Documentation | Migration
DK11 is highly compatible with the previous DK code, though it is internally heavily redesigned. A few things that were modernized, however, require some code changes when upgrading an application to the DK11 from an earlier version.
Be sure to also read: Known issues.
Some obsolete control properties were abandoned. As a result, opening forms can cause a warning message, like “Error reading GIS.XYZ: Property XYZ does not exist”. To resolve this, just touch your form to change something on it, even just for a while, to remove the obsolete property. For example, change a bit the size of the form to force the modification flag and then save.
Previously enums were like this: gisFieldTypeString. Now enums are unified to a naming scheme that looks like this: TGIS_FieldType.String. Delphi users can bring back old names by compiling the app with GIS_DK10VCL_COMPATIBILITY define.
The most important change is TGIS_ViewerWnd is no longer inherited from TGIS_Viewer, and is now implemented just as IGIS_Viewer interface. Thanks to this, TGIS_Viewer is just a pure object which is used internally by TGIS_ViewerWnd, which can be directly inherited from a proper control.
On gesture-enabled devices (Windows with Touch Screen, Android, iOS), we interpret mouse gestures automatically only if GIS.Mode = TGIS_ViewerMode.Select.
However, using standard MouseDown, MouseMove, and MouseUp events is not reliable in such situation because these events can also be fired upon interpreting gestures. Therefore, the following new events were implemented in DK11:
These events are available also on non-gesture devices (like plain Windows) and are recommended for general use in application code, instead of handling MouseDown / MouseUp events.
Canvas objects that could be accessed via TGIS_ViewerWnd.Canvas no longer exist. Generally, such a way of accessing the canvas worked only on GDI32 and GDIPlus. With the DK11 we introduced rendering also using a GPU card (see Plugable Renderers). In such an environment, a “canvas” like an object exists only upon drawing. Furthermore, we introduced a number of methods that support device-independent drawing. Therefore, instead of using:
GIS.Canvas.Pen.Width := 1 ;
a paint event based access is required (which is provided in active _renderer context):
_renderer.CanvasPen.Width := 1 ; _renderer.CanvasDrawRectangle( rect );
Please take a look at CustomPaint sample.
Event handlers are now without const modifier. See DK.Delphi: More compatible events parameters
Event names were unified. All events introduced by the Developer Kernel 11 now have names like PaintShapeEvent instead of OnPaintShape.
Due to event name changes, when porting projects from DK10, events attached in design mode become detached and must be attached again.
For information on how to replace DK10 OnBeforePaint, OnAfterPaint and OnPaint, take a look at our new Redefined Paint Events Model.
Map invalidation model has been simplified:
Use of the old TGIS_Viewer.InvalidateExtent is still possible, but methods are marked as deprecated.
Using TGIS_ViewerWnd.Update or TGIS_ViewerWnd.Refresh orTGIS_ViewerWnd.Invalidate does not invalidate the map.
For TGIS_ViewerBmp avoid using .Draw. Use InvalidateWholeMap instead. See Known Issues
Map updates upon zooming or dragging are animated and delayed to allow for further map operations before starting the map update process. This behavior is controlled using the viewer properties:
* TGIS_ViewerWnd.UseAnimations - Use True if animation upon zooming is allowed
* TGIS_ViewerWnd.ProgressiveUpdate - If > 0, map will be updated upon time-consuming updates
* TGIS_Viewer.DelayedUpdate - If > 0, map will be updated after a while, allowing for next operations before full redraw
If you want map updates to behave like in the DK10 (no delay, no animations), set these properties to 0 (or False).
Selecting a shape using the IsSelected property no longer requires calling MakeEditable on the shape. Also, the selection is invalidated and drawn automatically on the map. Therefore, to avoid delays upon multi-selection, the viewer should be locked before the operation and unlocked after the operation is finished to invalidate the selection.
The TGIS_ViewerWnd.ExportToImage and ExportToGrid methods have been deprecated. The DK11 introduced a new class TGIS_PixelExportManager (defined in GisPixelExportManager.pas) as a mechanism for exporting the content of TGIS_ViewerWnd. TGIS_PixelExportManager can output the image to any write-supported pixel layer format or to a generic TGIS_LayerPixel.
Also, now all the write-supported descendants of the TGIS_LayerPixel class are implemented with the ImportLayer/ExportLayer methods, which allow conversion of images between layer formats, exporting a portion of an image to another layer, and reprojection of an image to another coordinate system.
The TGIS_ViewerWnd.Print method has been deprecated. Now all the printing is handled with the TGIS_PrintManager class.
Generating a simple printout:
// GIS is TGIS_ViewerWnd pm := TGIS_PrintManager.Create ; try pm.Title := 'Title' ; pm.Print( GIS ) ; finally FreeObject( pm ) ; end ;
Previewing a custom printout utilizing a printing template:
tp := TGIS_TemplatePrint.Create ; tp.TemplatePath := 'sample.tpl' ; tp.GIS_Viewer[ 1 ] := GIS ; tp.GIS_ViewerExtent[ 1 ] := GIS.VisibleExtent ; pm := TGIS_PrintManager.Create ; try pm.Template := tp ; GIS_ControlPrintPreviewSimple1.Preview( pm ) ; finally FreeObject( pm ) ; end ;
Handling the PrintPage event:
pm := TGIS_PrintManager.Create ; try pm.PrintPageEvent := PrintPage ; pm.Print( GIS ) ; finally FreeObject( pm ) ; end ; procedure PrintPage( _sender : TObject ; _printmanager : TGIS_PrintManager ; var _lastpage : Boolean ) ; begin ... end ;
PrintDC is not supported anymore. A PrintBmp method should be considered as a replacement. However, 1-to-1 copy of the screen is required then TGIS_ViewerWnd.GetCacheBitmap can be used as well.
Please be aware of these changes if porting existing DK code to Java:
ptg2 = ptg1.MakeCopy();
double dist = 0; int part = 0; TGIS_Point proj = null; VarParameter<Double> vpdist = new VarParameter<Double>(dist); VarParameter<Integer> vppart = new VarParameter<Integer>(part); VarParameter<TGIS_Point> vpproj = new VarParameter<TGIS_Point>(proj); TGIS_Shape shp = lv.LocateEx( TGIS_Utils.GisPoint( 12, 13 ), 0.0001, 0, vpdist, vppart, vpproj ); if (shp != null) { dist = vpdist.Value ; part = vppart.Value ; proj = vpproj.Value ; }
for i:=0 to 90 do begin shp.SetPosition( TGIS_Utils.GisPoint( i * 2, i ), nil, 0 ) ; Sleep( 10 ) ; Application.ProcessMessages ; end ;
and in Java it looks like this
new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for(int i = 0 ; i < 90 ; i++){ final int x = i; try { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { shp.SetPosition(TGIS_Utils.GisPoint(x * 2, x), null, 0); try { Thread.sleep(10); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Logger.getLogger(InMemoryUI.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } }); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Logger.getLogger(InMemoryUI.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { Logger.getLogger(InMemoryUI.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } }).start();
As you can see, to achieve the same effect in Java as in Delphi, we need to write a bit more complicated code.
Be aware of these changes if porting an existing VCL application to DK11 VCL or FMX:
{$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} initialisation FMX.Types.GlobalUseDirect2D := True ; {$ENDIF}
If labels are looking too bold, try:
{$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} initialization FMX.Types.GlobalUseGDIPlusClearType := False ; {$ENDIF}
All objects got new naming: “TGIS* instead of “XGIS_”. For example:
Old name | New name |
XGIS_LayerVector | TGIS_LayerVector |
IXGIS_LayerVector | ITTGIS_LayerVector |
The main reason for this change is to make the DK for ActiveX as similar as possible to the other DK editions. The old “XGIS_” naming was forced by technical limitations that no longer exist.
Scripts developed for the Editor 4 must be upgraded for the Editor 5. The process is not complicated, though, some coding is required.
. It does not work properly if an exposed object is interface based.Locate
, Locate_2
, Locate_3
, etc. In the Editor 4 a default name corresponds to a complete method (with all possible parameters). In the Editor 5, a default name corresponds to the most commonly used method.App.SelectedShapes
list. Scripts should use TGIS_LayerVector.SelectedList
) are now of a different type. So, if direct casting was used - the code needs to be altered.Standard Cursors
Name | Value |
Default | 0 |
None | -1 |
Arrow | -2 |
Cross | -3 |
IBeam | -4 |
Size | -22 |
SizeNESW | -6 |
SizeNS | -7 |
SizeNWSE | -8 |
SizeWE | -9 |
UpArrow | -10 |
HourGlass | -11 |
Drag | -12 |
NoDrop | -13 |
HSplit | -14 |
VSplit | -15 |
MultiDrag | -16 |
SQLWait | -17 |
No | -18 |
AppStart | -19 |
Help | -20 |
HandPoint | -21 |
SizeAll | -22 |
DK specific cursors
Name | Value | Comment |
DRAG_CURSOR | 15 | Cursor for dragging |
SELECT_CURSOR | 16 | Cursor for selecting |
ZOOM_CURSOR | 18 | Cursor for zooming |
EDIT_CURSOR | 19 | Cursor for editing |
CUSTOM_CURSOR | 20 | Cursor for custom operations |
WAIT_CURSOR | 21 | Cursor for lengthy operations |
CAMPOS_CURSOR | 30 | Cursor for TGIS_Viewer3DMode.CameraPosition |
CAMROT_CURSOR | 31 | Cursor for TGIS_Viewer3DMode.CameraRotation |
CAMXYZ_CURSOR | 32 | Cursor for TGIS_Viewer3DMode.CameraXYZ |
CAMXY_CURSOR | 33 | Cursor for TGIS_Viewer3DMode.CameraXY |
CAMZOOM_CURSOR | 34 | Cursor for TGIS_Viewer3DMode.Zoom |
SUNPOS_CURSOR | 35 | Cursor for TGIS_Viewer3DMode.SunPosition |
SELECT3D_CURSOR | 36 | Cursor for TGIS_Viewer3DMode.Select |
Class rename:
Old name | New name |
TGIS_LayerAbstract | TGIS_Layer |
TGIS_CompoundLayer* | TGIS_LayerCompound* |
TGIS_SubLayer* | TGIS_LayerSublayer* |
TGIS_LayerSDERaster* | TGIS_LayerSqlSdeRaster* |
TGIS_LayerSqlMsSpatialAdo | TGIS_LayerSqlMsSpatialAdoNet |
TGIS_LayerPixelStoreAbstract2 | TGIS_LayerPixelStoreAbstract |
TGIS_LayerPixelStoreAdo2 | TGIS_LayerPixelStoreAdo |
TGIS_LayerPixelStoreAdoNet2 | TGIS_LayerPixelStoreAdoNet |
TGIS_LayerPixelStoreDbx2 | TGIS_LayerPixelStoreDbx |
TGIS_LayerPixelStoreLibpq2 | TGIS_LayerPixelStoreLibpq |
TGIS_LayerPixelStoreSqlite2 | TGIS_LayerPixelStoreSqlite |
Units renamed (important only for Delphi/C++Builder developers):
Old name | New name |
GisLayerSDERaster* | GisLayerSqlSdeRaster* |
GisSubLayer | GisLayerSublayer |
GisCompoundLayer | GisLayerCompound |
GisLayerSqlMsSpatialAdo | GisLayerSqlMsSpatialAdoNet |
GisLayerPixelStore2 | GisLayerPixelStore |
GisLayerPixelStoreAdo2 | GisLayerPixelStoreAdo |
GisLayerPixelStoreAdoNet2 | GisLayerPixelStoreAdoNet |
GisLayerPixelStoreDbx2 | GisLayerPixelStoreDbx |
GisLayerPixelStoreLibpq2 | GisLayerPixelStoreLibpq |
GisLayerPixelStoreSqlite2 | GisLayerPixelStoreSqlite |
All DPI was renamed to PPI. There is still some mixing in various system libraries (for example DirectX uses DPI naming). But a clear name for naming resolution is Pixels-Per-Inch, so we decided to use this in all the API. For a perfect explanation, see: PPI vs DPI - Explained Properly or DPI and PPI Explained