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Installation & Activation

Documentation | Installation & Activation


All versions of the Developer Kernel share the same setup logic:

  1. Download the software
  2. Upon downloading, an email with a subject similar to “TatukGIS: Serial Number for TatukGIS DK11” is sent to the licensed user's registration email address.
  3. Enter the received serial number when prompted upon running the product setup.
  4. When asked for Create desktop item, we suggest leaving this box checked. Then, the setup will create a shortcut on the desktop, providing easy access to the Developer Kernel folders.


The Developer Kernel must be activated for use. Typically, setup asks to perform activation as the last step of the installation, but you can also do this anytime by selecting activation from the program group.

For debugging purposes, the Developer Kernel stores a run-time license in a registry so the product can be used out of the box without any special treatment.

License codes must be embedded for deploying on other machines or running an app without a debugger. Please see Delphi Specific, .NET Specific, ActiveX Specific, and Java Specific sections for details.

Delphi Specific


The setup creates all required paths. So, starting to use the Developer Kernel should be effortless. Please, however, ensure that you do not mix the DK11 and a previous DK version in the same environment, which can result in selecting an improper library version.

There is a way, however, to run the DK11 in a separate environment:

  1. Quit this setup.
  2. Create a shortcut to your RAD Studio and change Target similar to:
    "c:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\18.0\bin\bds.exe" -rDK11
  3. Start RAD Studio from the link at least once so RAD Studio will create all required registry keys.
  4. Run setup again providing additional parameter:
  5. Now, all the DK11 stuff will be installed only in this dedicated environment.
  6. If you want to revert and install in a regular environment, delete the registry entry like this one:

Embedding license

  1. Files with license code can be found in a program group and are typically located at
    %USERPROFILE%\Documents\TatukGIS\DK11 for\Licenses
  2. If you are a Delphi developer, then add a GisLicense.pas to your Delphi uses (preferably on your application's main form)
  3. If you are a C++Builder developer, add GisLicense.hpp as one of the first included headers on your main form code.

Skia rendering

To enable optional SKIA rendering, right-click and choose “Enable Skia”. If used RAD Studio does not contain Skia support - install it from GetIt or directly from

.NET Specific


An easy way to update assemblies is to use NuGet packages (including Unstable). First, a setup must be used. Switching between versions is provided via NuGet. Activation, samples, and deployment packages (including grid-shift files) are available only in regular setup files.

  • NuGet retail distribution Packages:
  • Trial packages are available from the official feed.
  • .NET Core & Standard packages are available only via NuGet!


For several reasons (e.g., somewhat tricky setup routines), we do not automatically add the Developer Kernel into the Visual Studio toolbox. To do this manually:

  1. Run Visual Studio.
  2. Right click on a Toolbox, then choose Select Items …
  3. Click Browse in .NET Framework Components tab.
  4. Select TatukGIS_DK11.dll, which may be located in the installation folder (use the desktop icon to find it!), but usually is located in:
    c:\Program Files (x86)\TatukGIS\DK11 for .NET\Lib
  5. Click OK. Now the components should be visible in the Toolbox.

Please note that if you add a NuGet package, those steps are not required - the toolbox will be automatically updated (at least in VS2019).

Embedding license

  1. Files with the license code can be found in the program group and are typically located at:
    %USERPROFILE%\Documents\TatukGIS\DK11 for .NET\Licenses
  2. Add GisLicense.cs or GisLicense.vb to your project.
  3. Before first use/initialization of the Developer Kernel (before calling InitializeComponents()), call:
    static void Main()
      TatukGIS.NDK.GisLicense.Initialize(); // <--- ADD THIS LINE
      Application.Run(new WinForm());
    Shared Sub Main()
      TatukGIS.NDK.GisLicense.Initialize() '<--- ADD THIS LINE
      Application.Run(New WinForm())
    End Sub
    'or create a New() procedure on the main form
    Public Sub New()
      TatukGIS.NDK.GisLicense.Initialize() '<--- ADD THIS LINE
      ' This call is required by the designer.
      ' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.
    End Sub
    // for other .NET languages run the code like this somewhere in the early 
    // stage of application initialization (before use of any GIS functionality)
      "content of the License - for example, copied for GisLicense.cs"

Skia rendering

To enable optional SKIA rendering, the project must include the NuGet package SkiaSharp (NuGet Gallery | SkiaSharp).

ASP.NET Specific


  • Typical deployment is just copying the app to the server.
  • Upon deploying the application remember to activate the application for a specific web address (eg. and use aliases using Activate Deployment app, which is usually aceessible from the program icon on the desktop.
  • Created .license file must be copied to a bin folder (or app folder in a case on .NET Core).

Skia rendering

To enable optional SKIA rendering, the project must include the NuGet package SkiaSharp (NuGet Gallery | SkiaSharp).

ASP.NET Core Specific


ASP.NET Core packages are available only via NuGet. To use them, a setup must be used first: activation, samples, and deployments packages (including grid-shift files) are available only in regular setup files.

Java Specific

Installation directory

Every file connected with the Developer Kernel software for Java is installed in the path:

  • Windows:
    %USERPROFILE%\Documents\TatukGIS\DK11 for Java\
  • Linux/MacOS:
    ~/TatukGIS.DK11 for Java/


To add our Controls to NetBeans IDE, you need to:

  1. Open NetBeans designer
  2. Right-Click on the palette
  3. Select “Palette Manager…”
  4. Add “New category…”
  5. Name it, for example, “TatukGIS”
  6. Click “Add from Jar…”
  7. Select DK jar file located in catalog lib in the installation path
  8. Select “Show Marked JavaBeans”
  9. Select all controls
  10. Click next
  11. Select a category in which you want the controls to appear.
  12. Finish process

Embedding license

  1. Files with the license code can be found in the program group and are typically located at:
    • Windows:
      %USERPROFILE%\Documents\TatukGIS\DK11 for Java\GisLicense.txt
    • Linux/MaxcOS:
      $/TatukGIS/DK11 for Java/GisLicense.txt
  2. At application startup call:
    public static void main(String args[]) {
      // call it before calling and other TatukGIS code
      TGIS_LicenseManager.SetLicense( "content of the License file" );
      // rest of the code 

Running samples

Samples can be opened and run using NetBeans, Eclipse, or IntelliJ IDEA. Do not change the folder organization!

  • NetBeans:
    open the project and go to the samples directory.
  • Eclipse:
    Set workspace to samples directory, then select “Open Projects from File System”.
  • IntelliJ IDEA:
    Select “Import Project” at the startup window, and leave defaults options in the wizard dialog. Go to “Project Structure” in the File menu and, in the “Libraries” section, add tatukgis.jdk.jar from <installation-folder>\Lib\

ActiveX Specific

Embedding license

  1. Files with license code can be found in the program group and are typically located at:
    %USERPROFILE%\Documents\TatukGIS\DK11 for .ActiveX\GisLicense.txt
  2. Before first use/initialization of the Developer Kernel (preferably just in your app main() procedure), execute code similar to:
    (new TGIS_Utils()).SetLicense(license_activation_code);

Python Specific


DK for Python is distributed on a private PyPi server as Wheel (.whl) packages. The server is available for all existing DK customers. Required login is same as login to our web site.

In the PyCharm select Basic Authentication and carefully provide credentials. Improper credentials can cause a ban for several minutes because PyCharm frequently uses them.


To activate the license:

  1. download DK for Python from TatukGIS - My Products to receive serial number and complete set of samples.
  2. install tatukgis package using pypi.
  3. run this code:
    import tatukgis.pdk as pdk
2024/04/30 11:33

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