Documentation | Samples | JupyterNotebookDKForPython
How to useTatukGIS DK for Python in Jupter Notebook.
This sample illustrates use of:
Name | Description |
TGIS_ViewerBMP | Class responsible for map presentation on bitmap. |
TGIS_ViewerBMP.Open | Open project. |
TGIS_ViewerBMP.Add | Add a layer to the Viewer. |
TGIS_ViewerBMP.InvalidateWholeMap | Invalidate whole map. |
TGIS_ViewerBMP.GIS_Bitmap | Underlying bitmap |
TGIS_ViewerBMP.CS | Coordinate System assigned to the viewer. |
TGIS_ViewerBMP.FullExtent | Calculate the screen origin, zoom, and viewport to place the whole map in the window. |
TGIS_ViewerBMP.Get | Retrieve the layer identified by a name. |
TGIS_Extent | Like TRect, but based on doubles instead of integers. |
TGIS_Bitmap.AsPng | Export png as ready as arry of bytes in PNG format. |
TGIS_Layer.Params | Parameters (colors, fills, etc.) object. |
TGIS_ClassificationFactory.CreateClassifier | Creates an object that inherits from TGIS_ClassificationAbstract class based on the layer's type. |
TGIS_ClassificationAbstract.Target | Indicates the data to be used for classification; empty by default. |
TGIS_ClassificationAbstract.Method | Classification method; NaturalBreaks by default. |
TGIS_ClassificationAbstract.ColorRamp | The color ramp that is used to assign colors for class breaks; none by default If not provided, StartColor and EndColor will be used. |
TGIS_ClassificationAbstract.MustCalculateStatistics | If True, statistics from layer assigned to classification need to be calculated. |
TGIS_ClassificationAbstract.Classify | Performs the classification. |
TGIS_Layer.Statistics | Layer statistics engine |
TGIS_LayerVector | General layer class for vector layers. |
TGIS_LayerPixel | Encapsulation of a common image layer - abstract class. |
TGIS_LayerPixel.Build | Builds an in-memory layer. |
TGIS_LayerPixel.Params | Returns parameters for pixel layer. |
TGIS_LayerPixel.CuttingPolygon | Cutting polygon that defines an input image's valid area. |
TGIS_StatisticsAbstract.Calculate | Calculate requested statistics from the entire layer. |
TGIS_Utils.GisColorRampList | Color ramps list. |
TGIS_ColorRampList.ByName | Gets a color ramp by name. |
TGIS_GradientMap.RealizeColorMap | Prepares a colormap as requested. |
TGIS_InterpolationKriging | Implementation of the ordinary Kriging interpolation method. |
TGIS_ContourGenerator | Implementation of the contour (isohypse) generation algorithm for grid/DEM layers. |
TGIS_ContourGenerator.ContourInterval | The elevation interval between generated contours. |
TGIS_ContourGenerator.Smoothen | If True then the generated contours will be smoothened. |
TGIS_ContourGenerator.BusyEvent | |
TGIS_ContourGenerator.Generate | Creates vector contours from a raster grid layer. |
TGIS_LayerVector.Loop | Prepares enumerator (also known as iterator or cursor) to iterate the layer. |
TGIS_Shape.MakeEditable | Add the shape to edited items list. |
TGIS_Shape.Intersection | Compute an intersection with shape provided. |
This sample is available on following platforms (click to see source code):