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Save Project As

Documentation | Help File | UI | 2D Mode | Menu | File | Save Project As

Clicking on the File/Save Project As menu item provides the means for saving the current state of the open project (all project related settings) to a project file. The TTKGP & TTKPROJECT files contains all the information required to pull the map project together, including the file names and paths for each layer, the layer order, the map area coordinate system, and the visual properties of each layer, e.g., colors, thematic presentation, labels, fonts, symbols, charts, scale ranges, etc.). The File/Save Project As function does not save any changes to made to the geometry or attributes of open layers to their respective layer files.

To save the current project to a new project file

  1. Click on the File/Save Project As menu item - this invokes the Save As dialog box.
  2. Within the Save As dialog box, go to the drive on which you want to save the project.
  3. Enter the folder in which you want to save the project.
  4. Enter a name for the project file in the File name field.
  5. Click on the Save button.

To overwrite (update) an existing project file

  1. Click on the File/Save Project As menu item - this invokes the Save As dialog box.
  2. Within the Save As dialog box, go to the drive on which the project is stored.
  3. Enter the folder in which the project is stored.
  4. Double-click on the project file name. A message box will appear asking for confirmation of the overwrite operation - click on the OK button.

Similar functions

  • To save the current state of just the active layer, use the Save feature.
  • To save the current state of all the layers (to their respective layer files) and all project related settings (to the project file) in a single step, use the Save All feature.

Associated functions

  • To add an existing vector or raster layer file to the currently open project, use the Add feature.
  • To remove a layer from the current project, use the Remove feature.
2018/05/22 10:51

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