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Documentation | Help File | UI | 2D Mode | Menu | Edit | Copy

Clicking on the Edit/Copy menu item provides the means for transferring a shape or a group of shapes to the temporary clipboard layer. This operation does not remove the shapes from the source layer. This feature can be also used to store an image (raster) representation of the extent currently visible on the Map area in the operating system's clipboard.

To copy a shape or a group of shapes to the temporary clipboard layer

  1. Activate (highlight) the layer from which the shapes are to be copied. Do this by clicking on its name in the Legend.
  2. Click on the Edit/Copy menu item.


  1. Activate (highlight) the layer from which the shapes are to be copied. Do this by clicking on its name in the Legend.
  2. Expand the context menu by clicking with the right mouse button on the layer name in the Legend and click on the Open layer data item - the Data panel will appear at the bottom of the Editor window.
  3. In the Data panel, click on the GIS_SELECTED property checkboxes of the desired shapes - this operation selects these shapes.
  4. Click on the Edit/Copy menu item.

To copy the extent currently visible on the Map area into an image stored in the system clipboard

  1. Adjust the extent visible on the Map area to cover the desired area.
  2. Ensure that no shapes are selected by clicking on the Select/Deselect all menu item or on the icon on the Standard toolbar. If no shapes are currently selected, these options will be inactive.
  3. Click on the Edit/Copy menu item.

Also accessible by

Associated functions

  • To transfer shapes from the temporary clipboard layer to a vector layer, use the Paste feature.
  • To save all shapes stored in the temporary clipboard layer to a new vector layer file, use the Save Clipboard feature.

Similar functions

  • To move selected shapes to the temporary clipboard layer, use the Cut feature.
  • To copy selected shapes to the temporary clipboard layer in an advanced manner, use the Copy Special feature.

Key shortcut

  • The Ctrl+C key combination.


  • The temporary clipboard layer is a virtual object (stored in memory) automatically created by the Copy feature and is not file type specific.
  • The Copy operation erases any previous content from the temporary clipboard layer.
  • The Copy operation copies all the selected shapes to the temporary clipboard layer as a single shape, i.e. all the cut shapes are fused into a single shape.
  • The Copy operation concerns only the shapes geometry, and not the attributes.
2018/05/22 11:27

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