DK for ActiveX | TatukGIS_XDK11.TGIS_Color | Classes | Methods | Properties
Platform independent color declaration.
// C# public class TGIS_Color : ITGIS_Color { }
' VisualBasic Public Class TGIS_Color Implements ITGIS_Color End Class
// Oxygene type TGIS_Color = public class end;
Name | Visibility | Description | |
AttachDelphiObj | public | Only for internal use of TatukGIS. (Inherited from ITBaseObject) |
DelphiObj | public | Only for internal use of TatukGIS. (Inherited from ITBaseObject) |
FromABGR | public | Creates a transparent color using the BGR color model. | |
FromACMYK | public | Creates a transparent color with alpha using the CMYK color model. | |
FromAHCL | public | Creates a transparent color using the HCL color model. | |
FromAHSL | public | Creates a transparent color using the HSL color model. | |
FromAHSV | public | Creates a transparent color using the HSV color model. | |
FromARGB | public | Creates a transparent color using the RGB color model. | |
FromARGB_2 | public | Creates a transparent color using RGB color model. | |
FromBGR | public | Creates a color using the BGR color model. | |
FromBGR_2 | public | Creates a color using the BGR color model. | |
FromCMYK | public | Creates a color using the CMYK color model. | |
FromHCL | public | Creates a color using the HCL color model. | |
FromHSL | public | Creates a color using the HSL color model. | |
FromHSV | public | Creates a color using the HSV color model. | |
FromRGB | public | Creates a color using the RGB color model. | |
FromRGB_2 | public | Creates a color using the RGB color model. | |
FromString | public | Creates a color using the hex string. | |
ToABGR | public | Converts a color to an integer in the ABGR form. | |
ToACMYK | public | Retrieves the alpha (A), cyan (C), magenta (M), yellow (Y), and black (K) components of the current color. | |
ToAHCL | public | Retrieves the alpha (A), hue (H), chroma (C) and luminance (L) components of the current color. | |
ToAHSL | public | Retrieves the alpha (A), hue (H), saturation (S) and lightness (L) components of the current color. | |
ToAHSV | public | Retrieves the alpha (A), hue (H), saturation (S) and value (V) components of the current color. | |
ToARGB | public | Converts a color to an integer in the ABGR form. | |
ToBGR | public | Converts a color to an integer in the BGR form. | |
ToCMYK | public | Retrieves the cyan (C), magenta (M), yellow (Y), and black (K) components of the current color. | |
ToHCL | public | Retrieves the alpha (A), hue (H), chroma (C) and luminance (L) components of the current color. | |
ToHSL | public | Retrieves the hue (H), saturation (S) and lightness (L) components of the current color. | |
ToHSV | public | Retrieves the hue (H), saturation (S) and value (V) components of the current color. | |
ToRGB | public | Converts a color to an integer in the RGB form. | |
ToString | public | Converts the color to a hexadecimal string. | |
TryFromString | public | Tries to create a color using the hex string. | |
Name | Visibility | Description | |
A | public | Extracts Alpha part of color ARGB definition. | |
Aqua | public | Constructs a standard color - $ff00ffff. | |
ARGB | public | Internal representation as little endian ARGB integer. | |
B | public | Extracts Blue part of ARGB color definition. | |
Black | public | Constructs a standard color - $ff000000. | |
Blue | public | Constructs a standard color - $ff0000ff. | |
Crazy | public | Constructs a standard color - $00010816. | |
DimGray | public | Constructs a standard color - $ff696969. | |
Fuchsia | public | Constructs a standard color - $ffff00ff. | |
G | public | Extracts Green part of ARGB color definition. | |
Gray | public | Constructs a standard color - $ff808080. | |
Green | public | Constructs a standard color - $ff008000. | |
H | public | Extracts Hue part of HSL color definition. | |
L | public | Extracts Luminescence part of HSL color definition. | |
LightGray | public | Constructs a standard color - $ffd3d3d3. | |
Lime | public | Constructs a standard color - $ff00ff00. | |
Maroon | public | Constructs a standard color - $ff800000. | |
Navy | public | Constructs a standard color - $ff000080. | |
None | public | Constructs a standard color. | |
Olive | public | Constructs a standard color - $ff808000. | |
Purple | public | Constructs a standard color - $ff800080. | |
R | public | Extracts Red part of ARGB color definition. | |
Red | public | Constructs a standard color - $ffff0000. | |
RenderColor | public | Constructs a standard color - $00ff9933. | |
S | public | Extracts Saturation part of HSL color definition. | |
Silver | public | Constructs a standard color - $ffc0c0c0. | |
Teal | public | Constructs a standard color - $ff008080. | |
White | public | Constructs a standard color - $ffffffff. | |
Yellow | public | Constructs a standard color - $ffffff00. | |
TGIS_Color is a platform independent color definition used by TatukGIS Developer Kernel. It is defined as little endian ARGB.
DWORD | |||
bits 31..24 | bits 23..16 | bits 15..8 | bits 7..0 |
A | R | G | B |
Symbol | Name | Min | Max | Comments |
A | Alpha | 0 | 255 | 0 means fully transparent; 255 means solid |
R | Red | 0 | 255 | |
G | Green | 0 | 255 | |
B | Blue | 0 | 255 |
Sample colors:
Hex color | Comments |
$00000000 | Black |
$00FFFFFF | Pure Red |
$00FF0000 | Pure Red |
$0000FF00 | Pure Green |
$000000FF | Pure Blue |
$FF000000 | Fully transparent; color has no meaning |
$80000000 | 50% transparent black |
Each platform has defined conversion functions to convert to/from the actual platform-specific color definition. See GisFramework for VCL or FMX.