DK for ActiveX | TatukGIS_XDK11.ITGIS_Layer | Methods | Properties
Name | Visibility | Description | |
Active | public | Checks if the layer is active? Active means layer is visible and an object can be localized on the layer. | |
Addition | public | Additional value. | |
Age | public | Age of the layer (since its creation). | |
Basemap | public | True if the layer must be interpreted as basemap (for background painting). | |
BasemapDraw | public | If True, the layer at the moment is drawn inside a basemap thread. | |
CachedPaint | public | False if layer must be painted directly (bypassing cache). | |
Caption | public | Caption of layer; if not filed directly then will be filed with Name when adding to the Viewer. | |
CodePage | public | Code Page in which text has been stored. | |
Collapsed | public | Checks if the layer is collapsed? Collapsed means only the layer's title will be visible inside the legend. | |
Comments | public | Additional user comments. | |
ConfigFile | public | Configuration file handle. | |
ConfigName | public | Configuration file name. | |
CS | public | Coordinate System that is assigned to the layer. | |
CustomData | public | List of custom, user-defined data. | |
DirectMode | public | True if the layer is direct-mode (bypassing cache). | |
DormantMode | public | Dormant mode for the layer. | |
Driver | public | The layer's driver name. | |
Extent | public | Extent of the layer. | |
Extent3D | public | Three-dimensional extent of the layer. | |
FileCopyrights | public | Copyright information about the layer. | |
FileInfo | public | Additional textual information about the layer such as compression, number of pixels, copyright, etc. | |
HideFromLegend | public | False if the layer should not be visible in legend. | |
InPaint | public | True if the layer upon paint process. | |
IsExportable | public | True if the layer is exportable. | |
IsLocked | public | True if the layer is in locked state. | |
IsOpened | public | True if the layer is opened and is ready for operations. | |
IsPersistent | public | True if the layer is persistent. | |
IsReadOnly | public | True if the layer is read-only. | |
IsTopmost | public | True if the layer can be interpreted as the topmost (trackable) layer. | |
Layer3D | public | Mode of 3D operations | |
MaxTileSize | public | Maximum allowed tile size for the layer. | |
MultiUserMode | public | Type of multiuser mode. | |
Name | public | Name of layer; if not filled directly, then will be filled with Path when added to the viewer. | |
ParamsList | public | List of all parameter sections attached to the current layer. | |
Params_ | public | Parameters (colors, fills, etc.) object. | |
ParentLayer | public | Parent layer of a sub layer. | |
Path | public | Path to file holding the layer's data. | |
PathWithDriver | public | Path to file with the layer's data extended with driver name. | |
ProjectedExtent | public | Extent of the layer in projected units. | |
Renderer | public | Handle to a renderer used for drawing shapes. | |
Statistics | public | Layer statistics engine | |
Stream | public | Reference to a potential layer underlying the stream. | |
SubLayers | public | List of sublayers belonging to the layer. | |
SubType | public | Type of sublayer. | |
SupportsAutoStyle | public | Indicates whether the layer supports auto styling. | |
SupportsTiledPaint | public | Indicates whether the layer supports tiled paint. | |
Tag | public | Tag has no predefined meaning. | |
TagInternal | public | TagInternal has no predefined meaning. | |
TagPointer | public | TagPointer has no predefined meaning. | |
TiledDrawMode | public | If True, the layer at the moment is drawn by tiler. | |
Transform | public | Custom transformation. | |
Transparency | public | Transparency value for the layer (0..100). | |
UnSupportedOperations | public | Set of operations not supported by the layer. | |
UseConfig | public | True if config file is active. | |
UserObject | public | UserObject can be used to associate with the layer a user-defined object. | |
Viewer | public | Reference to a viewer object. | |
ZOrder | public | Layer's position relative to other layers. | |
ZOrderEx | public | Layer position relative to other visible layers. | |