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Documentation | Help File | UI | Panels | Data panel | Toolbar

The Data panel toolbar provides quick access to the basic functions used to operate and filter records within an attribute table.

Icon Name Description
First record Jumps to the first record within the current attribute table.
Prior page Jumps n records backward within the current attribute table; n is the number of records visible at the current Data panel height.
Prior record Moves one record backward within the current attribute table.
Next record Moves one record forward within the current attribute table.
Next page Jumps n records forward within the current attribute table; n is the number of records visible at the current Data panel height.
Last record Jumps to the last record within the current attribute table.
Delete record Delete shape associated with the selected record
Edit record Starts editing of the selected cell.
Post edit Confirms changes done within the edited cell.
Cancel edit Cancels changes done within the edited cell.
Save Bookmark Bookmarks the selected record within the current attribute table; the bookmark is preserved as long as the attribute table is open within the Data panel
Go to Bookmark Jumps to the bookmarked record.
Query Invokes the Data panel Query builder dialog box; refer to the Query builder help topic for more information.
Show/Hide Grouping Show or hide the Grouping Panel. If the Persistent data panel option in Tools/Options is checked, this setting is stored.
Show/Hide Find PanelShow or hide the Find Panel. If the Persistent data panel option in Tools/Options is checked, this setting is stored.
2018/06/04 10:54

Page Tools