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ITGIS_RendererAbstract methods


Inherited Overrides Protected

Inherited Overrides Protected
Name Visibility Description
AfterDraw public Receive notification about pending renderer update.
AttachDelphiObj public Only for internal use of TatukGIS.
(Inherited from ITBaseObject)
BeforeDraw public Preparation of the draw state.
CanvasClearTransformation public Reset any transformation on the Canvas object.
CanvasDrawArc public Draw an arc on the Canvas object.
CanvasDrawArc_2 public Draw an arc on the Canvas object.
CanvasDrawBitmap public Draw bitmap on the Canvas object.
CanvasDrawBitmap_2 public Draw bitmap on the Canvas object.
CanvasDrawEllipse public Draw an ellipse on the Canvas object.
CanvasDrawLine public Draw a line on the Canvas object.
CanvasDrawPie public Draw a pie on the Canvas object.
CanvasDrawPolygon public Draw a polygon on the Canvas object.
CanvasDrawPolygon_2 public Draw a polygon on the Canvas object.
CanvasDrawPolygon_3 public Draw a polygon on the Canvas object.
CanvasDrawPolygon_4 public Draw a polygon on the Canvas object.
CanvasDrawPolygon_5 public Draw a polygon on the Canvas object.
CanvasDrawPolygon_6 public Draw a polygon on the Canvas object.
CanvasDrawPolyLine public Draw a poly-line on the Canvas object.
CanvasDrawPolyLine_2 public Draw a poly-line on the Canvas object.
CanvasDrawPolyLine_3 public Draw a poly-line on the Canvas object.
CanvasDrawPolyLine_4 public Draw a poly-line on the Canvas object.
CanvasDrawPolyLine_5 public Draw a poly-line on the Canvas object.
CanvasDrawPolyLine_6 public Draw a poly-line on the Canvas object.
CanvasDrawRectangle public Draw a rectangle on the Canvas object.
CanvasDrawText public Draw a text on the Canvas object.
CanvasFontMetrics public Provide basing metric for a currently selected CanvasFont.
CanvasNative public Return rendering context native to current renderer.
CanvasSetTransformation public Set a transformation on the Canvas object.
CanvasTextBaseline public Provide a baseline for the passed text and a currently selected CanvasFont.
CanvasTextEm public Calculate text EM value for a currently selected CanvasFont.
CanvasTextExtent public Calculate text EM value for a currently selected CanvasFont.
CreateContext public Initiate context for the renderer.
CreateContext_2 public Initiate context for the renderer.
CreateInstance public Create an instance of object of the same type as current one.
DelphiObj public Only for internal use of TatukGIS.
(Inherited from ITBaseObject)
Flush public Update BaseMap of the context .
FriendlyName public Get user-friendly name of the renderer.
LockTransparent public Begin of drawing in a layer transparency mode.
MeasureShieldTexture public Measure shield size
OptimizeBitmapCache public Check the content of bitmap cache and optimize it.
PaintExtra public Paint an extra context on a top of a rendered map.
PaintExtra_2 public Paint an extra context on a top of a rendered map.
PixelsToTwips public Convert size from device dependent pixels to device independent Twips (1/1440 inch).
PrepareBitmapCache public Prepare renderer cache for topmost bitmap layers.
PrepareDraw public Preparation of the draw state.
PrepareHourglassContext public Allow busy indicator upon rendering process.
ReleaseContext public Release an instance.
RenderBitmap public Render bitmap on a current canvas with scaling.
RenderBitmapBegin public Prepare custom rendering context for lengthy bitmap drawing.
RenderBitmapCache public Render bitmap cache for topmost pixel layers.
RenderBitmapEnd public Finalize custom rendering context.
RenderBitmap_2 public Render bitmap on a current canvas.
RenderChart public Render a chart for a single shape in a current context.
RenderEditor public Render an editor (if any).
RenderLabel public Render a label for a single shape in a current context.
RenderLabel_2 public Render a label for a single shape in a current context.
RenderShape public Render a single shape in a current context.
RenderShapeFlashed public Render shape in a flush state
RenderShape_2 public Render a single shape in a current context.
RenderShieldTexture public Render texture shield (label + chart + whatever) for 3D viewer purposes
RenderShieldTexture_2 public Render texture shield (label + chart + whatever) for 3D viewer purposes
RestoreContext public Restore context using same data as used by CreateContext.
Setup public Setup renderer if CreateContext are not in use.
TwipsToPixels public Convert the size from to device independent Twips (1/1440 inch) to device dependent pixels.
TwipsToPixels_2 public Convert the size from to device independent Twips (1/1440 inch) to device dependent pixels.
TwipsToPoints public Convert the size from to device independent Twips (1/1440 inch) to device points.
UnlockTransparent public End of drawing in a layer transparency mode.
Update public Receive notification about pending renderer update.

2024/12/13 22:31

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