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TGIS_LayerPixel methods


Inherited Overrides Protected

Inherited Overrides Protected
Name Visibility Description
addTransparency protected Adding transparency defined in transparent zones to image pixels .
Alive public Makes a layer non-dormant.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
ApplyAntialiasSettings(bool) public Applies antialias settings used in scaling operations.
ApplyAntialiasSettings(bool, TGIS_ScalingFilter) public Applies antialias settings used in scaling operations.
ApplyAutoStyle public Applies auto-styling to the layer.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
ApplyAutoStyle(bool) public Applies auto-styling to the layer.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
applyColorsCorrectionByVals protected Applying brightness, contrast and colors correction from pixel params to final correction table.
applyConfigOptions protected Read config option parameters.
(Overrides TGIS_Layer.applyConfigOptions)
applyConfigProjection(TGIS_ConfigAbstract) protected Read config projection parameters.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
applyConfigProjection(TGIS_ConfigAbstract, TGIS_Layer) protected Read config projection parameters.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
ApplyCuttingPolygon public Sets a cutting polygon for a layer.
(Overrides TGIS_Layer.ApplyCuttingPolygon)
ARGB2Gray protected Gray scale from ARGB bitmap.
AssignedParentLayerInternal public Assigns a parent layer.
bandsMappingChanging protected Checks bands mapping.
basePointRot protected Compute position of the point after the defined in world file rotation.
basePointUnRot protected Compute original position of the rotated point.
baseRotatedExtent protected Compute extent (encompassing area of the extent) after defined in world file rotation.
baseUnrotatedExtent protected Compute original extent of the rotated extent.
Build(bool, TGIS_CSCoordinateSystem, TGIS_Extent, double) public Builds an in-memory layer.
Build(bool, TGIS_CSCoordinateSystem, TGIS_Extent, int, int) public Builds an in-memory layer.
Build(string, bool, TGIS_CSCoordinateSystem, TGIS_Extent, double, TGIS_LayerPixelSubFormat) public Builds a layer.
Build(string, bool, TGIS_CSCoordinateSystem, TGIS_Extent, int, int, TGIS_LayerPixelSubFormat) public Builds a layer.
Build(string, TGIS_CSCoordinateSystem, TGIS_Extent, double) public Builds an image layer.
Build(string, TGIS_CSCoordinateSystem, TGIS_Extent, int, int) public Builds an image layer.
calculatePixelsize protected Calculate pixel size in layer units.
ChangeHash public Changes the hash for the purpose of verifying layer's modifications.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
ClearModified public Sets IsModified flag to false for a layer and its sublayers.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
convertBitsToPixels protected Internal use only.
doApplyAutoStyle protected Layer implementation of auto-styling.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
Dormant public Makes a layer dormant.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
DormantGain public Calculates the approximate gain (in Megabytes) which can be achieved by releasing memory by calling Dormant method.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
Draw public Draws a layer.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
DrawEx public Draws a layer within a defined extent.
(Overrides TGIS_Layer.DrawEx)
drawExtent protected Calculates the drawing area /clipping area of device/.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
drawExtentEx protected Calculates the drawing area /clipping area of device/.
(Overrides TGIS_Layer.drawExtentEx)
DrawFlash public Does nothing (for compatibility only).
(Overrides TGIS_Layer.DrawFlash)
DrawSelected public Draws only the selected item(s) on layer.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
DrawSelectedEx public Draws only the selected item(s) on layer that are within a defined extent.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
enhanceContrast protected Enhance contrast by changing RGB values proportionally from 0 to 255.
ExportLayer public Export layer.
finalARGBMap protected Does final ARGB bands mapping and set on/off.
FinalizeWrite public Performs any operation required to safely finalize write operation, such as building quad trees for TGIS_FilePixelStore.
findProperPixelLock protected Checks locked pixels.
ForEachSubLayer public Returns in callback event the layer and all sublayers belonging to it.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
fullCorrection protected Prepare final mapping table for full color (32-bits) images.
fullRGBCorrection protected Mapping full color (32-bits) images by .
GenerateRamp(TGIS_Color, TGIS_Color, TGIS_Color, double, double, double, bool, double, double, TGIS_ParamsSectionPixel, bool) public Generates a grid ramp.
GenerateRamp(TGIS_Color, TGIS_Color, TGIS_Color, double, double, double, bool, double, double, TGIS_ParamsSectionPixel, bool, TGIS_ColorInterpolationMode) public Generates a grid ramp.
GenerateRampEx(double, double, TGIS_ColorMap[], TGIS_ParamsSectionPixel) public Generates a grid ramp from a mapped color array.
GenerateRampEx(double, double, TGIS_ColorMap[], TGIS_ParamsSectionPixel, TGIS_ColorInterpolationMode) public Generates a grid ramp from a mapped color array.
getAlphaLine protected Internal use only.
GetAltitudeMapZone public Gets an altitude zone map definition.
getAsyncState protected Report data fetching state from asynchronous sources like ECW.
GetAvailableLayers public Gets a list of layers available in storage.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
GetBitmap public Fills provided _bitmap array with values defined by _extent.
getBitmapData protected Fills provided _bitmap array with values defined by _extent.
getBitmapPixels protected Gets bitmap layer data in ARGB format.
GetColorRamp public Calculates default color ramp RGB values.
GetGrid public Fills provided _grid array with values defined by _extent.
getGridData protected Fills provided _grid array with values defined by _extent.
getLine protected Internal use only.
getLineBasic protected Internal use only.
getLineBits protected Internal use only.
getLinePixels protected Internal use only.
getMapZoneVal protected Getting mapping zone from String
getNativeLine protected Internal use only.
getNativeLineGrayGrid protected Internal use only.
getNativeValue protected Internal use only.
GetRawBitmap public Fills provided _bitmap array with values defined by _extent.
GetSubLayer public Retrieve the layer identified by a name.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
gridToARGBTable protected Fills pixels array with ARGB values from source grid table.
histEqPav protected Prepare correction (mapping) table with histogram equalization for full color images.
histRGB2Gray protected Prepare one histogram from RGB channel histograms.
HourglassShake public Notifies of busy state using an hourglass.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
ImportLayer(TGIS_LayerPixel, TGIS_Extent) public Imports layer from an existing pixel layer.
ImportLayer(TGIS_LayerPixel, TGIS_Extent, TGIS_CSCoordinateSystem, uint, uint) public Imports layer from an existing pixel layer.
ImportLayer(TGIS_LayerPixel, TGIS_Extent, TGIS_CSCoordinateSystem, uint, uint, TGIS_LayerPixelSubFormat) public Imports layer from an existing pixel layer.
importPixelData protected Imports and saves data form pixel layer.
InitializeWrite public Performs any operation required to safely initialize write operation, such as batch operations for TGIS_FilePixelStore.
inversePalette protected Prepare a negative from the RGB palette.
IsGrid public Checks if the layer type is grid.
(Overrides TGIS_Layer.IsGrid)
IsPixel public Checks if the layer type is pixel.
(Overrides TGIS_Layer.IsPixel)
isSectionInVisibilityRange protected Checks whether the section is visible by testing layer properties: Level with MinLevel/MaxLevel, ScaleAsFloat with MinScale/MaxScale, and Zoom with MinZoom/MaxZoom.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
isSublayer protected Checks if the layer is a sublayer.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
IsSupported public Checks if the operation is supported by the layer.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
IsVector public Checks if the layer type is vector.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
IsVector3D public Checks if the layer type is vector 3D.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
IsVisible public Checks if the layer is visible in a defined extent and current params.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
lanczos3 protected Lanczos filtering function.
linear protected Linear (triangle) filtering function.
Locate public If a given point is located in the image area, returns true and sets variables.
LocateEx public If a given point is located in the image area, returns true and sets variables.
Lock public Locks layer in burst-mode operation.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
LockEstimate public Estimates memory size for pixel layer to be update.
LockPixels(TGIS_Extent, TGIS_CSCoordinateSystem, bool) public Locks a fragment of the pixel layer for updating.
LockPixels(TGIS_Extent, TGIS_CSCoordinateSystem, double, bool) public Locks a fragment of the pixel layer for updating.
LockPixels(TGIS_Extent, TGIS_CSCoordinateSystem, double, int, bool) public Locks a fragment of the pixel layer for updating.
LockPixels(TGIS_Extent, TGIS_CSCoordinateSystem, int, bool) public Locks a fragment of the pixel layer for updating.
LockPixels(TRect, bool) public Locks a fragment of the pixel layer for updating.
LockPixels(TRect, int, bool) public Locks a fragment of the pixel layer for updating.
LockPixels(TRect, TGIS_Extent, int, int, int, bool) public Locks a fragment of the pixel layer for updating.
lockThread protected Locks thread.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
Loop(double, TGIS_Shape, bool) public Prepares enumerator to iterate the layer through the linear shape.
Loop(double, TGIS_Shape, int, bool) public Prepares enumerator to iterate the layer through the linear shape.
Loop(TGIS_Extent, double, bool) public Prepares enumerator to iterate the layer (pixels are treated as points).
Loop(TGIS_Extent, double, bool, TGIS_Shape, string, bool) public Prepares enumerator to iterate the layer.
Loop(TGIS_Extent, double, bool, TGIS_Shape, string, int, bool) public Prepares enumerator to iterate the layer.
Loop(TGIS_Extent, double, int, bool) public Prepares enumerator to iterate the layer (pixels are treated as points).
Loop(TGIS_Extent, double, TGIS_Shape, string, bool) public Prepares enumerator to iterate the layer (pixels are treated as points).
Loop(TGIS_Extent, double, TGIS_Shape, string, int, bool) public Prepares enumerator to iterate the layer (pixels are treated as points).
makeHistogram protected Read, or make and save, the histogram.
MapColorValue public Maps color value to pixel color.
MapGridValue public Maps grid value to pixel color.
MapToRaster public Converts map coordinates to raster pixel location.
MapToRasterRect public Converts map extent to raster rectangle.
MergeLayer public Merge layer to an existing layer.
Move public Moves a layer up or down in the viewer zorder list.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
MoveEx public Moves a layer up or down in the viewer zorder list (only visible layers).
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
MustCalculateStatistics public Verifies if all statistics required to properly render the layer are available.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
MustReproject public Checks if the layer must be reprojected.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
MustSave public Checks if the layer was modified by editing.
(Overrides TGIS_Layer.MustSave)
Open public Opens the layer.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
openBufferedFileStream protected Open a file stream in read mode.
optimizeParamsCache(int) protected Move section specified by _idx to the top of the cached list.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
optimizeParamsCache(int, bool) protected Move section specified by _idx to the top of the cached list.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
Paint public Draws the layer or fires PaintLayer event (if defined).
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
Prepare public Opens the layer.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
prepareAltitudeMapTable protected Prepare altitude map array.
prepareColorRamp protected Prepare color ramp array.
prepareMinMaxZ protected Scan grid to prepare min/max value of altitude
prepareMinMaxZGray protected Scan image to prepare min/max value of altitude when interpreting RGB as single channel "AsGrid".
PrepareParams public For internal use only.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
prepareParamsCache protected Prepare cached section list meeting the _style name.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
prepareParamsCache(string) protected Prepare cached section list meeting the _style name.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
prepColorMapTbl protected Prepare an array (corRGB) for mapping full RGB colors.
prepCorTbl protected Prepare mapping table with no correction for full color images.
prepFinalCorTable protected Prepare final mapping table for full color (32-bits) images.
prepFullGrayTable protected Preparing map table for making a gray scale image from a full color (32-bits) bitmap scan line.
prepFullRGBMapTbl protected Prepare corFullRGB table.
prepGrayMapTbl protected Prepare an array (mapGray2RGB) for mapping gray scale to colors by points (grayMapList).
prepRGBHist protected Prepare histograms for ARGB (32-bits) bitmap scan line.
prepTransparent protected Prepare transparency table.
PreRecognize public Checks if the layer can read the file.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
Project public Applies a projection on the single point.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
Project3D public Applies a projection on the single point in 3D.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
Project3D_Ref public Applies a projection on the single point in 3D.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
ProjectExtent public Applies a projection on the extent.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
projectionNeed protected If image reprojection is needed.
Project_Ref public Applies a projection on the single point.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
putBitmapRawData protected Fills provided _bitmap array with values defined by _extent.
PutGrid public Puts _grid array into layer at the place defined by _extent.
RaiseBusyEvent public Fires Busy event of the layer.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
RaiseBusyPrepare public Fires BusyPrepare method of the assigned viewer.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
RaiseBusyRelease public Fires BusyRelease method of the assigned viewer.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
RaiseBusyShake public Fires BusyShake method of the assigned viewer.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
RasterToMap public Converts raster pixel location to map coordinates
RasterToMapRect public Convert raster rectangle to map extent
ReadConfig public Reads the layer configuration files.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
ReadConfigParam public Reads the layer configuration parameters.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
readDoubleBE protected Read double (8 bytes) from big endian stored bytes.
readDoubleLE protected Read double (8 bytes) from little endian stored bytes.
ReadGridLine public Reads a specific line of the grid into the preallocated buffer.
RecalcExtent public Recalculates extent based on real shapes.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
RecalcProjectedExtent public Recalculates the projected extent.
(Overrides TGIS_Layer.RecalcProjectedExtent)
Recalculate public Recalculates layer MinZ and MaxZ values.
ReOpen public Reopens the layer.
(Overrides TGIS_Layer.ReOpen)
replaceWorkingFiles protected Replces origninal image by modified (temporary).
RereadConfig public Rereads the layer configuration files.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
resetMustReproject protected Reset MustReporoject state.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
resolveBandDefintion protected Resolve bands definition from ForceBandLayout or metadata.
RevertAll public Reverts layer to its original content.
(Overrides TGIS_Layer.RevertAll)
RootLayer public Returns the absolute parent layer.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
rotationNeed protected If image rotation is needed.
SaveAll public Saves layer and destroys mirrored items.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
SaveData public Save the entire layer to the file.
(Overrides TGIS_Layer.SaveData)
ScaleGrid(float[][], float[][], int, int) public Scales grid array using a linear filter by default.
ScaleGrid(float[][], float[][], int, int, TGIS_ScalingFilter) public Scales grid array using defined filtering.
setBitmapPalette protected Set bitmap palette to gray scale image.
setBmpTransparent protected Fills provided _bitmap array with Alpha value = $FF (full transparent).
SetCSByEPSG public Sets up Coordinate System to a coordinate system provided by a EPSG code.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
SetCSByWKT public Sets up Coordinate System to a coordinate system provided by a WKT string (GEOGCS or PROJCS).
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
SetCSByWKTFile public Sets up Coordinate System to a coordinate system provided by a file which contains a WKT string (GEOGCS or PROJCS).
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
SetCurrentFileScale public Sets internal file scales - (1.0, 1.0) is always possible
setFileScale protected Set internal imagery scale.
setFileScaleXY protected Set internal imagery scale.
setFileView protected Set internal imagery view.
setMapZone protected Set mapping zone in color map table.
setNoDataTable protected Fills provided _grid array with NoDataValue
setPage protected Sets CurrentPage in multipages image
setUp protected makes a general layer setup
(Overrides TGIS_Layer.setUp)
setUp2 protected Makes a general layer setup second step.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
setUp3 protected Makes a general layer setup third step.
(Overrides TGIS_Layer.setUp3)
setUpInternal protected setting up pixel layer parameters
setupParams protected Set up parameters cache.
SetWorld public Sets world parameters (equivalent to worldfile).
setWorldFile protected Set extent based on world file (like .tfw, .bpw) itp.
simpleRGBCorrection protected Mapping red, green, blue colors bands if image.
storeConfigOptions protected Store layer options in a configuration file.
(Overrides TGIS_Layer.storeConfigOptions)
transformExtent protected Custom transformation of the extent.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
transformNeed protected If image transformation is needed.
Unlock public Unlocks layer from burst-mode operation.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
UnlockPixels public UnLocks a fragment.
unlockThread protected Unlocks thread.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
Unproject public Applies reverse projection (recovers from the projection) on the single point.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
Unproject3D public Applies reverse projection (recovers from the projection) on the singlepoint in 3D.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
Unproject3D_Ref public Applies reverse projection (recovers from the projection) on the single point in 3D.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
UnprojectExtent public Applies reverse projection (recovers from the projection) on the extent.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
Unproject_Ref public Applies reverse projection (recover from projection) on the single point.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
ViewerReParent public Sets viewer for the layer and its sublayers.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)
WriteConfig public Writes layer configuration files.
(Inherited from TGIS_Layer)

2025/01/31 01:12

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