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TGIS_BitmapAbstract class

DK11 for Python | tatukgis.pdk.TGIS_BitmapAbstract | Classes | Methods | Properties

Platform dependent Bitmap implementation.

Available also on: Delphi | .NET | Java.


# Python
class TGIS_BitmapAbstract( Object ):


→ Object


Inherited Overrides Protected
Name Visibility Description
CreateViewer public Create a bitmap viewer
DrawGlyph public
DrawShape(TObject, bool, float, TPoint) public Draw a shape on a bitmap.
DrawShape(TObject, int, bool, float, TPoint) public Draw a shape on a bitmap (for internal TGIS_Shape.PrepareContourInternal purposes).
DrawShape(TObject, int, bool, TGIS_Color, TGIS_Color, float, TPoint) public Draw a shape on a bitmap (for internal TGIS_Shape.PrepareContourInternal purposes).
DrawSymbol(str) public Draws symbol
DrawSymbol(str, int) public Draws symbol
DrawSymbol(str, int, TGIS_Color, TGIS_Color) public Draws symbol
FromBitmap public Create bitmap from platform specific object.
FromFile public Create bitmap from file.
FromStream public Create bitmap from stream.
LockPixels public Prepare bitmap for direct pixel access operation.
MakeTransparent public Make bitmap transparent
ToFile(str) public Save bitmap to file.
ToFile(str, TGIS_PixelFormat, TGIS_PixelSubFormat, int) public Save bitmap to file.
ToStream(TObject) public Save bitmap to stream.
ToStream(TObject, TGIS_PixelFormat, TGIS_PixelSubFormat, int) public Save bitmap to stream.
UnlockPixels public Finalize pixel access operation.


Inherited Protected
Name Visibility Description
Data public Platform specific bitmap object (like TBitmap for VCL).
Height public Bitmap height in pixels.
Master public Master TGIS_Bitmap object.
Premultiplied public True if bitmap should be treated as premultipied.
Width public Bitmap width in pixels.

2024/07/05 21:02

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