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TGIS_CSUnits class

DK11 for Delphi | GisCsBase.TGIS_CSUnits | Classes | Constructors | Methods | Properties

Unit of measurement (linear, angular or areal)

Available also on: .NET | Java | ActiveX | Python.


// Delphi
  TGIS_CSUnits = class( TGIS_CSAbstract )
// C++ Builder



Inherited Overrides Protected
Name Visibility Description
Create public Standard constructor.
(Overrides TGIS_CSAbstract.Create)
Create(Integer; String) public Create an instance.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstract)
Create(Integer; String; array of Integer) public Create an instance of automatic units
Create(Integer; String; String; TGIS_CSUnitsType; Double) public Create an instance.


Inherited Overrides Protected
Name Visibility Description
AsAngular public Convert units as annular to string representation with proper units symbol.
AsAreal public Convert units as areal to string representation with proper units symbol.
AsLinear public Convert units as linear to string representation with proper units symbol.
Assign public Standard constructor.
(Overrides TGIS_CSAbstract.Assign)
AutoSelect public Returned the most appropriate sub unit for selected value.
FromBase public Convert value provided in basic unit (meter or radians) into the value represented by current unit.
FromUnits public Convert value provided in current unit into basic unit (meter or radians) .
MarkDeprecated public Set object depreciation state.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstract)
ToBase public Convert value provided in current unit into basic unit (meter or radians) .
ToUnits public Convert value provided in basic unit (meter or radians) into the value represented by current unit.


Inherited Protected
Name Visibility Description
Deprecated public If true, then object is deprecated.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstract)
Description public Additional description.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstract)
DescriptionEx public Descriptive name; for internal use of TGIS_CSAbstractListHelper.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstract)
EPSG public EPSG code.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstract)
Factor public Factor between unit and basic unit (meter or radians); for example factor for kilometer is 1000.
FriendlyName public Friendly name constructed based on WKT (without underscores) and EPSG.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstract)
MasterEPSG public EPSG code of the object for which current object is an alias.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstract)
Symbol public Symbolic name.
UnitsType public Type of units: angular, linear, areal.
WKT public WKT name.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstract)


2024/12/20 22:17

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