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TGIS_LayerVector.GetFieldEx method

DK11 for Delphi | GisLayerVector.TGIS_LayerVector.GetFieldEx | Constructors | Fields | Methods | Properties | Events

Gets a field value for a shape determined by its unique identity.

Available also on: .NET | Java | ActiveX | Python.


// Delphi
  function GetFieldEx(
    const _uid : TGIS_Uid;
    const _name : String
  ) : Variant; virtual;
// C++ Builder
  virtual Variant* GetFieldEx(
    TGIS_Uid* const _uid,
    const UnicodeString _name


Name Type Description
_uid TGIS_Uid identity
_name String field name


Type Description
Variant Field value. If field value is Null then function will return Null default value. GetField will return a default value instead.


Use this method to get a field value for a shape given by its unique identity.

When using this operation, never call any function which uses FindFirst..FindNext (i.e., any function which iterates through the shapes using it). So never use inside an operation like Locate etc.

2024/12/20 22:19

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