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IGIS_ViewerParent methods


Inherited Overrides Protected
Name Visibility Description
ControlAutoCenterViewport public Move the screen origin of the map by delta values.
ControlCanvasHeight public Get canvas height.
ControlCanvasScale public Get canvas scale.
ControlCanvasWidth public Get canvas width.
ControlClose public Notify control that is map is going to be closed.
ControlDrawTexture(TObject; TGIS_Extent; Integer) public Draw texture.
ControlDrawTexture(TObject; TGIS_LayerAbstract; TGIS_Extent; Integer) public Draw texture.
ControlExtentChanged public Notify control that is map extent was changed
ControlFlash public Do flash.
ControlHourglassHide public Do Hourglass hide.
ControlHourglassShake public Do Hourglass shake.
ControlHourglassShow public Do Hourglass show.
ControlPPI public Get current PPI.
ControlProcessMessages public Do process messages.
ControlRaiseEditorChangeEvent public Raise event on editor change.
ControlRenderer public Get renderer instance.
ControlRepaint public Repaint control.
ControlSet3DMode public Set current 3D mode.
ControlSystemPPI public Get system PPI.
ControlUpdateBasemap public Update basemap.
ControlUpdateEditor public Update the editor.
ControlUpdateProgressive public Progressive update.
ControlUpdateSelection public Update Selection layer.
ControlUpdateSynchronize public Wait for pending paint operation to be finalized.
ControlUpdateTopmost public Update Topmost layer.
ControlUpdateWholeMap public Update whole map.
GetViewer public Get internal viewer handle.
SetViewer public Set internal viewer handle.

2024/07/25 01:05

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