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ITGIS_LayerSqlSdoOci interface

DK11 for ActiveX | TatukGIS_XDK11.ITGIS_LayerSqlSdoOci | Interfaces | Methods | Properties

Encapsulation of Oracle Spatial access layer.

Available also on: Delphi | .NET | ActiveX | Python.


// C#
public interface ITGIS_LayerSqlSdoOci: ITGIS_LayerSqlSdoAbstract
' VisualBasic
Public Interface ITGIS_LayerSqlSdoOci
  Implements ITGIS_LayerSqlSdoAbstract
End Class
// Oxygene
  ITGIS_LayerSqlSdoOci = public interface( ITGIS_LayerSqlSdoAbstract )



Inherited Overrides Protected
Name Visibility Description
AddField public Adds a new field.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
AddFieldInternal public Adds new field; for internal use.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
AddFieldInternal_2 public Adds new field; for internal use.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
AddShape public Adds a copy of shape and makes it editable.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
AddShape_2 public Adds a copy of shape and makes it editable.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
AddToMasterTable public Add layer entry to master table.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVectorSqlAbstract)
Alive public Makes a layer non-dormant.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
ApplyAutoStyle public Applies auto-styling to the layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
ApplyAutoStyle_2 public Applies auto-styling to the layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
ApplyCuttingPolygon public Sets a cutting polygon for a layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
ApplyStyle public Apply a style to the layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVectorSqlAbstract)
AttachDelphiObj public Only for internal use of TatukGIS.
(Inherited from ITBaseObject)
Build public Builds a new layer - prepares storage.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
Build_2 public Builds s new layer - prepare storage.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
CentroidScope public Calculates a centroid for a scope.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
ChangeHash public Changes the hash for the purpose of verifying layer's modifications.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
ClearModified public Sets IsModified flag to false for a layer and its sublayers.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
CloseActiveDatasets public Close all active datasets of a layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVectorSqlAbstract)
CloseConnection public Close current connection and active queries.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVectorSqlAbstract)
CreateMasterTable public Create master table.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVectorSqlAbstract)
CreateProjectTable public Create a table with projects.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVectorSqlAbstract)
CreateShape public Creates a new shape and makes it editable.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
CreateShape_2 public Creates a new shape and makes it editable
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
CreateStyleTable public Create a table with layer styles.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVectorSqlAbstract)
Delete public Deletes a shape.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
DeleteField public Deletes a field.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
DeleteFromMasterTable public Delete record from master table.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVectorSqlAbstract)
DeleteLayer public Delete a layer (tables, metadata) from database.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVectorSqlAbstract)
DelphiObj public Only for internal use of TatukGIS.
(Inherited from ITBaseObject)
Deselect public Clears selection of shape.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
DeselectAll public Clears selection of all shapes.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
Dormant public Makes a layer dormant.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
DormantGain public Calculates the approximate gain (in Megabytes) which can be achieved by releasing memory by calling Dormant method.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
Draw public Draws a layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
DrawChart public Draws layer charts.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
DrawEx public Draws a layer within a defined extent.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
DrawFlash public Draws a flash.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
DrawLabel public Draws layer labels.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
DrawScope public Draws only shapes that meet a scope criterion.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
DrawSelected public Draws only the selected item(s) on layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
DrawSelectedEx public Draws only the selected item(s) on layer that are within a defined extent.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
ExecuteSQL public Execute custom SQL statement.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVectorSqlAbstract)
ExportLayer public Exports the layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
ExportLayerEx public Exports layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
ExportLayer_2 public Exports layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
ExportStructureToFLD public Exports fields structure to a fld file.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
FieldInfo public Returns pointer to GIS_FieldInfo structure.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
FinalizeDirectWrite public Finalizes direct writing into layer storage.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
FinalizeRead public Finalizes reading trying to close active queries.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
FindField public Finds a field in the fields list.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
FindFieldInternal public Finds a field in the fields list (for internal use).
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
FindFirst public Finds the first shape in layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
FindFirst_2 public Finds the first occurrence of an item which meets an extent.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
FindFirst_3 public Finds the first occurrence of an item which meets an extent and query.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
FindFirst_4 public Finds the first occurrence of an item which meets an extent, query, and additional parameters.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
FindFirst_5 public Finds the first occurrence of an item which meets an extent, query, and additional parameters.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
FindNext public Finds the next occurrence of an item defined in FindFirst.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
FlashShape public Flashes shape several times
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
ForEach public Fetches all shapes from the layer using callback function.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
ForEachSubLayer public Returns in callback event the layer and all sublayers belonging to it.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
GetAvailableLayers public Gets a list of layers available in storage.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
GetAvailableProjects public Get available projects from database.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVectorSqlAbstract)
GetAvailableStyles public Get available styles from database.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVectorSqlAbstract)
GetField public Gets a field value for a shape determined by its unique identity.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
GetFieldEx public Gets a field value for a shape determined by its unique identity.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
GetLastUid public Gets the Uid of the last shape.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
GetNewUid public Gets the Uid for a new shape.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
GetProject public Read project from database.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVectorSqlAbstract)
GetSelectedCount public Returns the quantity of selected shapes.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
GetShape public Gets a shape by its unique identifier on default cursor (0).
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
GetShape_2 public Gets a shape by unique identifier.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
GetSubLayer public Retrieve the layer identified by a name.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
GetUniqueFieldName public Suggests a unique field name.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
HourglassShake public Notifies of busy state using an hourglass.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
ImportLayer public Imports a layer from an existing layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
ImportLayerEx public Imports a layer from an existing layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
ImportLayer_2 public Imports a layer from an existing layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
ImportStructure public Imports the field structure from another layer
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
InitializeDirectWrite public Builds a new layer - prepares storage for direct writing.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
InvalidateScope public Invalidates shapes in the scope.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
InvalidateSelection public Invalidates all selected shapes (but only to redraw the selection, not the shapes themselves).
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
IsGrid public Checks if the layer type is grid.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
IsPixel public Checks if the layer type is pixel.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
IsSupported public Checks if the operation is supported by the layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
IsVector public Checks if the layer type is vector.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
IsVector3D public Checks if the layer type is vector 3D.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
IsVisible public Checks if the layer is visible in a defined extent and current params.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
LegendInfo public Returns current parameters filled with the renderer styling.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
LegendInfo_2 public Returns parameters filled with the renderer styling.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
Locate public Locates a shape.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
LocateEx public Locates a shape (more precise).
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
LocateEx_2 public Locates a shape (more precise).
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
LocateEx_3 public Locates a shape (more precise).
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
Locate_2 public Locates a shape.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
Lock public Locks layer in burst-mode operation.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
Loop public Prepares enumerator (also known as iterator or cursor) to iterate the layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
Loop_2 public Prepares enumerator (also known as iterator or cursor) to iterate the layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
Loop_3 public Prepares enumerator (also known as iterator or cursor) to iterate the layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
Loop_4 public Prepares enumerator (also known as iterator or cursor) to iterate the layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
Loop_5 public Prepares enumerator (also known as iterator or cursor) to iterate the layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
MergeLayer public Merges layer from an existing layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
MergeLayerEx public Merges layer with an existing layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
MergeLayer_2 public Merges layer with an existing layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
MergeStructure public Merges the field structure from another layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
MergeStructure_2 public Merges the field structure from another layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
Move public Moves a layer up or down in the viewer zorder list.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
MoveEx public Moves a layer up or down in the viewer zorder list (only visible layers).
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
MustCalculateStatistics public Verifies if all statistics required to properly render the layer are available.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
MustReproject public Checks if the layer must be reprojected.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
MustSave public Checks if the layer was modified by editing.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
Open public Opens the layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
OpenConnection public Reopen a connection.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVectorSqlAbstract)
Paint public Draws the layer or fires PaintLayer event (if defined).
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
ParamsAsDrawn public Gets a shape's styling parameters that are used during drawing in the viewer, and fills the _params parameter.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
Prepare public Opens the layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
PrepareExportFieldNames public Prepares field names to export.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
PrepareExportFieldNames_2 public Prepares field names to export.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
PrepareExportFieldNames_3 public Prepares field names to export.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
PrepareExportFieldNames_4 public Prepares field names to export.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
PreRecognize public Checks if the layer can read the file.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
Project public Applies a projection on the single point.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
Project3D public Applies a projection on the single point in 3D.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
Project3D_Ref public Applies a projection on the single point in 3D.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
ProjectExtent public Applies a projection on the extent.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
Project_Ref public Applies a projection on the single point.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
RaiseBusyEvent public Fires Busy event of the layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
RaiseBusyPrepare public Fires BusyPrepare method of the assigned viewer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
RaiseBusyRelease public Fires BusyRelease method of the assigned viewer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
RaiseBusyShake public Fires BusyShake method of the assigned viewer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
ReadConfig public Reads the layer configuration files.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
ReadConfigParam public Reads the layer configuration parameters.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
ReadFieldDefinition public Parses the field definition file.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
ReadFieldRules public Parses the field rules file.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
ReadMasterTable public Read layer entry from master table.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVectorSqlAbstract)
ReadStyle public Read a style.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVectorSqlAbstract)
RecalcExtent public Recalculates extent based on real shapes.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
RecalcProjectedExtent public Recalculates a projected extent.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
RenameField public Renames a field.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
ReOpen public Reopens the layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
RereadConfig public Rereads the layer configuration files.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
ResetDataset public Reset the layer dataset to ensure the current database context upon next drawing (e.g to notify changes when a record was deleted manually in the table).
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVectorSqlAbstract)
Revert public Reverts a shape to its original state.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
RevertAll public Reverts layer to its original content.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
RevertShapes public Reverts all shapes to their original state.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
RootLayer public Returns the absolute parent layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
SaveAll public Saves layer and destroys mirrored items.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
SaveData public Saves layer and destroys mirrored items.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
SaveFieldRules public Save field rules file.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
SetCSByEPSG public Sets up Coordinate System to a coordinate system provided by a EPSG code.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
SetCSByWKT public Sets up Coordinate System to a coordinate system provided by a WKT string (GEOGCS or PROJCS).
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
SetCSByWKTFile public Sets up Coordinate System to a coordinate system provided by a file which contains a WKT string (GEOGCS or PROJCS).
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
Unlock public Unlocks layer from burst-mode operation.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
Unproject public Applies reverse projection (recovers from the projection) on the single point.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
Unproject3D public Applies reverse projection (recovers from the projection) on the singlepoint in 3D.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
Unproject3D_Ref public Applies reverse projection (recovers from the projection) on the single point in 3D.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
UnprojectExtent public Applies reverse projection (recovers from the projection) on the extent.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
Unproject_Ref public Applies reverse projection (recover from projection) on the single point.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
UpdateMasterTable public Update a layer entry in master table.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVectorSqlAbstract)
ViewerReParent public Sets viewer for the layer and its sublayers.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
WriteConfig public Writes layer configuration files.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
WriteProject public Write or update a project to database.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVectorSqlAbstract)
WriteShapeDirect public Writes a shape directly into storage.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
WriteStyle public Write or update a style to database.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVectorSqlAbstract)
WriteStyleEx public Write or update a style to database.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVectorSqlAbstract)


Inherited Protected
Name Visibility Description
Active public Checks if the layer is active? Active means layer is visible and an object can be localized on the layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
Addition public Additional value.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
Age public Age of the layer (since its creation).
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
Basemap public True if the layer must be interpreted as basemap (for background painting).
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
BasemapDraw public If True, the layer at the moment is drawn inside a basemap thread.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
BlockRTree public If true, then Rtree for the layer cannot be enabled and UseRtree is ignored.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
CachedPaint public False if layer must be painted directly (bypassing cache).
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
Caption public Caption of layer; if not filed directly then will be filed with Name when adding to the Viewer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
CodePage public Code Page in which text has been stored.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
Collapsed public Checks if the layer is collapsed? Collapsed means only the layer's title will be visible inside the legend.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
Comments public Additional user comments.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
ConfigFile public Configuration file handle.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
ConfigName public Configuration file name.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
ConnectionPoolId public Connection pool id.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVectorSqlAbstract)
CS public Coordinate System that is assigned to the layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
CustomData public List of custom, user-defined data.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
DefaultDimension public Default shape dimension for the layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
DefaultShapeType public Default shape type for the layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
DirectMode public True if the layer is direct-mode (bypassing cache).
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
DormantMode public Dormant mode for the layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
Driver public The layer's driver name.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
DynamicAggregator public Aggregation processor is executed upon the drawing process.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
Extent public Extent of the layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
Extent3D public Three-dimensional extent of the layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
Fields public List of database field definitions.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
FieldsVirtual public List of virtual fields.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
FileCopyrights public Copyright information about the layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
FileInfo public Additional textual information about the layer such as compression, number of pixels, copyright, etc.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
HideFromLegend public False if the layer should not be visible in legend.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
IgnoreShapeParams public If True, then only layer level params will be used.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
InMemoryRTree public True if RTree file will be created in-memory.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
InPaint public True if the layer upon paint process.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
IsExportable public True if the layer is exportable.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
IsLocked public True if the layer is in locked state.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
IsOpened public True if the layer is opened and is ready for operations.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
IsPersistent public True if the layer is persistent.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
IsReadOnly public True if the layer is read-only.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
IsTopmost public True if the layer can be interpreted as the topmost (trackable) layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
Items public A list of all ghost items.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
JoinADO public ADO Query to be joined.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
JoinCodePage public Code page for JoinADO/JoinDB.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
JoinForeign public Field from Query to be joined.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
JoinPrimary public Field from feature table to be joined.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
LabelingMode public Labeling mode metadata.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
Layer3D public Mode of 3D operations
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
MasterTable public Name of the master table.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVectorSqlAbstract)
MaxTileSize public Maximum allowed tile size for the layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
MultipassRendering public Forces multipass rendering.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
MultiUserMode public Type of multiuser mode.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
Name public Name of layer; if not filled directly, then will be filled with Path when added to the viewer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
Params public Returns parameters (colors, fills, etc.) object.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
ParamsList public List of all parameter sections attached to the current layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
Params_ public Parameters (colors, fills, etc.) object.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
ParentLayer public Parent layer of a sub layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
Path public Path to file holding the layer's data.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
PathFLD public Path to field definitions ini file.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
PathFLDX public Path to field rules file.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
PathRTree public Path to RTree index.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
PathWithDriver public Path to file with the layer's data extended with driver name.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
ProjectedExtent public Extent of the layer in projected units.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
Renderer public Handle to a renderer used for drawing shapes.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
SchemaName public Schema name.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerSqlSdoAbstract)
Scope public Scope zone.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
ScopeExtent public Scope extent.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
SelectedList public List of uids of the selected shapes.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
SelectionGisColor public Color used for selecting object.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
SelectionOutlineOnly public If true then polygons will be marked only with outline not a full fill.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
SelectionWidth public Outline width of selection area (>0 in twips, <0 in pixels).
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
SQLCommands public SQL Commands used for database operations.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVectorSqlAbstract)
SQLDialectList public Dialect list in a form "token=replacement".
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVectorSqlAbstract)
SQLParameter public Connection parameters.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVectorSqlAbstract)
SQLParametersEx public List of additional connection parameters.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVectorSqlAbstract)
Statistics public Layer statistics engine
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
Stream public Reference to a potential layer underlying the stream.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
SubLayers public List of sublayers belonging to the layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
SubType public Type of sublayer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
SupportedDimensions public Set of dimensions supported by a layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
SupportedShapes public Set of shapes supported by a layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
SupportedShapesAll public Similar to SupportedShapesSet, but this lists also includes shape types added temporarily by the aggregator.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
SupportsAutoStyle public Indicates whether the layer supports auto styling.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
SupportsTiledPaint public Indicates whether the layer supports tiled paint.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
SymbolingMode public Symboling mode metadata.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
Table public Name of the table (general).
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVectorSqlAbstract)
TableName public Table name.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerSqlSdoAbstract)
Tag public Tag has no predefined meaning.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
TagInternal public TagInternal has no predefined meaning.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
TagPointer public TagPointer has no predefined meaning.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
TiledDrawMode public If True, the layer at the moment is drawn by tiler.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
Transform public Custom transformation.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
Transparency public Transparency value for the layer (0..100).
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
UnSupportedOperations public Set of operations not supported by the layer.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
UseConfig public True if config file is active.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
UseLayerSelectionStyle public Controls whether the layer uses a custom selection style.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
UseMasterTable public If True, operations on the master table will be performed.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVectorSqlAbstract)
UserName public User name.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerSqlSdoAbstract)
UserObject public UserObject can be used to associate with the layer a user-defined object.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
UseRTree public Sets the use of an index based on RTree structure.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
UseShapeStyleField public If true than params style attribute field was defined.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVector)
Viewer public Reference to a viewer object.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
ViewFeatures public Name of the features view.
(Inherited from ITGIS_LayerVectorSqlAbstract)
ZOrder public Layer's position relative to other layers.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)
ZOrderEx public Layer position relative to other visible layers.
(Inherited from ITGIS_Layer)


This layer can be opened by opening the file name_of_layer.ttkls.

The structure of this file must be:

[TatukGIS Layer]
Layer=layer table name
Features=TABLE/VIEW NAME; if provided, will be joined with standard table
GeometryColumn=geometry column name (MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY)
IndexColumn=unique ID column name for the UID (must be numeric type)
LayerLinkColumn=column name used in join with the Features table
FeaturesLinkColumn=column name used in joining with the layer table
Srid=Custom projection id, used for writing, must exist in MDSYS.CS_SRS
GeometryRelationships=Server|Client - default is Server if parameter omitted
ValidateSettings=True|False - default is True, validate above parameters
MetadataTable=Native|Internal - default is Native
AlterMetadata=True|False - default is True, enable metadata modification
Sequence=sequence name used to retrieve unique shape uid
SelectColumns=custom columns list with comma separator 
ForceColumnsUpperCase=True|False - default is True, convert column names to uppercase
UseStrictNames=True|False - default is True, convert column names to canonical SQL format, without whitespaces
Database=database name (TNS alias or SERVER:port/Service)
User_Name=user name
Password=user password
Schema=user schema name (if different than user name)

For example:

[TatukGIS Layer]

This layer can also be opened by providing SQLParameters property.

OnPassword event will be fired upon connecting to a database to resolve <#user#>, <#password#> or any other <#token#> embedded into connection options.

Note :

  • When importing a new layer into Oracle Spatial, ensure that the TableName and layer name are valid (the first char is a letter, etc., as per the Oracle requirements).
  • If GeometryColumn is empty then a layer will try to detect a valid column from USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA.
  • If IndexColumn is empty then a layer will try to detect a valid column with the index assigned.
  • Ensure that a spatial index for any given geometry table column exists and is valid.
  • Ensure that a user table is registered in USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA.
  • Ensure that the table column allows inserting null values that are used upon inserting a reserved UID record for a new shape.
  • If you check DE9-IM coincidence between geometry objects, you should consider the setting of GeometryRelationships property. The default value is Server (decrease the amount of returned rows).
  • ValidateSettings=True forces validating IndexColumn, GeometryColumn, and the spatial index. Otherwise, parameters are fully trusted and a layer will open faster.
  • Srid allows setting a custom projection id, defined in MDSYS.CS_SRS, which will be used upon writing instead of a layer EPSG.
  • User can modify the amount of returned shapes from the server by setting a layer SmartSize property, that controls min_resolution value in SDO_FILTER (if a shape minimum bounding box size in current zoom is smaller, then the shape will not be returned.)
  • MetadataTable property instructs a layer where to look for metadata info required to set up basic parameters such as geometry column, srid, extent. The Native option will use a format-specific table(USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA), the Internal option will use the internal table(TTKGIS_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS). The same rules will be applied for writing, except importing a new layer where registration in USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA is required to create a spatial index.
  • If a layer is based on a view, then it cannot check if the spatial index exists and disables spatial queries. ForceSpatialIndex=True forces a layer to use a spatial index.
  • When using Features, do not duplicate column names in the table and the view except the joining column to avoid ambiguous field names. To change the joining column name, set LayerLinkColumn and FeaturesLinkColumn.
  • A new shape uid value is generated as next from the maximum value from IndexColumn column. If the Sequence property is not empty, then uid value is guaranteed from the sequence.

2024/12/20 22:16

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