DK for .NET | TatukGIS.NDK | Enums | Classes | Interfaces | Delegates | Records | Types
Name | Description |
TGIS_3DBasementType | Shape on DEM basement enforcement (for 3D mode only). |
TGIS_3DGroundType | Z value relations enforcement (for 3D mode only). |
TGIS_3DLayerType | 3D interpretation mode for layer (for 3D mode only). |
TGIS_3DNormalizationType | Types of 3D Normalization. |
TGIS_3DPathType | Interpolation method for a 3D path. |
TGIS_BitmapFormat | TGIS_Bitmap supported formats |
TGIS_BitmapLinesOrder | TGIS_Bitmap lines order |
TGIS_BitmapType | TGIS_Bitmap underlaying native bitmap type |
TGIS_BrushStyle | Platform independent brush style definition. |
TGIS_ChartStyle | Style of charts. |
TGIS_ClassificationMethod | Enumeration of classification methods. |
TGIS_ClassificationRenderType | Enumeration of visual properties which can be set for the classification process. |
TGIS_ColorInterpolationMode | Defines color interpolation method. |
TGIS_ColorMapMode | Defines colormap mode. |
TGIS_ColorSchema | Color schema types. |
TGIS_CompressionType | Compression types. |
TGIS_ConfigFormat | Types of config format. |
TGIS_ContentType | Content type types. |
TGIS_ContourGeneratorMode | Specifies output type for contouring process. |
TGIS_ControlLegendMode | Modes for TGIS_Legend. |
TGIS_ControlLegendOption | Options for TGIS_Legend. |
TGIS_ControlNorthArrowStyle | North arrow stock styles |
TGIS_CSProjParameter | Possible projection parameters. |
TGIS_CSProjType | Projection type. |
TGIS_CSUnitsType | Type of units. |
TGIS_DataType | Predefined data types. |
TGIS_DDFBinaryFormat | ISO 8211 binary format types. |
TGIS_DDFDataStructCode | ISO 8211 data structures. |
TGIS_DDFDataType | ISO 8211 data types. |
TGIS_DDFDataTypeCode | ISO 8211 data type codes. |
TGIS_DemSlopeMode | Degrees or Percent slope mode. |
TGIS_DemTotalCurvatureMode | Total Curvature Modes. |
TGIS_DeveloperKernelTypes | Type of DK compilation - for internal use mainly. |
TGIS_DimensionType | Types of dimension. |
TGIS_DrawMode | Shows what scope of the layers must be drawn. |
TGIS_EditorAction | For internal use of TGIS_Editor. |
TGIS_EditorMode | Editor vertex adding mode. |
TGIS_EditorModeEx | For internal use of TGIS_Editor. |
TGIS_EditorOperation | Editor operations. |
TGIS_EditorSnapResultType | Editor snap result type. |
TGIS_EditorSnapType | Editor snap type. |
TGIS_EditorToolArcMode | Modes of arc tool. |
TGIS_FieldFlags | Supported field flags. |
TGIS_FieldType | Supported field types. |
TGIS_FieldValueCheckFormula | Type of formula checks. |
TGIS_FieldValueCheckMode | Behavior of value checks. |
TGIS_FieldValuesMode | Hint of how filed should be represented upon editing. |
TGIS_FileType | Supported files types. |
TGIS_FontStyle | Platform independent font style definition. |
TGIS_GraticuleLabelOrientation | Graticule line label orientation. |
TGIS_GraticuleLabelPosition | Graticule position against graticule line. |
TGIS_GraticuleMode | Graticule mode |
TGIS_HeuristicMode | Heuristic mode for path calculations |
TGIS_HydrologyStreamOrderMethod | Specifies stream ordering methods. |
TGIS_InsideType | Types of IsInside checking. |
TGIS_InterpolationMethod | Defines an interpolation method. |
TGIS_JoinType | Types of section conections for offset line. |
TGIS_LabelAlignment | Alignment within label. |
TGIS_LabelPosition | Position of a label. |
TGIS_LayerDormantMode | Basic modes of layer Dormant operations: |
TGIS_LayerGPXDataType | GPX data types to use. |
TGIS_LayerPixelInterpretation | Definition of layer interpretation. |
TGIS_LayerSaveOptions | Layer save options. |
TGIS_LayerSubType | Layer subtype. |
TGIS_LayerTiledMode | State of Tiled mode rendering |
TGIS_LegendIconStyle | Style of legend icons. |
TGIS_LegendIconType | The type of feature for which TGIS_LegendIconFactory prepares the icon. |
TGIS_LineCap | Platform independent pen cap style. |
TGIS_LineJoin | Platform independent pen join style. |
TGIS_Lock | Types of shape locking. |
TGIS_LoggerType | Type of logged event |
TGIS_MarkerStyle | Style of markers. |
TGIS_MultiUser | Type for multi-user work mode. |
TGIS_NetworkCandidate | State of node in the list of candidates. |
TGIS_OffsetPosition | Position of offset. |
TGIS_OperationType | Types of operations. |
TGIS_OSMMemberType | Type of osm member |
TGIS_OSMRoutingProfile | Profiles of the TatukGIS online routong service. |
TGIS_PartType | Types of shape parts. |
TGIS_PenStyle | Platform independent pen style definition. |
TGIS_PipelineParameterType | Types of pipeline parameters |
TGIS_PixelBandCoding | Definition of how particular band is stored. |
TGIS_PixelBandContent | Definition of the meaning of a particular band. |
TGIS_PixelBandSet | Definition of how layer should be interpreted |
TGIS_PixelFilterColorSpace | Defines the color space in which the filter is to operate. |
TGIS_PixelFilterMaskType | Predefined mask filters. |
TGIS_PixelFilterStructuringElementType | Predefined structuring element types. |
TGIS_PixelFormat | Platform independent pixel format specification |
TGIS_PixelStoreType | PixelStore supported formats. |
TGIS_PixelSubFormat | Platform independent pixel storage format definition. |
TGIS_PointCloudAssignment | Specifies cell assignment method for point cloud to grid conversion. |
TGIS_PointCloudFormula | Specifies cell assignment method for NoData filling. |
TGIS_PointerMode | Pointer mode for operations. |
TGIS_PolynomialOrder | Polynomial order. |
TGIS_PrintLayoutAnchor | Print layout anchor types. |
TGIS_PrintLayoutControlType | Print layout control types. |
TGIS_PrintLayoutElementType | Print layout element types. |
TGIS_PrintLayoutUnits | Print layout units. |
TGIS_RegisteredFormatType | Registered format type. |
TGIS_RegisteredLayerType | Registered layer type. |
TGIS_RegisteredOperationType | Registered operation type. |
TGIS_RendererMultipassMode | Mode of multipass shape rendering. |
TGIS_ScalingFilter | Bitmap scaling filtering type |
TGIS_ShapeType | Types of GIS shapes. |
TGIS_SlopeUnit | Unit in which the slope is expressed. |
TGIS_StatisticalFunction | Available statistical functions |
TGIS_StreamMode | Mode of stream access |
TGIS_SubDataType | Geometry internal data type. |
TGIS_TopologyCombineType | Type of operation for combining shapes. |
TGIS_VariantType | Simplified variant types. |
TGIS_VectorToGridCoordinate | Specifies coordinate used as data input for interpolation process. |
TGIS_Viewer3DDemCacheSize | Grid size used to display regular DEMs & IMAGEs. |
TGIS_Viewer3DDemWall | Types of DEM walls. |
TGIS_Viewer3DMode | Basic modes of TGIS_Viewer3D operations: |
TGIS_Viewer3DReferenceLevelMode | Types of reference level (Z value of rotation point) |
TGIS_Viewer3DReferenceMode | Types of reference level mode ( Z value of rotation point). |
TGIS_Viewer3DTransparencyPriority | Types of transparency priority in case that both DEM & vector are transparent. |
TGIS_Viewer3DViewRestriction | Types of camera position restriction. |
TGIS_ViewerMode | Basic modes of TGIS_ViewerWnd operations: |
TGIS_ViewshedObserverElevation | Specifies what is used as elevation of the observers in the viewshed or Fresnel zone clearance analysis. |
TGIS_ViewshedOutput | Specifies output values of the viewshed analysis. |
TGIS_VirtualField | Virtual fields. |