Documentation | Other Specifications | Translation Editor
This web service provides a way to change the default TatukGIS language translations, keep them synchronized as well as download them directly from the app itself. All users with an active account on the TatukGIS website can use the translation editor to propose their own translations.
To open the editor use this link:
Whenever you propose a translation on the website we check if it is better than the translation we currently have. When when we decide a proposed translation is better we accept it and incorporate it into the next version of TatukGIS software. If you do not want to wait for the next software version, you can download your own proposed translations along with the presently accepted ones. The service will generate for you a file based on the source (EDT/DK) and language you have selected prioritizing your translations over accepted ones. So, even if the update is still pending, your translations will be included in that file.
Be aware that EDT translation is composed of both EDT and DK, while DK is stand alone.
Apart from that, every language we support but do not know the translations for will be generated automatically by a different web service. In such situations, you can notice that some translations are performed by a user named “Auto”, which indicates that the translations are made by that service.
Hint: You can also download your own translation file with it if you don't want to wait. More on this one below.