DK11 for Delphi | GisTypes | Constants | Enums | Classes | Prototypes | Records | Types
Name | Description |
TGIS_3DBasementType | Shape on DEM basement enforcement (for 3D mode only). |
TGIS_3DGroundType | Z value relations enforcement (for 3D mode only). |
TGIS_3DLayerType | 3D interpretation mode for layer (for 3D mode only). |
TGIS_3DNormalizationType | Types of 3D Normalization. |
TGIS_ChartStyle | Style of charts. |
TGIS_CompressionType | Compression types. |
TGIS_ContentType | Content type types. |
TGIS_ControlNorthArrowStyle | North arrow stock styles |
TGIS_DeveloperKernelTypes | Type of DK compilation - for internal use mainly. |
TGIS_DimensionType | Types of dimension. |
TGIS_DrawMode | Shows what scope of the layers must be drawn. |
TGIS_FieldFlags | Supported field flags. |
TGIS_FieldType | Supported field types. |
TGIS_FileType | Supported files types. |
TGIS_InsideType | Types of IsInside checking. |
TGIS_InterpolationMethod | Defines an interpolation method. |
TGIS_LabelAlignment | Alignment within label. |
TGIS_LabelPosition | Position of a label. |
TGIS_LayerDormantMode | Basic modes of layer Dormant operations: |
TGIS_LayerPixelInterpretation | Definition of layer interpretation. |
TGIS_LayerSaveOptions | Layer save options. |
TGIS_LayerSubType | Layer subtype. |
TGIS_Lock | Types of shape locking. |
TGIS_MarkerStyle | Style of markers. |
TGIS_MultiUser | Type for multi-user work mode. |
TGIS_OffsetPosition | Position of offset. |
TGIS_OperationType | Types of operations. |
TGIS_PartType | Types of shape parts. |
TGIS_PointerMode | Pointer mode for operations. |
TGIS_RegisteredLayerType | Registered layer type. |
TGIS_RendererMultipassMode | Mode of multipass shape rendering. |
TGIS_ShapeType | Types of GIS shapes. |
TGIS_TopologyCombineType | Type of operation for combining shapes. |
TGIS_VariantType | Simplified variant types. |
TGIS_Viewer3DMode | Basic modes of TGIS_Viewer3D operations: |
TGIS_ViewerMode | Basic modes of TGIS_ViewerWnd operations: |
TGIS_VirtualField | Virtual fields. |