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ITGIS_Shape methods


Inherited Overrides Protected

Inherited Overrides Protected
Name Visibility Description
AddPart public Add next part to the shape.
AddPoint public Add a point to the last part of the shape.
AddPoint3D public Add a point to the last part of the shape in 3D.
AddPointBearing public Add a point to the last part of the shape.
AddPointBearing_2 public Add a point to the last part of the shape.
AddToIndex public Add shape to the RTree index (if the index exists).
AddToLayer public Add a copy of the shape to a layer using new UID.
AppendGeometry public Append geometry.
Area public Calculate the area of a shape.
AreaCS public Calculate the area of a shape.
AsArc public Return current shape as a TGIS_ShapeArc.
AsMultiPoint public Return current shape as a TGIS_ShapeMultiPoint.
AsPoint public Return current shape as a TGIS_ShapePoint.
AsPolygon public Return current shape as a TGIS_ShapePolygon
Assign_ public Assign values from a given shape.
AttachDelphiObj public Only for internal use of TatukGIS.
(Inherited from ITBaseObject)
Centroid public Calculate the central point of a shape.
ChangeWinding public Change winding of a shape part.
Combine public Compute a new shape from self and shape provided, based on a given operation.
Combine_2 public Compute a new shape from self and shape provided, based on a given operation.
Contains public Tests contains relationship for given shape
CopyFields public Copy fields structure.
CopyGeometry public Copy geometry.
CreateCopy public Create a copy of the current shape.
CreateCopyCS public Create a copy of the current shape reprojected form the layer coordinate system into a provided coordinate system.
CreateFromEWKB public Create the Shape geometry into an Extended Well-Known Binary (EWKB) representation of the geometry with SRID meta data.
CreateFromEWKT public Create the shape geometry from an Extended Well-Known Text (EWKT) representation of the geometry with SRID meta data.
CreateFromGDO public Create the shape from GeoMedia Database Object (GDO).
CreateFromGML public Create the shape from GML.
CreateFromJSON public Create the shape from JSON.
CreateFromWKB public Create the shape from Well Known Binary (see:
CreateFromWKT public Create the shape from a Well Known Text (see:
Create_ public Create a shape instance.
Create_2 public Create a shape instance.
Create_3 public Create a shape instance.
Cross public Tests cross relationship for self and given shape
Delete public Delete shape.
DelphiObj public Only for internal use of TatukGIS.
(Inherited from ITBaseObject)
Difference public Compute a difference with shape provided.
Difference_2 public Compute a difference with shape provided.
Disjoint public Tests disjoint relationship for self and given shape
Distance public Calculate planar distance between a point and the shape.
Distance2Part public Calculate the linear distance between a point and a part in the current shape..
Distance2PartCS public Calculate the WGS84 distance between a point and a part in the current shape.
Distance2Shape public Calculate planar distance between two shapes.
Distance2ShapeCS public Calculate WGS84 distance between two shapes.
Distance2Shape_2 public Calculate planar distance between two shapes.
DistanceCS public Calculate WGS84 distance between a point and the shape.
Draw public Draw shape.
DrawChart public Draw chart immediately.
DrawLabel public DrawLabel immediately.
DrawLabel_2 public DrawLabel immediately returning points delimiting label area.
DrawTrackingPoints public Draw tracking points of the shape.
Draw_2 public Draw shape.
Equality public Tests equality relationship for self and given shape
ExportToEWKB public Export the Shape geometry into an Extended Well-Known Binary (EWKB) representation of the geometry with SRID meta data.
ExportToEWKT public Export the Shape geometry into an Extended Well-Known Text (EWKT) representation of the geometry with SRID meta data.
ExportToGDO public Export the Shape geometry into a GeoMedia Database Object (GDO).
ExportToGML public Export the Shape geometry into a GML (see
ExportToJSON public Export the Shape geometry into a GeoJSON (see
ExportToVAR public Export the Shape geometry into an internal SHP format.
ExportToWKB public Export the Shape geometry into a Well Known Binary (see
ExportToWKT public Export the Shape geometry into a Well Known Text (see
Flash public Flash shape on screen with default parameters (_times equals 4 and _delay equals 100).
Flash_2 public Flash shape on screen.
GetAngle public Compute angle of first/last element of the shape in radians related to north, east winding.
GetCrossings public Get all crossing points between the current shape and another given shape.
GetCrossings3D public Get all crossing points between the current shape and another given shape.
GetField public Retrieving data from associated data table.
GetFieldEx public Retrieving data from associated data table.
GetFieldEx_2 public Retrieving data from associated data table.
GetFieldEx_3 public Retrieving data from associated data table.
GetFieldEx_4 public Retrieving data from associated data table.
GetFirstPoint public Retrieve the first point from the first segment of geometry.
GetFirstPoint3D public Retrieve the first point from the first segment of geometry in 3D.
GetIntersection public Cut the shape in a defined extent.
GetIntersection_2 public Cut the shape in a defined extent.
GetLabel public Return label content (including expanded field values) etc.
GetLabelPlain public Return label content (including expanded field values) etc.
GetLastPoint public Retrieve the last point from the last segment of geometry.
GetLastPoint3D public Retrieve the last point from the last segment of geometry in 3D.
GetNumParts public Retrieve the number of parts in a geometry.
GetNumPoints public Retrieve a count of the points in a geometry.
GetPartSize public Calculates the count of points in a given part
GetPartType public Get the type of a part.
GetPoint public Retrieve a point from a point segment of geometry.
GetPoint3D public Retrieve a point from a point segment of geometry in 3D.
GetPoint3DEx public Retrieve a point coordinates from a shape segment.
GetPointEx public Retrieve a point coordinates from a shape segment.
GetSnapPoint public Retrieving a snap point.
GetSnapPoint3D public Retrieving a snap point in 3D.
ImportFromEWKB public Import the Extended Well-Known Binary (EWKB) representation of the geometry with SRID meta data into the current shape (see
ImportFromEWKT public Import the Extended Well-Known Binary (EWKB) representation of the geometry with SRID meta data into the current shape (see
ImportFromGDO public Import the GeoMedia Database Object (GDO) into the current shape.
ImportFromGML public Import the GML into the current shape.
ImportFromJSON public Import the JSON into the current shape.
ImportFromVAR public Import the Variant geometry.
ImportFromWKB public Import the Well Known Binary (see: into the current shape.
ImportFromWKT public Import the Well Known Text (see into the current shape.
Intersect public Test intersect relationship for self and given shape
Intersection public Compute an intersection with shape provided.
Intersection_2 public Compute an intersection with shape provided.
Invalidate public Invalidate the area of a shape; whole cached output will be invalidated.
IsCommonPoint public Test if the current shape has any common point with another given shape.
IsFieldModified public Test if shape field was modified.
IsFieldModifiedEx public Test if shape field was modified.
IsInsideCircle public Test if the shape is inside a given circle.
IsInsideExtent public Test if the shape is inside a defined extent.
IsInsidePolygon public Test if the shape is inside a given polygon.
Join public Joins the current shape to another given shape (excluding TGIS_ShapePoint).
Join_2 public Joins the current shape to another given shape (excluding TGIS_ShapePoint).
Length public Calculate the length of a shape.
LengthCS public Calculate the length of a shape.
Lock public Lock a shape.
MakeEditable public Add the shape to edited items list.
Overlap public Tests overlap relationship for self and given shape
ParamsAsDrawn public Get a shape styling parameters used during drawing on a viewer and fill _params parameter with them.
PartLength public Calculate the length of a shape part.
PartLengthCS public Calculate the length of a shape part.
PointOnShape public Calculate the point which lies on the shape.
PrepareContourInternal public Prepare contour bitmap (for internal TGIS_Topology purposes).
PrepareExportShape public Prepare reprojected shape, truncated by extent and copy fields to the result.
Recreate public Recreate an instance.
Recreate_2 public Recreate an instance.
Relate public Checks nine-intersection matrix for self and given shape
Reset public Reset shape.
ResetModified public Reset IsModified flag.
Reverse public Reverse the order of parts.
Reverse_2 public Reverse the order of parts.
RevertParams public Revert params to the layer based parameters.
SetField public Set a new value for a field.
SetFieldsDefaulRuleValue public Set default values of fields based on field rules.
SetParamsInternal public Prepare params.
SetPartType public Set the type of a part.
SetPosition public Move the whole shape.
Simplify public Line generalization routine.
Simplify_2 public Line generalization routine.
Smooth public Smooth shape routine
Smooth_2 public Smooth shape routine
Split public Splits a multipart shape into parts.
StrokeArc public Add to the current shape a series of points forming elliptical arc.
StrokeArc_2 public Add to the current shape a series of points forming elliptical arc.
SymmetricalDifference public Compute a symmetrical difference with shape provided.
SymmetricalDifference_2 public Compute a symmetrical difference with shape provided.
Touch public Tests touch relationship for self and given shape
Transform public Transform shape by provided matrix [_m11.._m33] and translation vector [_dx,_dy,-dz].
Transform_2 public Transform shape by provided matrix [_m11.._m33] and translation vector [_dx,_dy,-dz].
Union public Compute an union with shape provided.
Union_2 public Compute an union with shape provided.
Unlock public Unlock a shape from burst-mode operation.
UpdateIndex public Update shape to the RTree index (if the index exists).
UpdatePoint public Update point value.
UpdatePoint3D public Update point value in 3D.
Within public Tests within relationship for self and given shape

2025/01/31 01:05

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