DK11 for Delphi | FMX.GisViewerWnd.TGIS_ViewerWnd.RotationAngle | Constructors | Methods | Properties | Events | Events
Standard FMX property. See platform documentation.
Available also on: .NET WinForms | Java | ActiveX.
// Delphi published property RotationAngle;
// C++ Builder // there is no real methods entry for dummy propery in C++ header published: __property RotationAngle = {};
Type |
This is a simple code how to rotate a map. Suppose we have a GIS object of TGIS_ViewerWnd class.
procedure MyForm.GIS_SpinEdit1Change(Sender: TObject); begin // calculate the angle for set value GIS.RotationAngle := DegToRad( GIS_SpinEdit1.Value ) ; GIS.Update ; end ;