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ITGIS_ViewerWnd methods


Inherited Overrides Protected

Inherited Overrides Protected
Name Visibility Description
Add public Add a layer to the Viewer.
AddHierarchy public Read hierarchy and build groups with layers.
AttachDelphiObj public Only for internal use of TatukGIS.
(Inherited from ITBaseObject)
AttachLayer public Attach layer to the viewer by re-parenting.
BeginPaintInternal public Notify viewer about entering of a paint mode.
BusyPrepare public Prepare BusyEvent for long-term operation.
BusyRelease public Release Busy state.
BusyShake public Shake Busy state.
CenterViewport public Set viewport to the vale when _ptg will be visible on the center of the screen.
ChangeHash public Change hash.
Close public Close a project.
ControlAutoCenterViewport public Move the screen origin of the map by delta values.
ControlCanvasHeight public Get canvas height.
ControlCanvasScale public Get canvas scale.
ControlCanvasWidth public Get canvas width.
ControlClose public Notify control that is map is going to be closed.
ControlDrawTexture public Draw texture.
ControlDrawTexture_2 public Draw texture.
ControlExtentChanged public Notify control that is map extent was changed
ControlFlash public Do flash.
ControlHourglassHide public Do Hourglass hide.
ControlHourglassShake public Do Hourglass shake.
ControlHourglassShow public Do Hourglass show.
ControlPPI public Get current PPI.
ControlProcessMessages public Do process messages.
ControlRaiseEditorChangeEvent public Raise event on editor change.
ControlRenderer public Get renderer instance.
ControlRepaint public Repaint control.
ControlSet3DMode public Set current 3D mode.
ControlSystemPPI public Get system PPI.
ControlUpdateBasemap public Update basemap.
ControlUpdateEditor public Update the editor.
ControlUpdateProgressive public Progressive update.
ControlUpdateSelection public Update Selection layer.
ControlUpdateSynchronize public Wait for pending paint operation to be finalized.
ControlUpdateTopmost public Update Topmost layer.
ControlUpdateWholeMap public Update whole map.
Delete public Delete the layer identified by a name.
DelphiObj public Only for internal use of TatukGIS.
(Inherited from ITBaseObject)
DoMouseDown public Execute operation equal to the reaction to a mouse down event.
DoMouseMove public Execute operation equal to the reaction to a mouse move event.
DoMouseUp public Execute operation equal to the reaction to a mouse up event.
Draw public Draw all layers on a current renderer.
EndPaintInternal public Notify viewer about leaving of a paint mode.
FullExtent public Calculate the screen origin, zoom, and viewport to place the whole map in the window.
FullExtentZoom public Calculates a zoom which places the whole map inside the window
Get public Retrieve the layer identified by a name.
GetCacheBitmap public Return a copy of last cache bitmap.
GetGrid public Fills provided _grid array with values defined by _extent.
GetRenderContext public Return current context object.
GetViewer public Get internal viewer handle.
HourglassActive public Test is hourglass is active.
HourglassPrepare public Prepare Hourglass cursor for timely operation.
HourglassRelease public Release Hourglass.
HourglassRestart public Restart hourglass timing used for progressive updates.
HourglassShake public Shake Hourglass.
Interrupt public Will terminate timely operation as soon as possible.
Interrupted public Test if any pending operation must be aborted.
InvalidateBasemap public Invalidate only basemap layers.
InvalidateEditor public Invalidate editor.
InvalidateExtent public Invalidate an extent for full map redraw
InvalidateExtent_2 public Invalidate an extent.
InvalidateSelection public Invalidate selection.
InvalidateTopmost public Invalidate only topmost layers.
InvalidateWholeMap public Invalidate whole map.
Locate public Locate a shape that is near _ptg, but is closer than _prec distance.
LocateEx public Locate shapes on layers that are near _ptg, but closer than _prec distance.
Locate_2 public Locate a shape that is near _ptg, but is closer than _prec distance.
Locate_3 public Locate a shape that is near _pt, but is closer than _prec distance.
Lock public Lock viewer.
MapToScreen public Converts point coordinates from map related to screen related.
MapToScreen3D public Converts 3D point coordinates from map related to screen related.
MapToScreenEx public Converts point coordinates from map related to screen related, but result will be in TGIS_Point.
MapToScreenRect public Converts rectangle coordinates from map related to screen related.
MarkModified public Mark viewer upon some modifications.
MoveViewport public Move the screen origin of the map by delta values.
MoveViewportEx public Move the screen origin of the map by delta values.
MustSave public Check if any layer or the project file was modified by editing.
NotifySubscribers public Send notification to subscribers.
Open public Open project.
OpenEx public Open project file from the memory.
OpenEx_2 public Open project file from the memory.
Open_2 public Open project.
PixelsToTwips public Convert size from device dependent pixels to device independent Twips (1/1440 inch).
Print public Print the current viewer content using the default printer.
PrintBmp public Print the current content on a bitmap.
PrintBmp_2 public Print the current content on a bitmap.
PrintBmp_3 public Print the current content on a bitmap.
PrintBmp_4 public Print the current content on a bitmap.
PrintClipboard public Print the current view to the clipboard.
PrintClipboard_2 public Print the current view to the clipboard.
Print_2 public Print the current viewer content using the given printer.
RaiseBusyEvent public Fire Busy event of a viewer.
RaiseHelpEvent public Fire Busy event of a viewer.
ReadConfig public Read all configuration data from project.
RecalcExtent public Calculates a common extent.
Reposition public Reposition the map within the component window.
RereadConfig public Reread all configuration data from project and layer configuration files.
RestorePaintState public Restore and free the current paint state.
RevertAll public Revert all layers to a file-based original.
RotatedExtent public Compute extent (encompassing area of the extent) after the viewer rotation.
RotatedPoint public Compute position of the point after the viewer rotation.
RotatedPoint3D public Compute position of the 3D point after the viewer rotation.
RotatedPoint3D_ref public Compute position of the 3D point after the viewer rotation.
SaveAll public Save all layers (parameters and data)
SaveData public Save all changes to the data.
SaveProject public Save current project.
SaveProjectAs public Save current project under new name.
SaveProjectAsEx public Save current project under new name.
SaveProjectAsEx_2 public Save current project under new name.
SaveProjectAs_2 public Save current project under new name.
SaveProject_2 public Save current project.
ScreenToMap public Converts point coordinates from screen related to map related.
ScreenToMap3D public Converts point coordinates from screen related to map related.
ScreenToMapEx public Converts point coordinates from screen related to map related, but source will be in TGIS_Point.
ScreenToMapRect public Converts rectangle coordinates from screen related to map related.
SetCSByEPSG public Setup Coordinate System to a coordinate system provided by EPSG code.
SetCSByWKT public Setup Coordinate System to a coordinate system provided by WKT string (GEOGCS or PROJCS).
SetCSByWKTFile public Setup Coordinate System to a coordinate system provided by file which contains WKT string (GEOGCS or PROJCS).
SetViewer public Set internal viewer handle.
SetViewport public Set viewport to a given position.
StorePaintState public Store the current paint state.
Subscribe public Add provided control to the notification subscription list.
SynchronizePaint public Wait for pending paint operation to be finalized.
TwipsToPixels public Convert the size from to device independent Twips (1/1440 inch) to device dependent pixels.
TwipsToPoints public Convert the size from to device independent Twips (1/1440 inch) to device points.
Unlock public Unlock viewer.
Unlock_2 public Unlock the viewer but do not redraw
UnrotatedExtent public Compute original extent of the rotated extent.
UnrotatedPoint public Compute original position of the rotated point.
UnrotatedPoint3D public Compute original position of the rotated 3D point.
UnrotatedPoint3D_ref public Compute original position of the rotated 3D point.
UnSubscribe public Remove provided control from the notification subscription list.
WaitForBackgroundProcesses public Wait for any pending background processes that must be finalized before app can continue.
WaitForNotBusy public Call _proc when viewer will fully end painting procees.
WriteConfig public Write all configuration data to the project or layer ini file.
ZoomBy public Zoom the viewer.

2024/07/25 01:04

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