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TGIS_CSProjGoodeHomolosine properties


Inherited Protected
Name Visibility Description
Azimuth public Azimuth angle.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
CentralMeridian public Central Meridian.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
Custom1 public Custom1. Valid and specific for selected projections.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
Custom1Name public Custom1Name.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
Custom2 public Custom2. Valid and specific for selected projections.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
Custom2Name public Custom2Name.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
Custom3 public Custom3. Valid and specific for selected projections.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
Custom3Name public Custom3Name.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
Custom4 public Custom4. Valid and specific for selected projections.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
Custom4Name public Custom4Name.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
Custom5 public Custom5. Valid and specific for selected projections.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
Custom5Name public Custom5Name.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
Custom6 public Custom6. Valid and specific for selected projections.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
Custom6Name public Custom6Name.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
Datum public Current Datum.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
Deprecated public If true, then object is deprecated.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstract)
Description public Additional projection description.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
DescriptionEx public Descriptive name; for internal use of TGIS_CSAbstractListHelper.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstract)
Ellipsoid public Current Ellipsoid.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
EPSG public EPSG code.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstract)
Error public Error number.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
FalseEasting public False shift in meters.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
FalseNorthing public False shift in meters.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
FriendlyName public Friendly name constructed based on WKT (without underscores) and EPSG.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstract)
IsEllipsoid public Does the projection work on ellipsoid.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
IsGrid public Does the projection is grid based.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
IsPureCylindrical public Is result of projection pure cylindicial (graticules are parallel).
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
IsRevertible public Is projection revertible (so data can be projected and unprojected).
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
IsSpheroid public Does the projection work on sphenoid.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
IsStandard public Does the projection is standard (not IsGrid, not IsXYZ and IsRevertible.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
IsXYZ public Does the projection is XYZ based.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
LatitudeOfCenter public Center Latitude.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
LatitudeOfOrigin public Origin latitude.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
LatitudeOfPoint_1 public Latitude of the first point.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
LatitudeOfPoint_2 public Latitude of the second point.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
LongitudeOfCenter public Center Longitude.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
LongitudeOfPoint_1 public Longitude of the first point.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
LongitudeOfPoint_2 public Longitude of the second point.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
MasterEPSG public EPSG code of the object for which current object is an alias.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstract)
Parameters public All projection parameters.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
ParametersSet public Set of supported parameters.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
PseudoStandardParallel_1 public First Pseudo Standard parallel.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
ScaleFactor public Scale factor.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
StandardParallel_1 public First Standard parallel.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
StandardParallel_2 public Second Standard parallel.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
ValidityExtentWGS public Validity extent of the projection (in radians).
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
ValidityOriginWGS public Origin of the validity extent of the projection (in radians).
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
WKT public WKT name.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstract)
XScale public X Scale. Valid for selected projections.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
XYPlaneRotation public XY Scale. Valid for selected projections.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
YScale public Y Scale. Valid for selected projections.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)
Zone public Zone. Valid for selected projections.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSProjAbstract)

2025/01/31 01:06

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