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TGIS_ControlNorthArrow properties


Inherited Protected
Name Visibility Description
Align published Standard FMX property.
Anchors published Standard FMX property.
ClipChildren published Standard FMX property.
ClipParent published Standard FMX property.
Color1 published Fill color.
Color2 published Outline color.
Cursor published Standard FMX property.
DragMode published Standard FMX property.
Enabled published Standard FMX property.
EnableDragHighlight published Standard FMX property.
GIS_Viewer published Attached viewer.
Glow published Draw "glowing" shadow around the symbol.
Height published Standard FMX property.
HitTest published Standard FMX property.
InternalName published Used for internal use of TatukGIS.
(Implements IGIS_PrintableControl.InternalName)
Locked published Standard FMX property.
Margins published Standard FMX property.
Opacity published Standard FMX property.
Padding published Standard FMX property.
Path published Symbol path.
PopupMenu published Standard FMX property.
Position published Standard FMX property.
RotationAngle published Standard FMX property.
RotationCenter published Standard FMX property.
Scale published Standard FMX property.
Size published Standard FMX property.
Style published Symbol style, used if Path is empty.
Visible published Standard FMX property.
Width published Standard FMX property.

2024/05/17 01:10

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