DK for ActiveX | TatukGIS_XDK11.ITGIS_Layer | Methods | Properties
Name | Visibility | Description | |
Alive | public | Makes a layer non-dormant. | |
ApplyAutoStyle | public | Applies auto-styling to the layer. | |
ApplyAutoStyle_2 | public | Applies auto-styling to the layer. | |
ApplyCuttingPolygon | public | Sets a cutting polygon for a layer. | |
AttachDelphiObj | public | Only for internal use of TatukGIS. (Inherited from ITBaseObject) |
ChangeHash | public | Changes the hash for the purpose of verifying layer's modifications. | |
ClearModified | public | Sets IsModified flag to false for a layer and its sublayers. | |
DelphiObj | public | Only for internal use of TatukGIS. (Inherited from ITBaseObject) |
Dormant | public | Makes a layer dormant. | |
DormantGain | public | Calculates the approximate gain (in Megabytes) which can be achieved by releasing memory by calling Dormant method. | |
Draw | public | Draws a layer. | |
DrawEx | public | Draws a layer within a defined extent. | |
DrawFlash | public | Draws a flash. | |
DrawSelected | public | Draws only the selected item(s) on layer. | |
DrawSelectedEx | public | Draws only the selected item(s) on layer that are within a defined extent. | |
ForEachSubLayer | public | Returns in callback event the layer and all sublayers belonging to it. | |
GetAvailableLayers | public | Gets a list of layers available in storage. | |
GetSubLayer | public | Retrieve the layer identified by a name. | |
HourglassShake | public | Notifies of busy state using an hourglass. | |
IsGrid | public | Checks if the layer type is grid. | |
IsPixel | public | Checks if the layer type is pixel. | |
IsSupported | public | Checks if the operation is supported by the layer. | |
IsVector | public | Checks if the layer type is vector. | |
IsVector3D | public | Checks if the layer type is vector 3D. | |
IsVisible | public | Checks if the layer is visible in a defined extent and current params. | |
Lock | public | Locks layer in burst-mode operation. | |
Move | public | Moves a layer up or down in the viewer zorder list. | |
MoveEx | public | Moves a layer up or down in the viewer zorder list (only visible layers). | |
MustCalculateStatistics | public | Verifies if all statistics required to properly render the layer are available. | |
MustReproject | public | Checks if the layer must be reprojected. | |
MustSave | public | Checks if the layer was modified by editing. | |
Open | public | Opens the layer. | |
Paint | public | Draws the layer or fires PaintLayer event (if defined). | |
Prepare | public | Opens the layer. | |
PreRecognize | public | Checks if the layer can read the file. | |
Project | public | Applies a projection on the single point. | |
Project3D | public | Applies a projection on the single point in 3D. | |
Project3D_Ref | public | Applies a projection on the single point in 3D. | |
ProjectExtent | public | Applies a projection on the extent. | |
Project_Ref | public | Applies a projection on the single point. | |
RaiseBusyEvent | public | Fires Busy event of the layer. | |
RaiseBusyPrepare | public | Fires BusyPrepare method of the assigned viewer. | |
RaiseBusyRelease | public | Fires BusyRelease method of the assigned viewer. | |
RaiseBusyShake | public | Fires BusyShake method of the assigned viewer. | |
ReadConfig | public | Reads the layer configuration files. | |
ReadConfigParam | public | Reads the layer configuration parameters. | |
RecalcExtent | public | Recalculates extent based on real shapes. | |
RecalcProjectedExtent | public | Recalculates a projected extent. | |
ReOpen | public | Reopens the layer. | |
RereadConfig | public | Rereads the layer configuration files. | |
RevertAll | public | Reverts layer to its original content. | |
RootLayer | public | Returns the absolute parent layer. | |
SaveAll | public | Saves layer and destroys mirrored items. | |
SaveData | public | Saves layer and destroys mirrored items. | |
SetCSByEPSG | public | Sets up Coordinate System to a coordinate system provided by a EPSG code. | |
SetCSByWKT | public | Sets up Coordinate System to a coordinate system provided by a WKT string (GEOGCS or PROJCS). | |
SetCSByWKTFile | public | Sets up Coordinate System to a coordinate system provided by a file which contains a WKT string (GEOGCS or PROJCS). | |
Unlock | public | Unlocks layer from burst-mode operation. | |
Unproject | public | Applies reverse projection (recovers from the projection) on the single point. | |
Unproject3D | public | Applies reverse projection (recovers from the projection) on the singlepoint in 3D. | |
Unproject3D_Ref | public | Applies reverse projection (recovers from the projection) on the single point in 3D. | |
UnprojectExtent | public | Applies reverse projection (recovers from the projection) on the extent. | |
Unproject_Ref | public | Applies reverse projection (recover from projection) on the single point. | |
ViewerReParent | public | Sets viewer for the layer and its sublayers. | |
WriteConfig | public | Writes layer configuration files. | |