexagonal grid. |
TGIS_AggregatorBinningHexagonPointy | This class implements the binning method using a pointy-topped hexagonal grid. |
TGIS_AggregatorBinningSquare | This class implements the binning method using a square grid. |
TGIS_AggregatorClusteringAbstract | Base class for dynamic clustering. |
TGIS_AggregatorClusteringHexagonalGridAbstract | Base class for dynamic clustering using hexagonal grid. |
TGIS_AggregatorClusteringHexagonalGridFlat | This class implements the clustering method using a flat-topped hexagonal grid. |
TGIS_AggregatorClusteringHexagonalGridPointy | This class implements the clustering method using a pointy-topped hexagonal grid. |
TGIS_AggregatorClusteringMovingAverage | This class implements the clustering method using a moving average technique. |
TGIS_AggregatorClusteringSquareGrid | This class implements the clustering method using a square grid. |
TGIS_AggregatorShapeReduction | This class implements the aggregation method based on shape reduction. |
TGIS_AliasList | List for aliases. |
TGIS_AltitudeZone | Array of mapping between altitude and color. |
TGIS_AnyConnection | Abstract class for internal use only. |
TGIS_ArcGISFeatureServer | Encapsulation of ArcGIS feature server. |
TGIS_ArcGISFeatureServerLayer | Feature Service info. |
TGIS_Bitmap | Platform independent Bitmap (same object for all platforms). |
TGIS_BitmapAbstract | Platform dependent Bitmap implementation. |
TGIS_BitmapFactory | Platform independent factory for platform dependent TGIS_Bitmap object. |
TGIS_Brush | Platform independent brush class. |
TGIS_BufferedFileStream | Buffered file stream. |
TGIS_BufferedStream | Buffered stream. |
TGIS_BusyEventArgs | Provides data for the Busy event. |
TGIS_BusyEventManager | Class useful for progress implementation in single or multistage algorithms. |
TGIS_Bytes | Helper class like TBytes, but with setting start position. |
TGIS_ClassificationAbstract | General class that enables performing advanced data classification in the process of creating choropleth (thematic) maps. |
TGIS_ClassificationFactory | Class for creating classification objects depending on the layer's type. |
TGIS_ClassificationPixel | Class that enables performing advanced pixel data classification in the process of creating choropleth (thematic) maps. |
TGIS_ClassificationVector | Class that enables performing advanced vector data classification in the process of creating choropleth (thematic) maps. |
TGIS_Color | Platform independent color declaration. |
TGIS_ColorMap | Array of color map for ramps. |
TGIS_ColorMapEx | Array of color map for ramps. |
TGIS_ColorRampList | List object for color ramps. |
TGIS_ColorRampNames | Represents a collection of predefined color ramp names as constants. |
TGIS_Complex | Complex number. |
TGIS_Config | Encapsulation of layer configuration file. |
TGIS_ConfigAbstract | Stub parent for TGIS_Config. |
TGIS_ConfigFactory | Encapsulation of configuration file factory. |
TGIS_ConfigIni | Encapsulation of layer configuration file. |
TGIS_ConfigProjectIni | Encapsulation of project configuration file. |
TGIS_ConfigProjectXml | Encapsulation of project configuration file. |
TGIS_ConfigShapeStyle | Encapsulation of shape level style. |
TGIS_ConfigXml | Encapsulation of layer configuration file. |
TGIS_ContourGenerator | Implementation of the contour (isohypse) generation algorithm for grid/DEM layers. |
TGIS_ControlAttributes | Visual Shape attributes component. |
TGIS_ControlLegend | Visual Legend component. |
TGIS_ControlLegendDialogOptions | Dialog options. |
TGIS_ControlLegendForm | Visual form for managing various layer properties. |
TGIS_ControlLegendOptionsHelper | TGIS_ControlLegendOptions type helper. |
TGIS_ControlNorthArrow | Visual control for displaying map North Arrow. |
TGIS_ControlPrintPreview | Control for managing print preview. |
TGIS_ControlPrintPreviewForm | Form for managing print preview. |
TGIS_ControlPrintPreviewSimple | Control for managing print preview. |
TGIS_ControlScale | Visual control for displaying map scale. |
TGIS_ControlScaleEventArgs | Provides data for the control scale event. |
TGIS_CSAbstract | Base class for any WKT units |
TGIS_CSAbstractList | Base class for any WKT unit list |
TGIS_CSAbstractListEnumerator | Enumerator for TGIS_CSAbstractList. |
TGIS_CSArea | Area name. |
TGIS_CSAreaList | List of datum area. |
TGIS_CSCoordinateSystem | A Coordinate system. |
TGIS_CSDatum | A datum type. |
TGIS_CSDatumList | List of all datums. |
TGIS_CSEllipsoid | An ellipsoid item. |
TGIS_CSEllipsoidList | List of ellipsoids. |
TGIS_CSFactory | Class to create Coordinate System Object from WKT or EPSG codes. |
TGIS_CSFactoryEsri | Class to create Coordinate System Object from ESRI like projection file. |
TGIS_CSFactoryMapInfo | Class to create Coordinate System Object or extract identifiers and parameters from Mapinfo data. |
TGIS_CSGeographicCoordinateSystem | A Geographic Coordinate system. |
TGIS_CSGeographicCoordinateSystemList | List of all Geographic Coordinate Systems. |
TGIS_CSMapinfoDatumsMap | Map MapInfo datums to build to datums. |
TGIS_CSMapinfoEllipsoidMap | Map MapInfo units (as id) to build to units. |
TGIS_CSMapinfoProjectionsMap | Map MapInfo projections to build to projections. |
TGIS_CSMapinfoUnits2Map | Map MapInfo units (as id) to build to units. |
TGIS_CSMapinfoUnitsMap | Map MapInfo units (as literal) to build to units. |
TGIS_CSPrimeMeridian | Prime meridians. |
TGIS_CSPrimeMeridianList | List of prime meridians. |
TGIS_CSProjAbstract | Class which encapsulates projection. |
TGIS_CSProjAiry | Projection Airy. |
TGIS_CSProjAitof | Projection Aitof. |
TGIS_CSProjAlbers | Projection Albers Equal Area. |
TGIS_CSProjApianGlobular_I | Apian Globular I This component provides conversions between geodetic coordinates (latitude and longitude in radians) and Apian Globular I projection coordinates (easting and northing in meters). |
TGIS_CSProjAugust | Projection August. |
TGIS_CSProjAzimuthalEquidistant | Projection Azimuthal Equal Area. |
TGIS_CSProjBaconGlobular | Projection Bacon Globular. |
TGIS_CSProjBehrmann | Projection Behrmann. |
TGIS_CSProjBipolarConic | Projection Bipolar conic of western hemisphere. |
TGIS_CSProjBoggsEumorphic | Projection Boggs Eumorphic. |
TGIS_CSProjBonne | Projection Bonne. |
TGIS_CSProjBonneSouthOriented | Projection Bonne South Oriented. |
TGIS_CSProjCassini | Projection Cassini. |
TGIS_CSProjCentralCylindrical | Projection Central Cylindrical. |
TGIS_CSProjChamberlinTrimetric | Projection Chamberlin Trimetric. |
TGIS_CSProjChamberlinTrimetric_Record1 | Helper record for Chamberlin Trimetric. |
TGIS_CSProjCollignon | Projection Collignon Pseudocylindrical. |
TGIS_CSProjCrasterParabolic | Projection Parabolic Craster. |
TGIS_CSProjEckert_I | Projection Eckert I. |
TGIS_CSProjEckert_II | Projection Eckert II. |
TGIS_CSProjEckert_III | Projection Eckert III. |
TGIS_CSProjEckert_IV | Projection Eckert IV. |
TGIS_CSProjEckert_V | Projection Eckert V. |
TGIS_CSProjEckert_VI | Projection Eckert VI. |
TGIS_CSProjectedCoordinateSystem | A Projected Coordinate system. |
TGIS_CSProjectedCoordinateSystemList | List of all Projected Coordinate Systems. |
TGIS_CSProjEqualAreaCylindrical | Projection Equal Area Cylindrical. |
TGIS_CSProjEquidistantConic | Projection Equidistant Conic. |
TGIS_CSProjEquidistantTwoPoint | Projection Equidistant Two Point. |
TGIS_CSProjEuler | Projection Euler. |
TGIS_CSProjF16GRS | Projection F-16 Grid Reference System. |
TGIS_CSProjFahey | Projection Fahey. |
TGIS_CSProjFlatPolarParabolic | Projection Flat-Polar Parabolic (McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Parabolic). |
TGIS_CSProjFlatPolarQuartic | Projection Flat-Polar Quartic (McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Quartic). |
TGIS_CSProjFlatPolarSine1 | Projection McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sine (No. |
TGIS_CSProjFlatPolarSine2 | Projection McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sine (No. |
TGIS_CSProjFlatPolarSinusoidal | Projection Flat-Polar Sinusoidal (McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sinusoidal). |
TGIS_CSProjFoucautPseudocylindrical | Projection Prepetit Foucaut Pseudocylindrical. |
TGIS_CSProjFoucautSinusoidal | Projection Foucaut Sinusoidal. |
TGIS_CSProjGallOrthographic | Projection Gall Orthographic. |
TGIS_CSProjGallStereographic | Projection Gall Stereographic. |
TGIS_CSProjGeocentric | Projection Geocentric. |
TGIS_CSProjGEOREF | Projection GEOREF. |
TGIS_CSProjGinsburg_VIII | Projection Ginsburg VIII (TsNIIGAiK). |
TGIS_CSProjGnomic | Projection Gnomic. |
TGIS_CSProjGoodeHomolosine | Projection Goode Homolosine. |
TGIS_CSProjGridAbstract | Base class for string grids systems. |
TGIS_CSProjGS48 | Projection GS48 (Modified Stererographics of 48 U.S). |
TGIS_CSProjGS50 | Projection GS50 (Modified Stererographics of 50 U.S). |
TGIS_CSProjHammer | Projection Hammer & Eckert-Greifendorff. |
TGIS_CSProjHatano | Projection Hatano Asymmetrical Equal Area. |
TGIS_CSProjHotineObliqueMercator | Projection Hotine Oblique Mercator Azimuth. |
TGIS_CSProjHotineObliqueMercatorAzimuthCenter | Projection Hotine Oblique Mercator Azimuth Center. |
TGIS_CSProjHotineObliqueMercatorAzimuthNaturalOrigin | Projection Hotine Oblique Mercator Azimuth Natural Origin. |
TGIS_CSProjHotineObliqueMercatorTwoPoint | Projection Hotine Oblique Mercator Two Point. |
TGIS_CSProjInternationalMapWorldPolyconic | Projection International Map of the World Polyconic. |
TGIS_CSProjKavraisky_V | Projection Kavraisky V. |
TGIS_CSProjKavraisky_VII | Projection Kavraisky VII. |
TGIS_CSProjKrovak | Projection Krovak. |
TGIS_CSProjKrovakModified | Projection Krovak Modified. |
TGIS_CSProjKrovakModifiedNorthOriented | Projection Krovak Modified North Oriented. |
TGIS_CSProjKrovakNorthOriented | Projection Krovak North Oriented. |
TGIS_CSProjLabordeMadagaskar | Projection Laborde Special for Madagaskar. |
TGIS_CSProjLagrange | Projection Lagrange. |
TGIS_CSProjLambert | Projection Lambert Equal Area. |
TGIS_CSProjLambertAzimuthalEqualArea | Projection Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area. |
TGIS_CSProjLambertConformalConic | Projection Lambert Conformal Conic. |
TGIS_CSProjLambertConformalConicWestOriented | Projection Lambert Conformal Conic West Oriented. |
TGIS_CSProjLambertConformalConic_1SP | Projection Lambert Conformal Conic 1SP. |
TGIS_CSProjLandsat | Projection Space Oblique Mercator for Landsat |
TGIS_CSProjLarrivee | Projection Larrivee. |
TGIS_CSProjLaskowski | Projection Laskowski. |
TGIS_CSProjLeeOblatedStereographic | Projection Lee Oblated Stereographic. |
TGIS_CSProjList | List of all projections. |
TGIS_CSProjLoximuthal | Projection Loximuthal. |
TGIS_CSProjMercator | Projection Mercator. |
TGIS_CSProjMercator_1SP_Spherical | Projection Mercator. |
TGIS_CSProjMGRS | Projection Military Reference Grid System (MGRS). |
TGIS_CSProjMillerCylindrical | Projection Miller Cylindrical. |
TGIS_CSProjMillerOblatedStereographic | Projection Miller Oblated Stereographic. |
TGIS_CSProjModifiedStererographicsForAlaska | Projection Modified Stererographics of Alaska. |
TGIS_CSProjMollweide | Projection Mollweide. |
TGIS_CSProjMurdoch_I | Projection Murdoch I. |
TGIS_CSProjMurdoch_II | Projection Murdoch II. |
TGIS_CSProjMurdoch_III | Projection Murdoch III. |
TGIS_CSProjNell | Projection Nell. |
TGIS_CSProjNellHammer | Projection Nell-Hammer. |
TGIS_CSProjNewZealandMapGrid | New Zealand Map Grid. |
TGIS_CSProjNicolosiGlobular | Projection Nicolosi Globular. |
TGIS_CSProjOblatedEqualArea | Projection Oblated Equal Area. |
TGIS_CSProjObliqueCylindricalEqualAreaAzimuth | Projection Oblique Cylindrical Equal Area (Azimuth). |
TGIS_CSProjObliqueCylindricalEqualAreaTwoPoint | Projection Oblique Cylindrical Equal Area (Two Point). |
TGIS_CSProjObliqueStereographic | Oblique Stereographic aka Double Stereographic |
TGIS_CSProjOrteliusOval | Projection Ortelius Oval. |
TGIS_CSProjOrthographic | Projection Orthographic. |
TGIS_CSProjParameters | Projection parameters. |
TGIS_CSProjParametersInternal | Projection parameters. |
TGIS_CSProjPerspectiveConic | Projection Perspective Conic. |
TGIS_CSProjPlateCarree | Projection Plate Carree (Equidistant Cylindrical). |
TGIS_CSProjPolarStereographic | Projection Polar Stereographic. |
TGIS_CSProjPolarStereographic_B | Projection Polar Stereographic B. |
TGIS_CSProjPolarStereographic_C | Projection Polar Stereographic C. |
TGIS_CSProjPolyconicAmerican | Projection Polyconic (American). |
TGIS_CSProjPutnins_P1 | Projection Putnins P1. |
TGIS_CSProjPutnins_P2 | Projection Putnins P2. |
TGIS_CSProjPutnins_P3 | Projection Putnins P3. |
TGIS_CSProjPutnins_P3p | Projection Putnins P3'. |
TGIS_CSProjPutnins_P4p | Projection Putnins P4'. |
TGIS_CSProjPutnins_P5 | Projection Putnins P5. |
TGIS_CSProjPutnins_P5p | Projection Putnins P5'. |
TGIS_CSProjPutnins_P6 | Projection Putnins P6. |
TGIS_CSProjPutnins_P6p | Projection Putnins P6'. |
TGIS_CSProjQuarticAuthalic | Projection Quartic Authalic. |
TGIS_CSProjRectangularPolyconic | Projection Rectangular Polyconic. |
TGIS_CSProjRobinson | Projection Robinson. |
TGIS_CSProjSinusoidal | Projection Sinusoidal (Sanson-Flamsteed). |
TGIS_CSProjStereographic | Projection Stereographic. |
TGIS_CSProjSwissObliqueMercator | Projection Swiss Oblique Mercator. |
TGIS_CSProjTissot | Projection Tissot. |
TGIS_CSProjTransverseCentralCylindrical | Projection Transverse Central Cylindrical. |
TGIS_CSProjTransverseCylindricalEqualArea | Projection Transverse Cylindrical Equal Area. |
TGIS_CSProjTransverseMercator | Projection Transverse Mercator. |
TGIS_CSProjTransverseMercatorOld | Projection Transverse Mercator - old definition. |
TGIS_CSProjTransverseMercatorSouthOriented | Projection Transverse Mercator South Oriented. |
TGIS_CSProjUniversalPolarStereographic | Projection Universal Polar Stereographic. |
TGIS_CSProjUniversalTransverseMercator | Projection Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM). |
TGIS_CSProjUrmaevFlatPolarSinusoidal | Projection Urmaev Flat-Polar Sinusoidal. |
TGIS_CSProjUrmaev_V | Projection Urmaev V. |
TGIS_CSProjVanDerGrinten_I | Projection van der Grinten (I). |
TGIS_CSProjVanDerGrinten_II | Projection van der Grinten II. |
TGIS_CSProjVanDerGrinten_III | Projection van der Grinten III. |
TGIS_CSProjVanDerGrinten_IV | Projection van der Grinten IV. |
TGIS_CSProjVitkovsky_I | Projection Vitkovsky I. |
TGIS_CSProjWagner_I | Projection Wagner I. |
TGIS_CSProjWagner_II | Projection Wagner II. |
TGIS_CSProjWagner_III | Projection Wagner III. |
TGIS_CSProjWagner_IV | Projection Wagner IV. |
TGIS_CSProjWagner_V | Projection Wagner V. |
TGIS_CSProjWagner_VI | Projection Wagner VI. |
TGIS_CSProjWagner_VII | Projection Wagner VII. |
TGIS_CSProjWerenskiold_I | Projection Werenskiold I. |
TGIS_CSProjWerner | Projection Werner. |
TGIS_CSProjWinkelTripel | Projection Winkel Tripel. |
TGIS_CSProjWinkel_I | Projection Winkel I. |
TGIS_CSProjWinkel_II | Projection Winkel II. |
TGIS_CSTransformAbstract | A datum transformation type. |
TGIS_CSTransformCoordinateFrameRotation | A datum transformation type. |
TGIS_CSTransformGeocentricTranslations | A datum transformation type. |
TGIS_CSTransformGeographicalAndHighOffsets | A datum transformation type. |
TGIS_CSTransformGeographicalOffsets | A datum transformation type. |
TGIS_CSTransformGridShift | A datum transformation type. |
TGIS_CSTransformList | List of all datum transformations. |
TGIS_CSTransformMolodenskiBadekas | A datum transformation type. |
TGIS_CSTransformNadcon | A datum transformation type. |
TGIS_CSTransformNTV2 | A datum transformation type. |
TGIS_CSTransformPositionVector7Params | A datum transformation type. |
TGIS_CSUnits | Unit of measurement (linear, angular or areal) |
TGIS_CSUnitsList | List of units. |
TGIS_CSUnknownCoordinateSystem | An Unknown Projected Coordinate system. |
TGIS_CubicSplines | Implementation of cubic splines for path generation in 3D. |
TGIS_CustomPrinterPreview | Encapsulation of custom print preview printer used in preview. |
TGIS_DataSet | Dataset providing data from the TGIS_LayerVector. |
TGIS_DataTable | Object that represents one table data. |
TGIS_DbAbstract | Class that can read database. |
TGIS_DbJdbc | Class that can read Jdbc. |
TGIS_DDFField | ISO 8211 field. |
TGIS_DDFFieldDefn | ISO 8211 field definition. |
TGIS_DDFModule | ISO 8211 module. |
TGIS_DDFRecord | ISO 8211 record. |
TGIS_DDFSubfieldDefn | ISO 8211 subfield definition. |
TGIS_DemGenerator | Fast DEM operations on a 3×3 pixel window. |
TGIS_DemOperation | Basic operation definition to run on dem. |
TGIS_DemOperationAspect | Generate an aspect map from elevation raster. |
TGIS_DemOperationFlowDir | Generate a flow directions map from elevation raster. |
TGIS_DemOperationHillShade | Generate a shaded relief map from elevation raster. |
TGIS_DemOperationMatrixGain | Generate a matrix gained map from elevation raster. |
TGIS_DemOperationRoughness | Generate a roughness map from elevation raster. |
TGIS_DemOperationSlope | Generate a slope map from elevation raster. |
TGIS_DemOperationSlopeHydro | Generate a hydrological slope map from elevation raster. |
TGIS_DemOperationTotalCurvature | Generate a total curvature map from elevation raster. |
TGIS_DemOperationTPI | Generate a Topographic Position Index map from elevation raster. |
TGIS_DemOperationTRI | Generate a Terrain Ruggedness Index map from elevation raster. |
TGIS_DynamicAggregatorAbstract | Base class for TGIS_LayerVector.DynamicAggregator implementation. |
TGIS_DynamicAggregatorFactory | Factory to manage registration and initialization of aggregators. |
TGIS_DynamicAggregatorValue | Aggregated value to be stored in shape TagPointer property. |
TGIS_Editor | Editor encapsulation. |
TGIS_EditorEdgeLengthsStyle | Editor editing edge lengths style. |
TGIS_EditorEditingPointsStyle | Editor editing points style. |
TGIS_EditorHelper | Helper for drawing extra content on canvas during editing. |
TGIS_EditorPartState | For internal use of TGIS_Editor. |
TGIS_EditorPointChangeEventArgs | Provides data for the editor point change event. |
TGIS_EditorPointMoveEventArgs | Provides data for the edited point event. |
TGIS_EditorPointState | For internal use of TGIS_Editor. |
TGIS_EditorSnapPointEventArgs | Provides data for the snap point event. |
TGIS_EditorStyle | Editor style. |
TGIS_EditorToolAbstract | Base editor tool class. |
TGIS_EditorToolArc | Tool for building arc using different modes. |
TGIS_EditorToolCircle | Tool for building circle (center, radius). |
TGIS_EditorToolCircle2P | Tool for building circle based on three points. |
TGIS_EditorToolCircle3P | Tool for building circle based on three points. |
TGIS_EditorToolLine | Tool for building line. |
TGIS_EditorToolLockedParams | Keeps locked parameters for the editor helper. |
TGIS_EditorToolRectangle | Tool for building rectangle. |
TGIS_EditorToolRectangle90 | Tool for building rectangle rotated 90 deg. |
TGIS_EnvironmentInfo | Structure for determining basic environment information. |
TGIS_Extent | Like TRect, but based on doubles instead of integers. |
TGIS_Extent3D | Like TGIS_Extent, but 3rd dimension added. |
TGIS_ExtentUid | Like TRect, but based on doubles instead of integers. |
TGIS_FieldInfo | Field structure information. |
TGIS_FieldList | A field-value list. |
TGIS_FieldRule | Class responsible for complete rule based editing of the attribute field. |
TGIS_FieldRulesOperations | Contains methods for saving and loading fieldrules. |
TGIS_FieldValueAlias | Alias value representation. |
TGIS_FieldValueAliases | List of aliases. |
TGIS_FieldValueCheck | Value check representation. |
TGIS_FieldValueChecks | List of checks. |
TGIS_FieldValues | List of allowed values for a list. |
TGIS_FileBMP | The Class which encapsulates the writing of a bitmap file. |
TGIS_FileDBF | Encapsulation of DBF file access. |
TGIS_FileFGDB | Class for reading FileGeodatabase format. |
TGIS_FileFLT | The Class which encapsulates the writing of a Arcinfo Float(Binary) Grid file. |
TGIS_FileGDAL | The Class which encapsulates the reading/writing of image using GDAL. |
TGIS_FileGeoraster | Georaster store class encapsulation. |
TGIS_FileGRD | The Class which encapsulates the writing of an Arcinfo ASCII Grid file. |
TGIS_FileIFC | Encapsulation of wrapper for IFC format reader. |
TGIS_FileJPEG | The Class which encapsulates the writing of a bitmap file. |
TGIS_FileLAS | The class which encapsulates the reading of LAS files. |
TGIS_FilePixel | The Class which encapsulates the writing of a pixel file. |
TGIS_FilePixelStoreAbstract | Encapsulation of PixelStore storage within SQL database. |
TGIS_FilePixelStoreJdbc | Encapsulation of PixelStore layer via Jdbc. |
TGIS_FilePNG | The Class which encapsulates the writing of a bitmap file. |
TGIS_FileS57 | This clsss reads S-57 files. |
TGIS_FileSHP | Encapsulation of SHP-file low-level access. |
TGIS_FileSHPInternal | Internal SHP/SHX file header. |
TGIS_FileSHX | Encapsulation of SHX-file (SHP index) low-level access. |
TGIS_FileStream | Equivalent to TFileStream. |
TGIS_FileSVG | Class that can read SVG file. |
TGIS_FileTAB | Encapsulation of TAB-file low-level access. |
TGIS_FileTAB_ID | Encapsulation of ID-file (MAP index) low-level access. |
TGIS_FileTAB_MAP | Encapsulation of MAP-file low-level access. |
TGIS_FileTAB_MAPInternal | Internal TAB file header. |
TGIS_FileTIFF | The Class which encapsulates the writing of a bitmap as a TIFF file. |
TGIS_FileTIFFDecoder | Encapsulation of TIFF decoding. |
TGIS_FileTIFFDecodeState | Actual state of decoding. |
TGIS_FileTIFFLZWCompRecord | LZW compressor class |
TGIS_FileVPF | Encapsulation of VPF-file low-level access. |
TGIS_FileWCS | Encapsulation of the WCS file. |
TGIS_FileWFS | Encapsulation of a WFS provider. |
TGIS_FileWMS | Encapsulation of the WMS file. |
TGIS_Font | Platform independent font class. |
TGIS_FontFactory | Platform independent factory for platform dependent TGIS_Font object. |
TGIS_FourierTransform | Encapsulation of one- and two-dimensional Discrete and Fast Fourier Transform (DFT and FFT) for a real-valued signal. |
TGIS_GaussianHeatmap | Fast heatmap generator, creates superposition of normal (Gaussian) distribution for each data point. |
TGIS_Geocoding | Class encapsulates Geocoding support. |
TGIS_GeometryFactory | Factory for converting different formats into a shape and reverse. |
TGIS_GeometryFactoryEnt | Factory for converting different formats into a shape and reverse. |
TGIS_GeorasterBand | Georaster band class encapsulation. |
TGIS_GestureHelper | Windows helper for operation on touch screens. |
TGIS_GestureState | Platform independent gesture state. |
TGIS_GetLayerExtentEventArgs | Provides data to the GetLayerExtent event. |
TGIS_GetLayerLastShapeUidEventArgs | Event fired to get last layer shape uid. |
TGIS_GetLineEventArgs | Provides data to the GetLine event. |
TGIS_GetNativeLineEventArgs | Provides data to the GetNativeLine event. |
TGIS_GetNativeValueEventArgs | Provides data to the GetNativeValue event. |
TGIS_GetShapeFieldEventArgs | Event fired to get shape field value. |
TGIS_GetShapeGeometryEventArgs | Provides data to the GetShapeGeometry event. |
TGIS_GetShapeObjectEventArgs | Event fired to get layer shape. |
TGIS_GPBReader | OSM GPB format reader. |
TGIS_GradientMap | Structure of a gradient color ramp. |
TGIS_GradientMapUnique | Structure of a gradient color ramp. |
TGIS_Graticule | Object which defines graticules behavior. |
TGIS_GraticuleHelper | Helper for drawing graticule. |
TGIS_GraticuleLabel | Object defining graticule labels presentation. |
TGIS_GraticuleStyle | Object defining graticule lines presentation. |
TGIS_GridClass | Class to manage grid data |
TGIS_GridToPoint | Class that enables grid to vector (point) conversion. |
TGIS_GridToPolygon | Class that enables grid to vector (polygon) conversion. |
TGIS_GridToVectorAbstract | Abstract class for all classes which implement vector generation from grid layers. |
TGIS_HatchDefinition | Encapsulation of hatch definition. |
TGIS_HelpEventArgs | Provides data for the help event. |
TGIS_HierarchyGroup | Hierarchy group class. |
TGIS_HierarchyGroupEventArgs | Provides data for the hierarchy group event. |
TGIS_HierarchyManager | Hierarchy manager class. |
TGIS_Hillshade | Hillshade generator for digital terrain models. |
TGIS_HtmlLabel | Formatted HTML label. |
TGIS_HttpResponse | Http response. |
TGIS_Hydrology | A class containing the most commonly used hydrological tools. |
TGIS_IfcElement | Representation of IfcElement. |
TGIS_IfcElementPropertySet | Representation of IfcElement property set. |
TGIS_IfcPropertyInfo | Representation of property info (name, value). |
TGIS_ImportProject | Class for importing MapView & MapInfo projects. |
TGIS_IniFile | Encapsulation of configuration file reader. |
TGIS_InterpolatedPath | Base class for methods for path interpolation. |
TGIS_InterpolationIDW | Implementation of the Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) interpolation method. |
TGIS_InterpolationKriging | Implementation of the ordinary Kriging interpolation method. |
TGIS_InterpolationSplines | Implementation of the Completely Regularized Splines (CRS) interpolation method. |
TGIS_IsochroneMap | Network analysis tool for creating isochrone maps - for a given point finds the network area reachable within a given maximum network traversing cost. |
TGIS_JPEGDecoder | The Class which encapsulates JPEG decoder. |
TGIS_JSONArray | JSON array implementation. |
TGIS_JSONEnumerator | JSON enumerator. |
TGIS_JSONItem | JSON list item. |
TGIS_JSONIter | JSON iter. |
TGIS_JSONIterator | JSON iterator. |
TGIS_JSONList | JSON list. |
TGIS_JSONObject | JSON object implementation. |
TGIS_JSONPair | JSON pair implementation. |
TGIS_JSONPairEnumerator | JSON pair enumerator. |
TGIS_LabelsArea | Label area allocator. |
TGIS_LabelsAreaAbstract | Stub parent for TGIS_LabelsArea. |
TGIS_Layer | General layer class. |
TGIS_LayerAbstract | Stub parent for TGIS_Layer. |
TGIS_LayerADF | Encapsulation of an Arcinfo Float(Binary) Grid layer. |
TGIS_LayerBIL | Encapsulation of BIL (SPOT) layer. |
TGIS_LayerBMP | Encapsulation of bitmap layer. |
TGIS_LayerBT | Encapsulation of Binary Terrian Grid layer. |
TGIS_LayerCADRG | Encapsulation of CADRG layer. |
TGIS_LayerCompoundAbstract | General compound layer class is a container for other layers. |
TGIS_LayerCompoundPixel | Pixel compound layer class. |
TGIS_LayerCompoundVector | Vector compound layer class. |
TGIS_LayerCSV | Layer which can read a CSV text file. |
TGIS_LayerDelaunay | Encapsulation of Delaunay layer. |
TGIS_LayerDEM | Encapsulation of an USGS DEM Ascii Grid layer. |
TGIS_LayerDGN | Layer that can read DGN file. |
TGIS_LayerDLG | Layer which can read & write a DLG (Digital Line Graphs) file. |
TGIS_LayerDTED | Encapsulation of Binary Terrian Grid layer. |
TGIS_LayerDWG | Layer which can read AutoCAD DWG file. |
TGIS_LayerDWGExtendedDataEventArgs | Provides data for the DWG extended entity definition event ( code: 1001). |
TGIS_LayerDXF | Layer that can read DXF file. |
TGIS_LayerDXFExtendedDataEventArgs | Provides data for the DXF extended entity definition event ( code: 1001). |
TGIS_LayerE00 | Layer that can read E00 file. |
TGIS_LayerECW | Encapsulation of ECW layer. |
TGIS_LayerEofEventArgs | Event fired to get layer eof. |
TGIS_LayerEventArgs | Provides data for the layer event. |
TGIS_LayerFGDB | Layer that can read and write vector from Esri File Geodatabase API file. |
TGIS_LayerFLT | Encapsulation of an Arcinfo Float(Binary) Grid layer. |
TGIS_LayerGDAL | Encapsulation of a raster Layer using GDAL library. |
TGIS_LayerGDF | Layer that can read GDF file. |
TGIS_LayerGeoraster | Encapsulation of Oracle Georaster access layer. |
TGIS_LayerGeorasterJdbc | Encapsulation of Oracle Georaster access layer via Jdbc. |
TGIS_LayerGIF | Encapsulation of GIF layer. |
TGIS_LayerGML | Encapsulation of a GML Layer. |
TGIS_LayerGPX | Encapsulation of a GPX Layer. |
TGIS_LayerGRD | Encapsulation of an Arcinfo ASCII Grid, Surfer ASCII Grid, Surfer 6 binary Grid and Surfer 7 binary Grid |
TGIS_LayerGroup | General group layer class. |
TGIS_LayerGSHHS | Layer which can read a GSHHS file. |
TGIS_LayerIFC | Encapsulation of IFC file format. |
TGIS_LayerIMG | Encapsulation of IMG (ERDAS IMAGINE) layer. |
TGIS_LayerInfo | Class storing a basic layer information. |
TGIS_LayerJPG | Encapsulation of a JPEG layer. |
TGIS_LayerJSON | Layer which can read a JSON text file. |
TGIS_LayerKML | Encapsulation of the KML vector Layer. |
TGIS_LayerLandXML | Encapsulation of a LandXML Layer. |
TGIS_LayerLAS | Layer that can read LAS file. |
TGIS_LayerMIF | Layer which can read a MIF/MID file. |
TGIS_LayerMoveFirstEventArgs | Event fired when layer executes MoveFirst. |
TGIS_LayerMoveNextEventArgs | Event fired when layer executes MoveNext. |
TGIS_LayerMrSID | Encapsulation of MrSID layer. |
TGIS_LayerMVT | Encapsulation of MVT layer. |
TGIS_LayerOGR | Layer that can read OGR files. |
TGIS_LayerOSM | Encapsulation of a OSM Layer. |
TGIS_LayerPixel | Encapsulation of a common image layer - abstract class. |
TGIS_LayerPixelEnumerator | Layer enumerator. |
TGIS_LayerPixelEnumeratorFactory | Factory class for TGIS_LayerPixelEnumerator. |
TGIS_LayerPixelLock | Structure of locked image area. |
TGIS_LayerPixelSqlAbstract | SQL-based pixel layer class encapsulation. |
TGIS_LayerPixelStoreAbstract | Encapsulation of PixelStore layer. |
TGIS_LayerPixelStoreJdbc | Encapsulation of PixelStore layer via Jdbc. |
TGIS_LayerPixelSubFormat | Pixel file capabilities. |
TGIS_LayerPixelTile | Structure of pixel tile. |
TGIS_LayerPixelUDF | Encapsulation of pixel UDF layer. |
TGIS_LayerPLY | Layer which can read a PLY file. |
TGIS_LayerPNG | Encapsulation of a PNG layer. |
TGIS_LayerProject | General project layer class. |
TGIS_LayerS57 | Encapsulation of S57 layer. |
TGIS_LayerSDTS_RPE | Encapsulation of SDTS RPE layer. |
TGIS_LayerSDTS_TVP | Encapsulation of SDTS TVP layer. |
TGIS_LayerSGRD | Encapsulation of SAGA GIS Binary Grid layer. |
TGIS_LayerSHP | Layer that can read SHP file. |
TGIS_LayerSqlAbstract | Encapsulation of abstract SQL layer. |
TGIS_LayerSqlAnywhereAbstract | Encapsulation of abstract Sybase SQL Anywhere Spatial SQL layer. |
TGIS_LayerSqlAnywhereJdbc | Layer that can read Sybase SQL Anywhere Spatial layer via Jdbc. |
TGIS_LayerSqlDb2Abstract | Encapsulation of abstract IBM DB2 Spatial Extender SQL layer. |
TGIS_LayerSqlDb2Jdbc | Layer that can read IBM DB2 Spatial Extender layer via Jdbc. |
TGIS_LayerSqlGmAbstract | Encapsulation of abstract GeoMedia SQL layer. |
TGIS_LayerSqlGmJdbc | Encapsulation of GeoMedia SQL layer via Jdbc. |
TGIS_LayerSqlGmMsSpatialAbstract | Encapsulation of abstract Geomedia SQL Server Native Spatial layer. |
TGIS_LayerSqlGmMsSpatialJdbc | Encapsulation of GeoMedia SQL Server Native Spatial layer via Jdbc. |
TGIS_LayerSqlGmSdoAbstract | Encapsulation of Geomedia Oracle Object Model access layer. |
TGIS_LayerSqlGmSdoJdbc | Encapsulation of Geomedia Oracle Object Model access layer via Jdbc. |
TGIS_LayerSqlGpkgAbstract | Encapsulation of abstract GeoPackage SQL layer. |
TGIS_LayerSqlGpkgJdbc | Layer that can read GeoPackage via Jdbc. |
TGIS_LayerSqlIfxAbstract | Encapsulation of abstract IBM Informix Spatial Data Blade SQL layer. |
TGIS_LayerSqlIfxJdbc | Layer that can read IBM Informix Spatial Data Blade layer via Jdbc. |
TGIS_LayerSqlJdbc | Layer that can read SQL file via Jdbc. |
TGIS_LayerSqlMsSpatialAbstract | Layer that can read MSSQL 2008 and higher SQL Spatial data. |
TGIS_LayerSqlMsSpatialJdbc | Layer that can read MSSQL 2008 and higher SQL Spatial data via Jdbc. |
TGIS_LayerSqlOgisAbstract | Encapsulation of abstract OpenGIS SQL layer. |
TGIS_LayerSqlOgisJdbc | Layer that can read OpenGIS SQL file via Jdbc. |
TGIS_LayerSqlPgdbAbstract | Encapsulation of abstract ESRI Personal Geodatabase SQL layer. |
TGIS_LayerSqlPgdbJdbc | Layer that can read ESRI Personal Geodatabase SQL layer via Jdbc. |
TGIS_LayerSqlPgisAbstract | Encapsulation of abstract PostGIS SQL layer. |
TGIS_LayerSqlPgisJdbc | Layer that can read PostGIS SQL layer via Jdbc. |
TGIS_LayerSqlSdeAbstract | Encapsulation of abstract ArcSDE SQL layer. |
TGIS_LayerSqlSdeJdbc | Layer that can read ArcSDE SQL layer via Jdbc. |
TGIS_LayerSqlSdeRaster | Encapsulation of SDE Raster access layer. |
TGIS_LayerSqlSdeRasterJdbc | Encapsulation of SDE Raster access layer via Jdbc. |
TGIS_LayerSqlSdoAbstract | Encapsulation of Oracle Spatial access layer. |
TGIS_LayerSqlSdoJdbc | Encapsulation of Oracle Spatial access layer via Jdbc. |
TGIS_LayerSqlSdoPcAbstract | Encapsulation of Oracle Spatial Point Cloud access layer. |
TGIS_LayerSqlSdoPcJdbc | Encapsulation of Oracle Spatial Point Cloud access layer. |
TGIS_LayerSqlSdoTinAbstract | Encapsulation of Oracle Spatial Tin access layer. |
TGIS_LayerSqlSdoTinJdbc | Encapsulation of Oracle Spatial Tin access layer. |
TGIS_LayerSqlSwAbstract | Encapsulation of abstract MapInfo SpatialWare SQL layer. |
TGIS_LayerSqlSwJdbc | Encapsulation of MapInfo SpatialWare SQL layer via Jdbc. |
TGIS_LayerSRTM | Encapsulation of an Arcinfo Float(Binary) Grid layer. |
TGIS_LayerSTL | Encapsulation of the Standard Tessellation Language (STL) file format (stereolitography CAD). |
TGIS_LayerSublayer | Sublayer class represents a 'virtual' views of the normal layer. |
TGIS_LayerSublayerPixel | Sublayer pixel class represents a 'virtual' views of the normal layer. |
TGIS_LayerSublayerVector | Sublayer vector class represents a 'virtual' views of the normal layer. |
TGIS_LayerTAB | Layer that can read TAB file. |
TGIS_LayerTIFF | Encapsulation of a TIFF layer. |
TGIS_LayerTiger | Layer that can read TIGER/Line 2000 (or later) files. |
TGIS_LayerVector | General layer class for vector layers. |
TGIS_LayerVectorDirectWriteHelper | Helper for direct writing into a layer storage. |
TGIS_LayerVectorEnumerator | Vector layer enumerator. |
TGIS_LayerVectorEnumeratorFactory | Factory class for TGIS_LayerVectorEnumerator. |
TGIS_LayerVectorMergeHelper | Helper for merging the data into an existing layer. |
TGIS_LayerVectorSqlAbstract | Class encapsulation. |
TGIS_LayerVectorUDF | Encapsulation of User Defined Vector layer. |
TGIS_LayerVoronoi | Encapsulation of Voronoi layer. |
TGIS_LayerVPF | Layer that can read VPF dataset. |
TGIS_LayerWCS | Encapsulation of an OpenGIS WCS layer. |
TGIS_LayerWebTileLod | Level of details (LOD) specification. |
TGIS_LayerWebTiles | Encapsulation of tiled image layer (usually web tiles). |
TGIS_LayerWexBIM | Encapsulation of WexBIM file format (IFC for web). |
TGIS_LayerWFS | Encapsulation of an OpenGIS WFS layer. |
TGIS_LayerWMS | Encapsulation of an OpenGIS WMS layer. |
TGIS_LayerWMTS | Encapsulation of an OpenGIS WMTS layer. |
TGIS_LayerXYZ | Layer which can read a XYZ or ASC text file. |
TGIS_Legend | Legend class. |
TGIS_LegendIconFactory | A utility class which prepares the feature icons that appear in the legend. |
TGIS_LegendRendererAbstract | FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY. |
TGIS_LegendViewerFactory | FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY. |
TGIS_Line | Line between two points. |
TGIS_Line3D | Line between two 3D points. |
TGIS_LinearPath | Implementation of linear interpolation for path generation in 3D. |
TGIS_LineSymbolParser | Utility for dealing with a string that is to become a TGIS_SymbolLineEx. |
TGIS_LinkCostEventArgs | Provides data for the link cost event. |
TGIS_LinkDynamicEventArgs | Provides data for the link dynamic event. |
TGIS_LinkEventArgs | Provides data for the link event. |
TGIS_LinkLevelEventArgs | Provides data for the link levels event. |
TGIS_LinkTypeEventArgs | Provides data for the link type event. |
TGIS_LocalizedNotification | Notification class. |
TGIS_Logger | Class responsible for logging. |
TGIS_MapZone | Zone mapping. |
TGIS_Material | Material. |
TGIS_Materials | Class managing a list of texture materials. |
TGIS_MemoryStream | File stream. |
TGIS_MVTStyler | Encapsulation of Mapbox Vector Tiles styler. |
TGIS_Network | Class for storing and retrieving network graph for TGIS_ShortestPathLink purposes and other network analysis classes. |
TGIS_NetworkFile | Simple file based network storage. |
TGIS_NetworkLink | Network Link. |
TGIS_NetworkLinkEventArgs | Provides data for the link event. |
TGIS_NetworkNode | Network node. |
TGIS_NetworkObject | Base object for network operations. |
TGIS_NetworkObjectList | List of cached (in-memory) network objects. |
TGIS_NetworkStorageAbstract | Base class for network storage object. |
TGIS_NodeHeuristicCostEventArgs | Provides data for the heuristic cost event. |
TGIS_Normals | Class managing a list of normal vectors. |
TGIS_OSMGeocoding | Class encapsulating access to the TatukGIS online geocoding service. |
TGIS_OSMImporter | Encapsulation of OSM importer class. |
TGIS_OSMIsochrone | Class encapsulating access to the TatukGIS online isochrone service. |
TGIS_OSMMember | Class storing a member information. |
TGIS_OSMNode | Class storing a node information. |
TGIS_OSMRelation | Class storing a relation information. |
TGIS_OSMRouting | Class encapsulating access to the TatukGIS online routing service. |
TGIS_OSMServiceAbstract | Base class for TatukGIS online service clients. |
TGIS_OSMWay | Class storing a way information. |
TGIS_PaintEventArgs | Provides data for the BeforePaint/AfterPaint event. |
TGIS_PaintExceptionEventArgs | Provides data for the exception event. |
TGIS_ParamsAbstract | Common parameters ancestor. |
TGIS_ParamsArea | Parameters that are common for Areas. |
TGIS_ParamsChart | Parameters that are common for Charts. |
TGIS_ParamsFeature | Parameters that are common for features like Lines, Areas, Markers, Labels. |
TGIS_ParamsField | Parameters for reading properties from fields. |
TGIS_ParamsLabel | Parameters that are common for Labels. |
TGIS_ParamsLabelFont | Helper object for deprecated TGIS_ParamsLabel.Font property. |
TGIS_ParamsLine | Parameters that are common for Lines. |
TGIS_ParamsList | List of parameters (sections). |
TGIS_ParamsMarker | Parameters that are common for Markers. |
TGIS_ParamsPixel | Parameters that are common for pixel layers. |
TGIS_ParamsRender | Parameters that are common for rendering. |
TGIS_ParamsSection | Grouped parameters. |
TGIS_ParamsSectionPixel | Section parameters for pixels. |
TGIS_ParamsSectionVector | Section parameters for vectors. |
TGIS_ParamsSpecific | Common parameters ancestor for Layer.Params sub objects. |
TGIS_ParamsUserObject | User object class encapsulation. |
TGIS_ParamsVector | Common parameters ancestor for vector layer parameters. |
TGIS_PartDescriptor | Part descriptor. |
TGIS_PartDescriptors | Class managing a list of Part Descriptors. |
TGIS_PasswordList | List for storing passwords. |
TGIS_PBFParser | Encapsulation of PBF format parser. |
TGIS_Pen | Platform independent pen class. |
TGIS_Pipeline | Pipeline engine. |
TGIS_PipelineOperationAbstract | Single pipeline operation. |
TGIS_PipelineOperationExtendedAbstract | Pipeline base process operation that provides: * defining 3 params: “Source”, “Destination” and “Save” * destination layer saving if needed. |
TGIS_PipelineOperations | Registration list of all pipeline operations. |
TGIS_PipelineParameter | Pipeline parameter encapsulation. |
TGIS_PixelBand | Complete definition of a band. |
TGIS_PixelBandsDefinition | Complete definition of all bands of a layer. |
TGIS_PixelExportManager | Pixel export manager. |
TGIS_PixelFilterAbstract | Abstract class for all pixel layer filters. |
TGIS_PixelFilterAlphaTrimmedMean | Alpha-trimmed mean filter for pixel layers - transforms the pixel value to the alpha-trimmed mean of the values within the block. |
TGIS_PixelFilterArithmeticMean | Arithmetic mean filter for pixel layers - transforms the pixel value to the arithmetic mean of the values within the block. |
TGIS_PixelFilterBlockStats | Abstract class for all pixel layer block filters. |
TGIS_PixelFilterBottomHat | Bottom-hat filter for pixel layers - three-stage filter, computes the difference of the closing (dilation followed by erosion) of the image with the original image. |
TGIS_PixelFilterClosing | Closing filter for pixel layers - two-stage filter, applies dilation followed by erosion. |
TGIS_PixelFilterContraHarmonicMean | Contra-harmonic mean filter for pixel layers - transforms the pixel value to the contra-harmonic mean of the values within the block. |
TGIS_PixelFilterConvolution | Applies mask filters to pixel layers by convolution. |
TGIS_PixelFilterDilation | Dilation filter for pixel layers - transforms the pixel value to the greatest sum of the value in the block and the mask value. |
TGIS_PixelFilterErosion | Erosion filter for pixel layers - transforms the pixel value to the smallest difference of the value in the block and the mask value. |
TGIS_PixelFilterGeometricMean | Geometric mean filter for pixel layers - transforms the pixel value to the geometric mean of the values within the block. |
TGIS_PixelFilterHarmonicMean | Harmonic mean filter for pixel layers - transforms the pixel value to the harmonic mean of the values within the block. |
TGIS_PixelFilterMajority | Majority filter for pixel layers - transforms the pixel value to the most frequent value in the block (if exists). |
TGIS_PixelFilterMaximum | Maximum filter for pixel layers - transforms the pixel value to the greatest value in the block. |
TGIS_PixelFilterMedian | Median filter for pixel layers - transforms the pixel value to the median of the values within the block. |
TGIS_PixelFilterMidpoint | Midpoint filter for pixel layers - transforms the pixel value to the average between the maximum and the minimum value in the block. |
TGIS_PixelFilterMinimum | Minimum filter for pixel layers - transforms the pixel value to the smallest value in the block. |
TGIS_PixelFilterMinority | Minority filter for pixel layers- transforms the pixel value to the least frequent value in the block (if exists). |
TGIS_PixelFilterMorphological | Abstract class for all pixel layer morphological filters. |
TGIS_PixelFilterNoise | Abstract class for all noise pixel layer filters. |
TGIS_PixelFilterNoiseGaussian | Gaussian noise filter for pixel layers. |
TGIS_PixelFilterNoiseSaltPepper | Salt-And-Pepper noise filter for pixel layers. |
TGIS_PixelFilterOpening | Opening filter for pixel layers - two-stage filter, applies erosion followed by dilation. |
TGIS_PixelFilterRange | Range filter for pixel layers - transforms the pixel value to the difference between the maximum and the minimum value in the block. |
TGIS_PixelFilterSobelMagnitude | Sobel magnitude filter for pixel layers - performs edge detection, the pixel value is proportional to the value difference at the edge. |
TGIS_PixelFilterStandardDeviation | Standard deviation filter for pixel layers - transforms the pixel value to the standard deviation of the values within the block. |
TGIS_PixelFilterSum | Sum filter for pixel layers - transforms the pixel value to the sum of the values within the block. |
TGIS_PixelFilterThreshold | Threshold filter for pixel layers - if the pixel value is smaller than the threshold then it is set to the smallest value in the layer, otherwise to the largest. |
TGIS_PixelFilterTopHat | Top-hat filter for pixel layers - three-stage filter, computes the difference of the original image with its opening (erosion followed by dilation). |
TGIS_PixelFilterUniqueCount | Unique value count filter for pixel layers - transforms the pixel value to the number of unique values within the block. |
TGIS_PixelFilterWeightedMean | Weighted mean filter for pixel layers - transforms the pixel value to the weighted mean of the values within the block. |
TGIS_PixelFilterWeightedMedian | Weighted median filter for pixel layers - transforms the pixel value to the weighted median of the values within the block. |
TGIS_PixelFilterYpMean | Yp mean filter for pixel layers - transforms the pixel value to the Yp mean of the values within the block. |
TGIS_PixelItem | Pixel value used mainly in iterators. |
TGIS_PixelStoreCell | Encapsulation of PixelStore storage within SQL database - single cell storage. |
TGIS_Point | Like TPoint, but based on doubles instead of integers. |
TGIS_Point3D | Like TGIS_Point, but 3rd dimension (Z) and measure (M) added. |
TGIS_Point3DList | A point list. |
TGIS_PointCloudToGrid | Provides the means to convert a point cloud vector layer such as LIDAR to a digital elevation model (grid layer). |
TGIS_PointList | A point list. |
TGIS_PredefinedLineSymbolList | List of predefined line symbols. |
TGIS_Printer | Encapsulation of standard printer. |
TGIS_PrinterPreview | Encapsulation of print preview printer. |
TGIS_PrintLayoutBox | Print layout box element type. |
TGIS_PrintLayoutElement | Print layout base element type. |
TGIS_PrintLayoutFrame | Print layout frame element type. |
TGIS_PrintLayoutGraphic | Print layout graphic element type. |
TGIS_PrintLayoutLegend | Print layout legend element type. |
TGIS_PrintLayoutLocation | Print layout element location type. |
TGIS_PrintLayoutMap | Print layout map element type. |
TGIS_PrintLayoutNorthArrow | Print layout northarrow element type. |
TGIS_PrintLayoutPage | Print layout page element type. |
TGIS_PrintLayoutPosition | Print layout element position type. |
TGIS_PrintLayoutScale | Print layout scale element type. |
TGIS_PrintLayoutSnap | Snap parameters encapsulation. |
TGIS_PrintLayoutText | Print layout text element type. |
TGIS_PrintLayoutWidth | Print layout element width type. |
TGIS_PrintManagerAbstract | Basic print manager class to be used as a base class for print managers. |
TGIS_PrintPreviewPanel | Panel with image rendered in the middle. |
TGIS_ProjectQgis | Class for importing Qgis projects (version 2.x). |
TGIS_ProxySettings | Global proxy settings class. |
TGIS_QuadTree | Quad tree class. |
TGIS_QuadTreeItem | Quad tree item stored in nodes. |
TGIS_QuadTreeNode | Quad tree node class. |
TGIS_RasterAlgebra | Engine for manipulating raster layers using algebraic expressions. |
TGIS_ReadWriteEventArgs | Provides data for the Read/Write event. |
TGIS_Reclassification | A class that allows reclassification of grid layer values. |
TGIS_RegistredLayer | Registered layer class. |
TGIS_RegistredLayers | Class that encapsulates the layer creation process. |
TGIS_RendererAbstract | Basic renderer class to be used as a parent for customer map renderers for VCL, FireMonkey, WPF etc. |
TGIS_RendererAbstractCache | Cached topmost pixel layer bitmap object to be used with PrepareBitmapCache and RenderBitmapCache. |
TGIS_RendererContext | Object to store all canvases on rendering context |
TGIS_RendererManager | Registration list of all renderers. |
TGIS_RendererSwing | Swing renderer. |
TGIS_RendererSwingCache | Cached topmost pixel layer bitmap object to be used with PrepareBitmapCache and RenderBitmapCache. |
TGIS_RGBTriple | RGB color representation. |
TGIS_RTree | Encapsulation of tree-level operations. |
TGIS_RTreeHeader | For internal use only. |
TGIS_RTreeItem | For internal use only. |
TGIS_RTreePage | For internal use only. |
TGIS_RTreePageData | For internal use only. |
TGIS_SdoGeometry | SDO geometry encapsulation. |
TGIS_SelectedShapeList | List of all shapes. |
TGIS_SemivarianceAbstract | Abstract class for all semivariance models. |
TGIS_SemivarianceCircular | Represents the circular semivariance model. |
TGIS_SemivarianceExponential | Represents the exponential semivariance model. |
TGIS_SemivarianceGaussian | Represents the gaussian semivariance model. |
TGIS_SemivarianceLinear | Represents the linear semivariance model. |
TGIS_SemivariancePowerLaw | Represents the power-law semivariance model. |
TGIS_SemivarianceSpherical | Represents the spherical semivariance model. |
TGIS_SemivarianceWithRange | Abstract class for all semivariance models with range. |
TGIS_SemivarianceWithSill | Abstract class for all semivariance models with range and sill. |
TGIS_SetUpEventArgs | Provides data to the SetUp event. |
TGIS_Shape | Generic shape class. |
TGIS_ShapeAbstract | Stub parent for TGIS_Shape. |
TGIS_ShapeArc | Encapsulation of lines. |
TGIS_ShapeComplex | Encapsulation of complex shapes. |
TGIS_ShapeEventArgs | Provides data for the shape event. |
TGIS_ShapeFieldChangeEventArgs | Provides data for the shape event. |
TGIS_ShapeList | Shapes list for Items. |
TGIS_ShapeListStub | Abstract stub class for internal implementation of structured shape list used in vector-to-grid computations. |
TGIS_ShapeMultiPatch | Encapsulation of MultiPatch shapes. |
TGIS_ShapeMultiPoint | Encapsulation of multi-point shapes. |
TGIS_ShapePoint | Encapsulation of single point shapes. |
TGIS_ShapePointCloud | Encapsulation of PointCloud. |
TGIS_ShapePolygon | Encapsulation of polygon shapes. |
TGIS_ShapePosEventArgs | Provides data for the ShapePosEvent. |
TGIS_SharedConnections | Class for internal use only. |
TGIS_ShortestPath | Encapsulation of shortest path algorithm. |
TGIS_ShortestPathLink | The shortest path link. |
TGIS_SingleColor | Single type color. |
TGIS_SingleVector | Single type vector. |
TGIS_SldFile | Encapsulation of sld configuration file reader. |
TGIS_SlopeMap | Slope map generator for digital terrain models. |
TGIS_SqlQuery | Calculates a logical value of WHERE-like statements for non SQL-based tables. |
TGIS_SquareMatrix | Square matrix of double precision real numbers. |
TGIS_Stacktemplate<typename T> | A stack |
TGIS_StatisticalFunctions | Record with all statistical functions. |
TGIS_StatisticsAbstract | General statistics class. |
TGIS_StatisticsFactory | Class for creating statistics objects depending on a layer type. |
TGIS_StatisticsItem | General class for storing single statistical value. |
TGIS_StatisticsItemDouble | Class for storing double-precision statistical value. |
TGIS_StatisticsItemInteger | Class for storing integer statistical value. |
TGIS_StatisticsItemVariant | Class for storing variant statistical value. |
TGIS_StatisticsItemVariantList | Class for storing statistical result with list of variants. |
TGIS_StatisticsLayer | Statistics class for vector layers. |
TGIS_StatisticsLayerResult | Container for layer's statistics result. |
TGIS_StatisticsPixel | Statistics class for raster layers. |
TGIS_StatisticsResult | Container for statistics results. |
TGIS_StatisticsVector | Statistics class for vector layers. |
TGIS_Stream | Enhanced stream. |
TGIS_StringFormat | String formatting utilities. |
TGIS_SymbolAbstract | Encapsulation of symbols. |
TGIS_SymbolCGM | Encapsulation of CGM symbols. |
TGIS_SymbolFont | Encapsulation of font symbols. |
TGIS_SymbolHatch | Encapsulation of hatch fill symbol. |
TGIS_SymbolLibrarySVG | Class to access SVG Symbol Library. |
TGIS_SymbolLine | Encapsulation of line symbols. |
TGIS_SymbolLineEx | Encapsulation of extended line symbols. |
TGIS_SymbolLineHelper | Internal use only. |
TGIS_SymbolList | Encapsulation of the symbol list (cache). |
TGIS_SymbolPicture | Encapsulation of picture symbols. |
TGIS_SymbolSVG | Encapsulation of SVG symbols. |
TGIS_TemplateGraphic | Contains graphic data used when printing templates. |
TGIS_TemplatePrint | Encapsulation of template based printing according to *.tpl or *.ttktemplate file. |
TGIS_TemplatePrintBuilder | Encapsulation of print template builder. |
TGIS_TemplateProducerEventArgs | Provides data for the TemplateProducer event. |
TGIS_TemporaryFileStream | Memory mapped temporary file stream. |
TGIS_TextStreamReader | Reader optimized to read and decode Code Page of existing files as fast as possible. |
TGIS_Textures | Class managing a list of texture coordinates. |
TGIS_ThreadClass | A simple class with encapsulate basic critical section locking mechanism. |
TGIS_ThreadStorage | Thread storage. |
TGIS_Tile | Structure of tile information. |
TGIS_TinToGrid | Provides the means to convert a Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) vector layer to a digital elevation model (grid layer). |
TGIS_Tokenizer | A simple tokenizer for parameters line splitting. |
TGIS_Topology | Encapsulation of basic topological operations. |
TGIS_Transform | Base class for layer transformations. |
TGIS_TransformCustom | Custom transform. |
TGIS_TransformGCP | Base class for layer transformations based on GCP (Ground Control Points). |
TGIS_TransformPolynomial | Ground control point (GCP) computations involving polynomial. |
TGIS_TreeList | List of the legend nodes (TGIS_TreeNode). |
TGIS_TreeNode | Node of the legend tree. |
TGIS_Utils | A class that groups public defines, functions and properties. |
TGIS_VariantList | A variant list. |
TGIS_VarIntReader | Variant integer data reader. |
TGIS_VectorToGridAbstract | Abstract class for all classes which implement grid generation from vector data. |
TGIS_VertexColors | Class managing a list of Vertex Color . |
TGIS_Viewer | Encapsulation of the generic viewer. |
TGIS_ViewerBmp | Class responsible for map presentation on bitmap. |
TGIS_ViewerHelperRun | A single update run context It could be a for example in a thread context |
TGIS_ViewerNonVisual | Encapsulation of the viewer w/o any kind of visual implementation. |
TGIS_ViewerRef | IGIS_Viewer reference, used to avoid calling on _AddRef, _Release upon every |
TGIS_ViewerWnd | Main visual control responsible for map presentation on window. |
TGIS_ViewerWndHelper | Windows helper for operation like zoom, drag etc. |
TGIS_ViewerWndHelperRun | A single update run context It could be a for example in a thread context |
TGIS_Viewshed | Viewshed, above-ground-level (AGL), and Fresnel zone clearance generator. |
TGIS_WCSCoverage | WCS coverage. |
TGIS_WCSCoverageBoundingBox | WCS coverage bounding box. |
TGIS_WebUtils | Web utils. |
TGIS_WFSFeature | Feature class implementation. |
TGIS_WMSLayer | WMS Layer. |
TGIS_XmlFile | Encapsulation of configuration file reader. |
TGIS_Zone | Zone from 0 to 255 definition. |