DK for Delphi | GisDb.TGIS_DbAbstract | Constructors | Fields | Methods | Properties | Events | Events
Name | Visibility | Description | |
CurrentSQLDialect | public | Current SQL dialect name. | |
EngineOptions | public | Engine options. | |
FullSafeParam | public | if True, prefix with name is returned, otherwise only prefix. | |
GeometryType | public | Internal geometry type. | |
iCodePage | public | CodePage used for conversion. | |
iJoinCodePage | public | JoinCodePage used for conversion. | |
InBatchMode | public | True, if batch mode is enabled for fast inserts. | |
IsDb2 | public | Is DB2 dialect. | |
IsInformix | public | Is Informix dialect. | |
IsInterbase | public | Is Interbase dialect. | |
IsJDBC | public | if True, JDBC is used. | |
IsMsJet | public | Is MsJet dialect. | |
IsMsSql | public | Is MsSql dialect. | |
IsMySql | public | Is MySql dialect. | |
IsOracle | public | Is Oracle dialect. | |
IsPostgreSql | public | Is PostgreSQL dialect. | |
IsProviderInitialized | public | Is provider initialized. | |
IsSqlite | public | Is Sqlite dialect. | |
IsSybase | public | Is Sybase dialect. | |
MultiUserMode | public | Multiuser mode. | |
NameMaxLength | public | Sql name maximum length. | |
ParameterPrefix | public | Sql parameter prefix. | |
RowsetSize | public | Number of rows fetched in batches from the cursor database (default 0). | |
UseTextParameters | public | Use text parameters. | |