DK11 for Delphi | GisLayerVector.TGIS_ShapePosEvent | Methods | Classes | Prototypes
Standard event for OnPaintLabelPos. Label position can be modified by changing _pt value.
Available also on: Python.
// Delphi type TGIS_ShapePosEvent = procedure ( _sender : TObject; _shape : TGIS_Shape; _pos : TGIS_LabelPosition; var _pt : TPoint; const _rct : TRect ) of object;
// C++ Builder typedef void (_closure *TGIS_ShapePosEvent)( TObject* _sender, TGIS_Shape* _shape, TGIS_LabelPosition* _pos, TPoint* &_pt, TRect* const _rct );
Name | Type | Description |
_sender | TObject | sender object |
_shape | TGIS_Shape | shape to which event is related |
_pos | TGIS_LabelPosition | desired position of label |
_pt | TPoint | label position; can be modified |
_rct | TRect | Precalculated label rectangle; use a a hint for label size |