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TGIS_PixelBandContent enum

DK11 for Java | tatukgis.jdk.TGIS_PixelBandContent | Enums

Definition of the meaning of a particular band.

Available also on: Delphi | .NET | ActiveX | Python.


// Java
public enum TGIS_PixelBandContent {
  Unknown, Alpha, Red, Green, Blue, Photo, Dem
// Oxygene
  TGIS_PixelBandContent = public (
    Unknown, Alpha, Red, Green, Blue, Photo, Dem


Name Value Description
Unknown Unknown definition.
Alpha Band is an alpha channel.
Red Band is a red channel.
Green Band is a green channel.
Blue Band is a blue channel.
Photo Band is an other kind of a photo channel (like infrared).
Dem Band is grid / digital elevation model.

2024/12/20 22:26

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