v94.0, released 2024-09-27
Documentation | What's new & coming | v94.0
This version is focused on minor improvements and brings:
Windows setup & executable files to be signed with a Trusted Signing certificate (NuGet and JAR files are still signed with DigiCert). It should resolve SmartScreen nagging. DK-14204
RAD Studio 12.2 Athens support. DK-14203
TGIS_CSCoordinateSystem.AreaEPSG is now public. TGIS_ControlCSSystem.Execute offers overload to filter presented systems by area of use expressed by extent or area EPS code. DK-14118
TGIS_EditorHelper now offers circles based on two diameter points. DK-14182
Nuget dependencies are slightly improved, especially for Standard, to include more dependencies required upon debugging. Some buggy dependencies were fixed as well. DK-14193
Dynamic Aggregator automatically disables Tiled Paint when activated (aggregation upon tiling will not be very efficient nor useful anyway). DK-14115
TGIS_Layer.SupportsTiledPaint was introduced to allow marking layers that can not be presented in TilePaint mode. DK-14190
Ugly bug causes rendering problem (blank map occasionally) in SKIA rendering is done in two windows, and maps refresh each other, e.g./. MinimMap). DK-14219
TGIS_Topology.MakeOffsetLine is implemented to calculate perfect parallel lines. DK-13995
TGIS_ControlLegend.SelectionColor, SelectionFontColor, and SelectionDefault properties are introduced in VCL. DK-14222
TGIS_ViewerWnd and TGIS_ControlLegend styling are now visible in a Delphi IDE. Also, some minor issues with styling were fixed. DK-14221
Minor fixes and improvements.
The full list is available at Changelog.