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TGIS_Color class

DK11 for Python | tatukgis.pdk.TGIS_Color | Classes | Methods | Properties

Platform independent color declaration.

Available also on: Delphi | .NET | Java | ActiveX.


# Python
class TGIS_Color:


Inherited Overrides Protected
Name Visibility Description
FromABGR public Creates a transparent color using the BGR color model.
FromACMYK public Creates a transparent color with alpha using the CMYK color model.
FromAHCL public Creates a transparent color using the HCL color model.
FromAHSL public Creates a transparent color using the HSL color model.
FromAHSV public Creates a transparent color using the HSV color model.
FromARGB(int) public Creates a transparent color using RGB color model.
FromARGB(int, int, int, int) public Creates a transparent color using the RGB color model.
FromBGR(int) public Creates a color using the BGR color model.
FromBGR(int, int, int) public Creates a color using the BGR color model.
FromCMYK public Creates a color using the CMYK color model.
FromHCL public Creates a color using the HCL color model.
FromHSL public Creates a color using the HSL color model.
FromHSV public Creates a color using the HSV color model.
FromRGB(int) public Creates a color using the RGB color model.
FromRGB(int, int, int) public Creates a color using the RGB color model.
FromString public Creates a color using the hex string.
ToABGR public Converts a color to an integer in the ABGR form.
ToACMYK public Retrieves the alpha (A), cyan (C), magenta (M), yellow (Y), and black (K) components of the current color.
ToAHCL public Retrieves the alpha (A), hue (H), chroma (C) and luminance (L) components of the current color.
ToAHSL public Retrieves the alpha (A), hue (H), saturation (S) and lightness (L) components of the current color.
ToAHSV public Retrieves the alpha (A), hue (H), saturation (S) and value (V) components of the current color.
ToARGB public Converts a color to an integer in the ABGR form.
ToBGR public Converts a color to an integer in the BGR form.
ToCMYK public Retrieves the cyan (C), magenta (M), yellow (Y), and black (K) components of the current color.
ToHCL public Retrieves the alpha (A), hue (H), chroma (C) and luminance (L) components of the current color.
ToHSL public Retrieves the hue (H), saturation (S) and lightness (L) components of the current color.
ToHSV public Retrieves the hue (H), saturation (S) and value (V) components of the current color.
ToRGB public Converts a color to an integer in the RGB form.
ToString public Converts the color to a hexadecimal string.
TryFromString public Tries to create a color using the hex string.


Inherited Protected
Name Visibility Description
A public Extracts Alpha part of color ARGB definition.
ARGB public Internal representation as little endian ARGB integer.
B public Extracts Blue part of ARGB color definition.
G public Extracts Green part of ARGB color definition.
H public Extracts Hue part of HSL color definition.
L public Extracts Luminescence part of HSL color definition.
R public Extracts Red part of ARGB color definition.
S public Extracts Saturation part of HSL color definition.


2024/01/30 01:53

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