DK for Java | tatukgis.jdk.TGIS_SquareMatrix | Classes | Constructors | Methods | Properties
Square matrix of double precision real numbers.
// Java public class TGIS_SquareMatrix { };
// Oxygene type TGIS_SquareMatrix = public class end;
Name | Visibility | Description | |
TGIS_SquareMatrix() | public | Creates an instance. | |
TGIS_SquareMatrix(double[][]) | public | Creates an instance. | |
TGIS_SquareMatrix(int) | public | Creates an instance. | |
Name | Visibility | Description | |
Add3DTranslation(double, double, double) | public | Adds translation to a 4D rotation-translation matrix; increases dimension to 4 if smaller, does not change dimension if larger than 4. | |
Add3DTranslation(double[]) | public | Adds translation to a 4D rotation-translation matrix; increases dimension to 4 if smaller, does not change dimension if larger than 4. | |
Clone | public | Clones the matrix. | |
Cofactor | public | Computes the cofactor (minor) of the specified matrix element. | |
Determinant | public | Computes the determinant of the matrix. | |
Equal | public | Checks if the supplied matrix is equal to the current matrix. | |
Invert | public | Inverts the matrix. | |
LUDecomposition | public | Computes the LU (Crout) decomposition of the matrix. | |
Make2DRotation | public | Makes the 2D rotation matrix. | |
Make3DRotationX | public | Makes the 3D rotation matrix around the X axis; increases dimension to 3 if smaller, does not change dimension if larger than 3. | |
Make3DRotationY | public | Makes the 3D rotation matrix around the Y axis; increases dimension to 3 if smaller, does not change dimension if larger than 3. | |
Make3DRotationZ | public | Makes a 3D rotation matrix around the Z axis; increases dimension to 3 if smaller, does not change dimension if larger than 3. | |
MakeIdentity | public | Makes the identity matrix. | |
Multiply(double[]) | public | Multiplies the supplied vector by the current matrix. | |
Multiply(TGIS_SquareMatrix) | public | Multiplies the supplied matrix by the current matrix. | |
MultiplyBy | public | Multiplies the matrix by a double precision real number. | |
Solve | public | Solves a system of linear equations of the form Matrix * unknown vector = known vector. | |
Transpose | public | Transposes the matrix. | |