v90.0, released 2024-05-31
Documentation | What's new & coming | v90.0
This version is under development and will be released at the end of May.
The list of planned changes is not ready yet. Generally, we work on several topics for future versions, such as:
More improvements for Skia on VCL and .NET Desktop. ASP.NET Core improvements already implemented in v85.
More work on PVL controls, including rebuilt layer properties control.
Rendering improvements (details TBA).
Group operations on legend control.
Some more exciting new features TBA.
Direct Geopackage raster support. Previously, we used GDAL, which tends to eat all available memory. DK-14008
More improvements for TGIS_Editor. DK-14007
We are doing more work on SKIA support focused on VCL. We are redesigning TGIS_Bitmap to internally support the best hardware underlying data (e.g., SKBitmap); the goal is to improve performance and eliminate VCL multithread limitations. We want to implement it across all platforms and renderers. Most of the internal work in this version was done on VCL, but a new TGIS_Bitmap is not fully enabledU1. DK-13945
TGIS_Reclassification class added (VCL, Winfoms, and Java Samples are ready; the Python sample will be in the next release). DK-13957
TGIS_Classification improvements. DK-14005
Introduce the ForceStatisticsCalculation property to avoid the following ugly procedure:
// use this (by default)
// or have a control over layer statistics calculation
classifier.ForceStatisticsCalclation := False;
if classifier.MustCalculateStatistics then
Apply Unique color ramp by default for unique classification method to avoid the ugly client's code:
// use this
classifier.Method := TGIS_ClassificationMethod.Unique;
// instead of that
classifier.Method := TGIS_ClassificationMethod.Unique;
classifier.ColorRamp := GisColorRampList.ByName('Unique').RealizeColorMap(TGIS_ColorMapMode.Continuous, classifier.NumClasses);
Introduce an alternative to the ColorRamp property - ColorRampName suits better for an unknown number of classes:
// use this
classifier.ColorRampName := 'Set1';
// instead of that
classifier.ColorRamp := GisColorRampList.ByName('Set1').RealizeColorMap(TGIS_ColorMapMode.Continuous, classifier.NumClasses);
SKIA for VCL is now enabled only if SKIA is enabled in the IDE (SKIA is defined). DK-14030
Metadata TGIS_LayerSqlMsSpatial.RebuildSpatialIndex
added to rebuild a spatial index after saving. DK-14035
TGIS.LayerApplyAutoStyle is now public. DK-13958
TGIS_LayerCSV now supports multiline string values. DK-14040
Full list available at Changelog.