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TGIS_Viewer3DBase methods


Inherited Overrides Protected
Name Visibility Description
ControlRepaint public Issue control repainting action (shallow refresh).
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.ControlRepaint)
DoGesture public Do gesture.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.DoGesture)
DoMouseDown public Perform interactive action on mouse message defined by current Mode.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.DoMouseDown)
DoMouseMove public Perform interactive action on mouse message defined by current Mode.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.DoMouseMove)
DoMouseUp public Perform interactive action on mouse message defined by current Mode.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.DoMouseUp)
Drag public Drag scene left, right, forward or backward by delta in map units
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.Drag)
DragEx public Drag scene left, right, forward+up or backward+down by delta in map units
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.DragEx)
Draw public Draw scene
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.Draw)
FullExtent public Set view to initial state.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.FullExtent)
GestureBegin public Start gesture.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.GestureBegin)
GestureEnd public Finish gesture.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.GestureEnd)
GetDemLevelAtReferencePointer public Get height where reference pointer crosses DEM
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.GetDemLevelAtReferencePointer)
GetFps public Get rendering speed in frames-per-second
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.GetFps)
InitialRedraw public Construct an instance of 3D Viewer
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.InitialRedraw)
Locate public Select object in 3D (as in 2D mode)
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.Locate)
Locate3D public Select object in 3D
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.Locate3D)
Lock public Stop rendering and wait for GeneralUnlock Must be paired with Unlock.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.Lock)
LockUpdates public Prepare navigate operation - for example set draft mode.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.LockUpdates)
MarkShape public Mark shape with color
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.MarkShape)
Move public Move scene along XY axis by delta values expressed in map units
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.Move)
PrintBegin public Get size of tile used while tiling.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.PrintBegin)
PrintBmp public Dump required screen rectangle to a bitmap
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.PrintBmp)
PrintEnd public Close printing using tiles.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.PrintEnd)
PrintTile public Dump visible screen rectangle to a bitmap
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.PrintTile)
RayIntersectDem public Get intersection point between a ray and a DEM
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.RayIntersectDem)
ResetView public Set view to initial state (like FullExtent in 2D).
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.ResetView)
Rotate public Rotate view by delta values expressed in radians
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.Rotate)
ScreenToMap public Get the mouse position on ReferenceLevel in map units
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.ScreenToMap)
ScreenToMap3D public Get map coordinates of screen pixel
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.ScreenToMap3D)
StoreMousePos public Mouse position (necessary in ZoomMode only)
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.StoreMousePos)
Unlock public Cancels GeneralLock, continue rendering Must be paired with Lock.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.Unlock)
UnlockUpdates public Finalize navigate operation.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.UnlockUpdates)
UnMarkShape public Cancel previously marked shape with color
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.UnMarkShape)
UpdateAllSelectedObjects public Redraw all selected objects.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.UpdateAllSelectedObjects)
UpdateTopmost public Issue control update action (topmost refresh).
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.UpdateTopmost)
UpdateWholeMap public Issue control update action (deep refresh).
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.UpdateWholeMap)
ZoomBy public Zoom view by factor (screen center if AdvNavigation = False, mouse position if AdvNavigation = True.
(Implements IGIS_Viewer3D.ZoomBy)

2022/12/09 01:40

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