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TGIS_DbAbstract class

DK for Delphi | GisDb.TGIS_DbAbstract | Classes | Constructors | Fields | Methods | Properties | Events

Class that can read database.

Available also on: .NET | Java.


// Delphi
  TGIS_DbAbstract = class( TGIS_ObjectDisposable )
// C++ Builder
class PASCALIMPLEMENTATION TGIS_DbAbstract : public TGIS_ObjectDisposable



Inherited Overrides Protected
Name Visibility Description
Create public Constructor.


Inherited Protected
Name Visibility Description
FDialect protected SQL dialect name.
FFullSafeParam protected if True, prefix with name is returned, otherwise only prefix.
FGeometryType protected Internal geometry type.
FiCodePage protected CodePage stored for optimization purposes.
FiJoinCodePage protected JoinCodePage stored for optimization purposes.
FInBatchMode protected True, if batch mode is enabled.
FisDb2 protected Is DB2 dialect.
FisInformix protected Is Informix dialect.
FIsInitializedProvider protected Is provider initialized.
FisInterbase protected Is Interbase dialect.
FIsJDBC protected if True, JDBC is used.
FisMsJet protected Is MsJet dialect.
FisMsSql protected Is MsSql dialect.
FisMySql protected Is MySql dialect.
FisOracle protected Is Oracle dialect.
FisPostgreSql protected Is PostgreSQL dialect.
FisSqlite protected Is Sqlite dialect.
FisSybase protected Is Sybase dialect.
FMultiUserMode protected MultiUser mode.
FNameMaxLength protected Sql name max length.
FOnSQLExecute protected SQL execute event handler.
FParameterPrefix protected Sql parameter prefix.
FReuseQuery protected If True, reuse opened query, otherwise open a new query.
FRowsetSize protected Number of rows fetched in batches from the cursor database (default 0).
FUseTextParameters protected Use text parameters.
options protected Engine options.


Inherited Overrides Protected
Name Visibility Description
cursorClose public Free cursor allocated by CursorOpen().
cursorOpen public Allocate new cursor.
FinalizeProvider public Finalize provider.
getLastCursor public Get last opened cursor index.
GetLastErrorMessage public Return last error message text.
InitializeProvider public Initialize provider.
PreRecognize public Check if layer can read a file.
safeParam public Get a safe parameter.
sqlBaseFolder public Return base folder for a layer.
sqlBindField public Obtain a bind number for a given field name.
sqlBuild public Build new SQL layer.
sqlConnect public Open database connection.
sqlCreateFunction public Create a function on database site.
sqlDisconnect public Close database connection.
sqlExec public Execute a command.
sqlGetBindedField public Get the field value for a shape given by a unique identity.
sqlGetParams public Get parameters list.
sqlInitialize public Initialize database flags and options.
sqlLastInsertId public Get last inserted record id.
sqlPathAbsolute(String; String; Boolean) public Resolves potentially embedded database path in a connection string into an absolute path.
sqlPathAbsolute(String; String; Char; Boolean) public Resolves potentially embedded database path in a connection string into an absolute path.
sqlPathAbsolute(String; String; Char; String; Char) public Resolves potentially embedded database path in a connection string into an absolute path.
sqlQueryClose public Close the query.
sqlQueryEof public Test for Eof on query.
sqlQueryGeometryIsText public Is geometry data a text.
sqlQueryGetBlob public Get blob data type.
sqlQueryGetField public Get a field from the query by field name.
sqlQueryGetFieldById public Get a field from the query by field id.
sqlQueryGetFieldIndex public Get field index from query.
sqlQueryGetGeomObj public Get a geometry object from the query.
sqlQueryGetGeomPtr public Get a geometry from the query.
sqlQueryGetGeomVAR public Get a geometry from the query.
sqlQueryGetGEOUID(Integer; Integer) public Get a GEO.UID from the query.
sqlQueryGetGEOUID(String; Integer) public Get a GEO.UID from the query.
sqlQueryGetSHAPETYPE public Get a SHAPETYE from the query.
sqlQueryGetXMIN public Get a XMIN from the query.
sqlQueryGetYMIN public Get a YMIN from the query.
sqlQueryMoveFirst public Move to first record of query.
sqlQueryMoveNext public Move to next record of query.
sqlQueryNameGEOUID public Get a GEO.UID field from the query.
sqlQueryOpen public Open the query.
sqlQueryReset public Reset current sql query.
sqlQueryStructure public Fill the current layer structure based on the query.
sqlQueryUnPrepareGetGeom public Unprepare geometry access.
sqlTableAppend public Append a new record into the table.
sqlTableClose public Close the table.
sqlTableCreateParam public Create a table parameter.
sqlTableEof public Test for Eof on the table.
sqlTableExec public Execute opened table command.
sqlTableGetField public Get a field from the table.
sqlTableGetParam public Get a parameter from the table.
sqlTableOpenRead public Open the table based on provided filter.
sqlTableOpenWrite public Open the table based on provided filter
sqlTablePost public Update the table (after any change).
sqlTablePrepared public Is table prepared for insert.
sqlTableSetBlob public Set a blob data to the table.
sqlTableSetField public Set a field to the table.
sqlTableSetGeometry(Integer; String; OleVariant; TGIS_MemoryStream) public Set a geometry to the table.
sqlTableSetGeometry(Integer; String; TObject) public Set a geometry to the table.
sqlTransactGlobalUpdateCommit public Commit global transaction.
sqlTransactGlobalUpdateStart public Start global transaction.
sqlTransactRestructCommit public Commit transaction.
sqlTransactRestructStart public Start transaction.
sqlTransactRollback public Rollback global transaction.
sqlTransactUpdateCommit public Commit transaction.
sqlTransactUpdateStart public Start transaction.
sqlUpdateStart public Macro for starting updates.


Inherited Protected
Name Visibility Description
CurrentSQLDialect public Current SQL dialect name.
EngineOptions public Engine options.
FullSafeParam public if True, prefix with name is returned, otherwise only prefix.
GeometryType public Internal geometry type.
iCodePage public CodePage used for conversion.
iJoinCodePage public JoinCodePage used for conversion.
InBatchMode public True, if batch mode is enabled for fast inserts.
IsDb2 public Is DB2 dialect.
IsInformix public Is Informix dialect.
IsInterbase public Is Interbase dialect.
IsJDBC public if True, JDBC is used.
IsMsJet public Is MsJet dialect.
IsMsSql public Is MsSql dialect.
IsMySql public Is MySql dialect.
IsOracle public Is Oracle dialect.
IsPostgreSql public Is PostgreSQL dialect.
IsProviderInitialized public Is provider initialized.
IsSqlite public Is Sqlite dialect.
IsSybase public Is Sybase dialect.
MultiUserMode public Multiuser mode.
NameMaxLength public Sql name maximum length.
ParameterPrefix public Sql parameter prefix.
RowsetSize public Number of rows fetched in batches from the cursor database (default 0).
UseTextParameters public Use text parameters.


Inherited Protected
Name Visibility Description
SQLExecuteEvent published SQL execute event handler.


Reuse query

By default, if a query sql doesn't change, an existing dataset is reused. To always make a recreation of a query reflecting changes in a table that was modified manually in the database, REUSEQUERY options can be used either by :

  • adding REUSEQUERY=false to a connector file or embedded Path, or
  • adding a global metadata key TGIS_DbAbstract.REUSEQUERY with value 'true'

2025/01/31 01:06

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