DK for Delphi | GisTypes | Constants | Enums | Classes | Prototypes | Records | Types
Name | Description |
IntPtr | Provided for .NET source compatibility. |
TGIS_ByteArray | Array of Byte. |
TGIS_CardinalArray | Array of Cardinal. |
TGIS_CharArray | Array of Chars. |
TGIS_DeveloperKernelTypesSet | Set for DK compilation. |
TGIS_DimensionTypes | Set for checking dimension supported by layer. |
TGIS_DoubleArray | Array of Double. |
TGIS_DrawBuf | Array of Points for drawing purposes, |
TGIS_DrawBufF | Array of PointsF for drawing purposes, |
TGIS_FieldFlagsSet | Set for field flags. |
TGIS_FileTypes | Set for files types. |
TGIS_GridArray | Array of Array of Single (array of grid image lines- point[row][column]). |
TGIS_IntegerArray | Array of Integer. |
TGIS_IntegerGridArray | Array of Array of Integer |
TGIS_LabelPositions | Set for label positions. |
TGIS_LayerSaveOptionsSet | Set of layer save options. |
TGIS_LayerSubTypeSet | Set for checking shape supported by layer. |
TGIS_List | Alias for platform specific list. |
TGIS_ListOfDoubles | Alias for generic list of doubles; |
TGIS_ListOfIntegers | Alias for generic list of integers; |
TGIS_ListOfStrings | Alias for generic list of strings; |
TGIS_ListOfVariants | Alias for generic list of variants; |
TGIS_Matrix3x3 | Matrix type. |
TGIS_OperationTypes | Set for checking operations supported by layer. |
TGIS_Point3DArray | Array of TGIS_Point3D |
TGIS_PointArray | Array of TGIS_Point2D |
TGIS_ShapeTypes | Set for checking shape supported by layer. |
TGIS_SingleArray | Array of Single. |
TGIS_SingleColorArray | Single type color array. |
TGIS_SingleVectorArray | Single type vector array. |
TGIS_StringList | Alias for string list. |
TGIS_Strings | Alias for string list. |
TGIS_Uid | Uid type definition |
TGIS_UidArray | Array of Uids |
TGIS_VariantArray | Array of Variant. |
TGIS_VirtualFields | Set of the virtual fields for displaying in controls. |
typeOf | Type for TClass casting. |
_TGIS_LayerPixelSubFormat | Helper to ensure record copying on non record enabled platforms. |