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GisLayerVector classes


Name Description
TGIS_DynamicAggregatorAbstract Base class for TGIS_LayerVector.DynamicAggregator implementation.
TGIS_DynamicAggregatorFactory Factory to manage registration and initialization of aggregators.
TGIS_DynamicAggregatorValue Aggregated value to be stored in shape TagPointer property.
TGIS_LayerVector General layer class for vector layers.
TGIS_LayerVectorDirectWriteHelper Helper for direct writing into a layer storage.
TGIS_LayerVectorEnumerator Vector layer enumerator.
TGIS_LayerVectorEnumeratorFactory Factory class for TGIS_LayerVectorEnumerator.
TGIS_LayerVectorMergeHelper Helper for merging the data into an existing layer.
TGIS_SelectedShapeList List of all shapes.
TGIS_Shape Generic shape class.
TGIS_ShapeArc Encapsulation of lines.
TGIS_ShapeComplex Encapsulation of complex shapes.
TGIS_ShapeList Shapes list for Items.
TGIS_ShapeMultiPatch Encapsulation of MultiPatch shapes.
TGIS_ShapeMultiPoint Encapsulation of multi-point shapes.
TGIS_ShapePoint Encapsulation of single point shapes.
TGIS_ShapePolygon Encapsulation of polygon shapes.
2020/05/21 12:49

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