DK for Delphi | GisRendererAbstract.TGIS_RendererAbstract | Constructors | Fields | Methods | Properties
Name | Visibility | Description | |
AfterDraw | public | Receive notification about pending renderer update. | |
BeforeDraw | public | Preparation of the draw state. | |
CanvasClearTransformation | public | Reset any transformation on the Canvas object. | |
CanvasDrawArc(Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer) | public | Draw an arc on the Canvas object. | |
CanvasDrawArc(Integer; Integer; Integer; Single; Single) | public | Draw an arc on the Canvas object. | |
CanvasDrawBitmap(TGIS_Bitmap; TRect) | public | Draw bitmap on the Canvas object. | |
CanvasDrawBitmap(TGIS_Pixels; TPoint; TRect; TGIS_BitmapFormat; TGIS_BitmapLinesOrder) | public | Draw bitmap on the Canvas object. | |
CanvasDrawEllipse | public | Draw an ellipse on the Canvas object. | |
CanvasDrawLine | public | Draw a line on the Canvas object. | |
CanvasDrawPie | public | Draw a pie on the Canvas object. | |
CanvasDrawPolygon(TGIS_DrawBuf) | public | Draw a polygon on the Canvas object. | |
CanvasDrawPolygon(TGIS_DrawBuf; Integer) | public | Draw a polygon on the Canvas object. | |
CanvasDrawPolygon(TGIS_DrawBuf; TGIS_IntegerArray) | public | Draw a polygon on the Canvas object. | |
CanvasDrawPolygon(TGIS_DrawBufF) | public | Draw a polygon on the Canvas object. | |
CanvasDrawPolygon(TGIS_DrawBufF; Integer) | public | Draw a polygon on the Canvas object. | |
CanvasDrawPolygon(TGIS_DrawBufF; TGIS_IntegerArray) | public | Draw a polygon on the Canvas object. | |
CanvasDrawPolyLine(TGIS_DrawBuf) | public | Draw a poly-line on the Canvas object. | |
CanvasDrawPolyLine(TGIS_DrawBuf; Integer) | public | Draw a poly-line on the Canvas object. | |
CanvasDrawPolyLine(TGIS_DrawBuf; TGIS_IntegerArray) | public | Draw a poly-line on the Canvas object. | |
CanvasDrawPolyLine(TGIS_DrawBufF) | public | Draw a poly-line on the Canvas object. | |
CanvasDrawPolyLine(TGIS_DrawBufF; Integer) | public | Draw a poly-line on the Canvas object. | |
CanvasDrawPolyLine(TGIS_DrawBufF; TGIS_IntegerArray) | public | Draw a poly-line on the Canvas object. | |
CanvasDrawRectangle | public | Draw a rectangle on the Canvas object. | |
CanvasDrawText | public | Draw a text on the Canvas object. | |
CanvasFontMetrics | public | Provide basing metric for a currently selected CanvasFont. | |
CanvasNative | public | Return rendering context native to current renderer. | |
CanvasSetTransformation | public | Set a transformation on the Canvas object. | |
CanvasTextBaseline | public | Provide a baseline for the passed text and a currently selected CanvasFont. | |
CanvasTextEm | public | Calculate text EM value for a currently selected CanvasFont. | |
CanvasTextExtent | public | Calculate text EM value for a currently selected CanvasFont. | |
CreateContext(IGIS_ViewerParent; IGIS_Viewer; TGIS_RendererContext; TPoint; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer) | public | Initiate context for the renderer. | |
CreateContext(IGIS_ViewerParent; IGIS_Viewer; TGIS_RendererContext; TPoint; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer; TRect) | public | Initiate context for the renderer. | |
CreateInstance | public | Create an instance of object of the same type as current one. | |
CreatePrinterContext | public | Initiate context for the printer. | |
Flush | public | Update BaseMap of the context . | |
FriendlyName | public | Get user-friendly name of the renderer. | |
getOffsetPoint | protected | Get offset point including position. | |
LockTransparent | public | Begin of drawing in a layer transparency mode. | |
MeasureShieldTexture | public | Measure shield size | |
OptimizeBitmapCache | public | Check the content of bitmap cache and optimize it. | |
PaintExtra(TObject; TObject; TGIS_PaintEvent) | public | Paint an extra context on a top of a rendered map. | |
PaintExtra(TObject; TObject; TGIS_RendererEvent) | public | Paint an extra context on a top of a rendered map. | |
PixelsToTwips | public | Convert size from device dependent pixels to device independent Twips (1/1440 inch). | |
PrepareBitmapCache | public | Prepare renderer cache for topmost bitmap layers. | |
PrepareDraw | public | Preparation of the draw state. | |
PrepareHourglassContext | public | Allow busy indicator upon rendering process. | |
ReleaseContext | public | Release an instance. | |
RenderBitmap(TObject; TGIS_Bitmap; TRect; Boolean) | public | Render bitmap on a current canvas with scaling. | |
RenderBitmap(TObject; TGIS_Pixels; TPoint; TRect; TGIS_BitmapFormat; TGIS_BitmapLinesOrder) | public | Render bitmap on a current canvas. | |
RenderBitmapBegin | public | Prepare custom rendering context for lengthy bitmap drawing. | |
RenderBitmapCache | public | Render bitmap cache for topmost pixel layers. | |
RenderBitmapEnd | public | Finalize custom rendering context. | |
RenderChart | public | Render a chart for a single shape in a current context. | |
RenderEditor | public | Render an editor (if any). | |
RenderLabel(TObject) | public | Render a label for a single shape in a current context. | |
RenderLabel(TObject; TGIS_DrawBuf) | public | Render a label for a single shape in a current context. | |
RenderShape(TObject; Boolean; TGIS_RendererMultipassMode) | public | Render a single shape in a current context. | |
RenderShape(TObject; TObject; Boolean; TGIS_RendererMultipassMode) | public | Render a single shape in a current context. | |
RenderShapeFlashed | public | Render shape in a flush state | |
RenderShieldTexture(TObject; Boolean; TPoint) | public | Render texture shield (label + chart + whatever) for 3D viewer purposes | |
RenderShieldTexture(TObject; Boolean; TPoint; TObject) | public | Render texture shield (label + chart + whatever) for 3D viewer purposes | |
RestoreContext | public | Restore context using same data as used by CreateContext. | |
Setup | public | Setup renderer if CreateContext are not in use. | |
TwipsToPixels(Integer) | public | Convert the size from to device independent Twips (1/1440 inch) to device dependent pixels. | |
TwipsToPixels(Integer; Integer) | public | Convert the size from to device independent Twips (1/1440 inch) to device dependent pixels. | |
TwipsToPoints | public | Convert the size from to device independent Twips (1/1440 inch) to device points. | |
UnlockTransparent | public | End of drawing in a layer transparency mode. | |
Update | public | Receive notification about pending renderer update. | |