DK for Delphi | GisCsProjections.TGIS_CSProjAbstract | Classes | Constructors | Fields | Methods | Properties
Class which encapsulates projection.
// Delphi type TGIS_CSProjAbstract = class( TGIS_CSAbstract ) end;
// C++ Builder class PASCALIMPLEMENTATION TGIS_CSProjAbstract : public TGIS_CSAbstract { };
Name | Visibility | Description | |
Create | public | Creates an instance of the projection object and sets the default datum to WGS84. | |
Name | Visibility | Description | |
FDatum | protected | Property internal storage. | |
FDescription | protected | Property internal storage. | |
FEllipsoid | protected | Property internal storage. | |
FError | protected | Property internal storage. | |
FIsEllipsoid | protected | Property internal storage. | |
FIsGrid | protected | Property internal storage. | |
FIsPureCylindrical | protected | Property internal storage. | |
FIsRevertible | protected | Property internal storage. | |
FIsSpheroid | protected | Property internal storage. | |
FIsXYZ | protected | Property internal storage. | |
FParameters | protected | Property internal storage. | |
FParametersSet | protected | Property internal storage. | |
FSubtype | protected | Property internal storage. | |
FValidityExtentWGS | protected | Property internal storage. | |
FValidityOriginWGS | protected | Property internal storage. | |
Name | Visibility | Description | |
Assign | public | Copy content of the provided object into a current object (Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstract) |
CreateCopy | public | Create a copy of the object. | |
datumChanged | protected | Procedure will be called upon any datum change. | |
MarkDeprecated | public | Set object depreciation state. (Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstract) |
Project | public | This function projects geodetic (latitude and longitude) coordinates into projected (easting and northing) coordinates, according to the current ellipsoid and projection parameters. | |
Project3D | public | This function projects geodetic (latitude and longitude) coordinates into projected (easting and northing) coordinates, according to the current ellipsoid and projection parameters. | |
Project3D_Ref | public | This function projects geodetic (latitude and longitude) coordinates into projected (easting and northing in most cases) coordinates, according to the current ellipsoid and projection parameters. | |
projectPost | protected | Procedure will be called from .Project after any projection code. | |
projectPre | protected | Procedure will be called from .Project before any projection code. | |
set_Validity(Double; Double; Double; Double) | protected | Set validity extent for the projection (in radians) | |
set_Validity(Double; Double; Double; Double; Double; Double) | protected | Set validity extent for the projection (in radians) | |
set_Validity(Double; Double; Double; Double; Double; Double; Double; Double) | protected | Set validity extent for the projection (in radians) | |
Unproject | public | This function unprojects the projected (easting and northing) coordinates into unprojected geodetic (latitude and longitude) coordinates, according to the current ellipsoid and projection parameters. | |
Unproject3D | public | This function unprojects the projected (easting and northing) coordinates into unprojected geodetic (latitude and longitude) coordinates, according to the current ellipsoid and projection parameters. | |
Unproject3D_Ref | public | This function unprojects the projected (easting and northing in most cases) coordinates into unprojected geodetic (latitude and longitude) coordinates, according to the current ellipsoid and projection parameters. | |
unprojectPost | protected | Procedure will be called from. | |
unprojectPre | protected | Procedure will be called from .Unproject before any projection code. | |
Name | Visibility | Description | |
Azimuth | public | Azimuth angle. | |
CentralMeridian | public | Central Meridian. | |
Custom1 | public | Custom1. Valid and specific for selected projections. | |
Custom1Name | public | Custom1Name. | |
Custom2 | public | Custom2. Valid and specific for selected projections. | |
Custom2Name | public | Custom2Name. | |
Custom3 | public | Custom3. Valid and specific for selected projections. | |
Custom3Name | public | Custom3Name. | |
Custom4 | public | Custom4. Valid and specific for selected projections. | |
Custom4Name | public | Custom4Name. | |
Custom5 | public | Custom5. Valid and specific for selected projections. | |
Custom5Name | public | Custom5Name. | |
Custom6 | public | Custom6. Valid and specific for selected projections. | |
Custom6Name | public | Custom6Name. | |
Datum | public | Current Datum. | |
Deprecated | public | If true, then object is deprecated. (Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstract) |
Description | public | Additional projection description. | |
DescriptionEx | public | Descriptive name; for internal use of TGIS_CSAbstractListHelper. (Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstract) |
Ellipsoid | public | Current Ellipsoid. | |
EPSG | public | EPSG code. (Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstract) |
Error | public | Error number. | |
FalseEasting | public | False shift in meters. | |
FalseNorthing | public | False shift in meters. | |
FriendlyName | public | Friendly name constructed based on WKT (without underscores) and EPSG. (Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstract) |
IsEllipsoid | public | Does the projection work on ellipsoid. | |
IsGrid | public | Does the projection is grid based. | |
IsPureCylindrical | public | Is result of projection pure cylindicial (graticules are parallel). | |
IsRevertible | public | Is projection revertible (so data can be projected and unprojected). | |
IsSpheroid | public | Does the projection work on sphenoid. | |
IsStandard | public | Does the projection is standard (not IsGrid, not IsXYZ and IsRevertible. | |
IsXYZ | public | Does the projection is XYZ based. | |
LatitudeOfCenter | public | Center Latitude. | |
LatitudeOfOrigin | public | Origin latitude. | |
LatitudeOfPoint_1 | public | Latitude of the first point. | |
LatitudeOfPoint_2 | public | Latitude of the second point. | |
LongitudeOfCenter | public | Center Longitude. | |
LongitudeOfPoint_1 | public | Longitude of the first point. | |
LongitudeOfPoint_2 | public | Longitude of the second point. | |
MasterEPSG | public | EPSG code of the object for which current object is an alias. (Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstract) |
Parameters | public | All projection parameters. | |
ParametersSet | public | Set of supported parameters. | |
PseudoStandardParallel_1 | public | First Pseudo Standard parallel. | |
ScaleFactor | public | Scale factor. | |
StandardParallel_1 | public | First Standard parallel. | |
StandardParallel_2 | public | Second Standard parallel. | |
ValidityExtentWGS | public | Validity extent of the projection (in radians). | |
ValidityOriginWGS | public | Origin of the validity extent of the projection (in radians). | |
WKT | public | WKT name. (Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstract) |
XScale | public | X Scale. Valid for selected projections. | |
XYPlaneRotation | public | XY Scale. Valid for selected projections. | |
YScale | public | Y Scale. Valid for selected projections. | |
Zone | public | Zone. Valid for selected projections. | |