DK for .NET | TatukGIS.NDK.TGIS_LayerPixel | Constructors | Fields | Methods | Properties | Events
Name | Visibility | Description | |
addTransparency | protected | Adding transparency defined in transparent zones to image pixels . | |
Alive | public | Makes a layer non-dormant. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
ApplyAntialiasSettings(bool) | public | Applies antialias settings used in scaling operations. | |
ApplyAntialiasSettings(bool, TGIS_ScalingFilter) | public | Applies antialias settings used in scaling operations. | |
ApplyAutoStyle | public | Applies auto-styling to the layer. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
ApplyAutoStyle(bool) | public | Applies auto-styling to the layer. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
applyColorsCorrectionByVals | protected | Applying brightness, contrast and colors correction from pixel params to final correction table. | |
applyConfigOptions | protected | Read config option parameters. (Overrides TGIS_Layer.applyConfigOptions) |
applyConfigProjection(TGIS_ConfigAbstract) | protected | Read config projection parameters. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
applyConfigProjection(TGIS_ConfigAbstract, TGIS_Layer) | protected | Read config projection parameters. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
ApplyCuttingPolygon | public | Sets a cutting polygon for a layer. (Overrides TGIS_Layer.ApplyCuttingPolygon) |
ARGB2Gray | protected | Gray scale from ARGB bitmap. | |
AssignedParentLayerInternal | public | Assigns a parent layer. | |
bandsMappingChanging | protected | Checks bands mapping. | |
basePointRot | protected | Compute position of the point after the defined in world file rotation. | |
basePointUnRot | protected | Compute original position of the rotated point. | |
baseRotatedExtent | protected | Compute extent (encompassing area of the extent) after defined in world file rotation. | |
baseUnrotatedExtent | protected | Compute original extent of the rotated extent. | |
Build(bool, TGIS_CSCoordinateSystem, TGIS_Extent, double) | public | Builds an in-memory layer. | |
Build(bool, TGIS_CSCoordinateSystem, TGIS_Extent, int, int) | public | Builds an in-memory layer. | |
Build(string, bool, TGIS_CSCoordinateSystem, TGIS_Extent, double, TGIS_LayerPixelSubFormat) | public | Builds a layer. | |
Build(string, bool, TGIS_CSCoordinateSystem, TGIS_Extent, int, int, TGIS_LayerPixelSubFormat) | public | Builds a layer. | |
Build(string, TGIS_CSCoordinateSystem, TGIS_Extent, double) | public | Builds an image layer. | |
Build(string, TGIS_CSCoordinateSystem, TGIS_Extent, int, int) | public | Builds an image layer. | |
calculatePixelsize | protected | Calculate pixel size in layer units. | |
ChangeHash | public | Changes the hash for the purpose of verifying layer's modifications. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
ClearModified | public | Sets IsModified flag to false for a layer and its sublayers. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
convertBitsToPixels | protected | Internal use only. | |
doApplyAutoStyle | protected | Layer implementation of auto-styling. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
Dormant | public | Makes a layer dormant. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
DormantGain | public | Calculates the approximate gain (in Megabytes) which can be achieved by releasing memory by calling Dormant method. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
Draw | public | Draws a layer. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
DrawEx | public | Draws a layer within a defined extent. (Overrides TGIS_Layer.DrawEx) |
drawExtent | protected | Calculates the drawing area /clipping area of device/. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
drawExtentEx | protected | Calculates the drawing area /clipping area of device/. (Overrides TGIS_Layer.drawExtentEx) |
DrawFlash | public | Does nothing (for compatibility only). (Overrides TGIS_Layer.DrawFlash) |
DrawSelected | public | Draws only the selected item(s) on layer. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
DrawSelectedEx | public | Draws only the selected item(s) on layer that are within a defined extent. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
enhanceContrast | protected | Enhance contrast by changing RGB values proportionally from 0 to 255. | |
ExportLayer | public | Export layer. | |
finalARGBMap | protected | Does final ARGB bands mapping and set on/off. | |
FinalizeWrite | public | Performs any operation required to safely finalize write operation, such as building quad trees for TGIS_FilePixelStore. | |
findProperPixelLock | protected | Checks locked pixels. | |
ForEachSubLayer | public | Returns in callback event the layer and all sublayers belonging to it. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
fullCorrection | protected | Prepare final mapping table for full color (32-bits) images. | |
fullRGBCorrection | protected | Mapping full color (32-bits) images by . | |
GenerateRamp(TGIS_Color, TGIS_Color, TGIS_Color, double, double, double, bool, double, double, TGIS_ParamsSectionPixel, bool) | public | Generates a grid ramp. | |
GenerateRamp(TGIS_Color, TGIS_Color, TGIS_Color, double, double, double, bool, double, double, TGIS_ParamsSectionPixel, bool, TGIS_ColorInterpolationMode) | public | Generates a grid ramp. | |
GenerateRampEx(double, double, TGIS_ColorMap[], TGIS_ParamsSectionPixel) | public | Generates a grid ramp from a mapped color array. | |
GenerateRampEx(double, double, TGIS_ColorMap[], TGIS_ParamsSectionPixel, TGIS_ColorInterpolationMode) | public | Generates a grid ramp from a mapped color array. | |
getAlphaLine | protected | Internal use only. | |
GetAltitudeMapZone | public | Gets an altitude zone map definition. | |
getAsyncState | protected | Report data fetching state from asynchronous sources like ECW. | |
GetAvailableLayers | public | Gets a list of layers available in storage. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
GetBitmap | public | Fills provided _bitmap array with values defined by _extent. | |
getBitmapData | protected | Fills provided _bitmap array with values defined by _extent. | |
getBitmapPixels | protected | Gets bitmap layer data in ARGB format. | |
GetColorRamp | public | Calculates default color ramp RGB values. | |
GetGrid | public | Fills provided _grid array with values defined by _extent. | |
getGridData | protected | Fills provided _grid array with values defined by _extent. | |
getLine | protected | Internal use only. | |
getLineBasic | protected | Internal use only. | |
getLineBits | protected | Internal use only. | |
getLinePixels | protected | Internal use only. | |
getMapZoneVal | protected | Getting mapping zone from String | |
getNativeLine | protected | Internal use only. | |
getNativeLineGrayGrid | protected | Internal use only. | |
getNativeValue | protected | Internal use only. | |
GetRawBitmap | public | Fills provided _bitmap array with values defined by _extent. | |
GetSubLayer | public | Retrieve the layer identified by a name. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
gridToARGBTable | protected | Fills pixels array with ARGB values from source grid table. | |
histEqPav | protected | Prepare correction (mapping) table with histogram equalization for full color images. | |
histRGB2Gray | protected | Prepare one histogram from RGB channel histograms. | |
HourglassShake | public | Notifies of busy state using an hourglass. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
ImportLayer(TGIS_LayerPixel, TGIS_Extent) | public | Imports layer from an existing pixel layer. | |
ImportLayer(TGIS_LayerPixel, TGIS_Extent, TGIS_CSCoordinateSystem, uint, uint) | public | Imports layer from an existing pixel layer. | |
ImportLayer(TGIS_LayerPixel, TGIS_Extent, TGIS_CSCoordinateSystem, uint, uint, TGIS_LayerPixelSubFormat) | public | Imports layer from an existing pixel layer. | |
importPixelData | protected | Imports and saves data form pixel layer. | |
InitializeWrite | public | Performs any operation required to safely initialize write operation, such as batch operations for TGIS_FilePixelStore. | |
inversePalette | protected | Prepare a negative from the RGB palette. | |
IsGrid | public | Checks if the layer type is grid. (Overrides TGIS_Layer.IsGrid) |
IsPixel | public | Checks if the layer type is pixel. (Overrides TGIS_Layer.IsPixel) |
isSectionInVisibilityRange | protected | Checks whether the section is visible by testing layer properties: Level with MinLevel/MaxLevel, ScaleAsFloat with MinScale/MaxScale, and Zoom with MinZoom/MaxZoom. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
isSublayer | protected | Checks if the layer is a sublayer. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
IsSupported | public | Checks if the operation is supported by the layer. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
IsVector | public | Checks if the layer type is vector. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
IsVector3D | public | Checks if the layer type is vector 3D. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
IsVisible | public | Checks if the layer is visible in a defined extent and current params. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
lanczos3 | protected | Lanczos filtering function. | |
linear | protected | Linear (triangle) filtering function. | |
Locate | public | If a given point is located in the image area, returns true and sets variables. | |
LocateEx | public | If a given point is located in the image area, returns true and sets variables. | |
Lock | public | Locks layer in burst-mode operation. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
LockEstimate | public | Estimates memory size for pixel layer to be update. | |
LockPixels(TGIS_Extent, TGIS_CSCoordinateSystem, bool) | public | Locks a fragment of the pixel layer for updating. | |
LockPixels(TGIS_Extent, TGIS_CSCoordinateSystem, double, bool) | public | Locks a fragment of the pixel layer for updating. | |
LockPixels(TGIS_Extent, TGIS_CSCoordinateSystem, double, int, bool) | public | Locks a fragment of the pixel layer for updating. | |
LockPixels(TGIS_Extent, TGIS_CSCoordinateSystem, int, bool) | public | Locks a fragment of the pixel layer for updating. | |
LockPixels(TRect, bool) | public | Locks a fragment of the pixel layer for updating. | |
LockPixels(TRect, int, bool) | public | Locks a fragment of the pixel layer for updating. | |
LockPixels(TRect, TGIS_Extent, int, int, int, bool) | public | Locks a fragment of the pixel layer for updating. | |
lockThread | protected | Locks thread. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
Loop(double, TGIS_Shape, bool) | public | Prepares enumerator to iterate the layer through the linear shape. | |
Loop(double, TGIS_Shape, int, bool) | public | Prepares enumerator to iterate the layer through the linear shape. | |
Loop(TGIS_Extent, double, bool) | public | Prepares enumerator to iterate the layer (pixels are treated as points). | |
Loop(TGIS_Extent, double, bool, TGIS_Shape, string, bool) | public | Prepares enumerator to iterate the layer. | |
Loop(TGIS_Extent, double, bool, TGIS_Shape, string, int, bool) | public | Prepares enumerator to iterate the layer. | |
Loop(TGIS_Extent, double, int, bool) | public | Prepares enumerator to iterate the layer (pixels are treated as points). | |
Loop(TGIS_Extent, double, TGIS_Shape, string, bool) | public | Prepares enumerator to iterate the layer (pixels are treated as points). | |
Loop(TGIS_Extent, double, TGIS_Shape, string, int, bool) | public | Prepares enumerator to iterate the layer (pixels are treated as points). | |
makeHistogram | protected | Read, or make and save, the histogram. | |
MapColorValue | public | Maps color value to pixel color. | |
MapGridValue | public | Maps grid value to pixel color. | |
MapToRaster | public | Converts map coordinates to raster pixel location. | |
MapToRasterRect | public | Converts map extent to raster rectangle. | |
MergeLayer | public | Merge layer to an existing layer. | |
Move | public | Moves a layer up or down in the viewer zorder list. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
MoveEx | public | Moves a layer up or down in the viewer zorder list (only visible layers). (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
MustCalculateStatistics | public | Verifies if all statistics required to properly render the layer are available. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
MustReproject | public | Checks if the layer must be reprojected. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
MustSave | public | Checks if the layer was modified by editing. (Overrides TGIS_Layer.MustSave) |
Open | public | Opens the layer. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
openBufferedFileStream | protected | Open a file stream in read mode. | |
optimizeParamsCache(int) | protected | Move section specified by _idx to the top of the cached list. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
optimizeParamsCache(int, bool) | protected | Move section specified by _idx to the top of the cached list. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
Paint | public | Draws the layer or fires PaintLayer event (if defined). (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
Prepare | public | Opens the layer. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
prepareAltitudeMapTable | protected | Prepare altitude map array. | |
prepareColorRamp | protected | Prepare color ramp array. | |
prepareMinMaxZ | protected | Scan grid to prepare min/max value of altitude | |
prepareMinMaxZGray | protected | Scan image to prepare min/max value of altitude when interpreting RGB as single channel "AsGrid". | |
PrepareParams | public | For internal use only. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
prepareParamsCache | protected | Prepare cached section list meeting the _style name. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
prepareParamsCache(string) | protected | Prepare cached section list meeting the _style name. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
prepColorMapTbl | protected | Prepare an array (corRGB) for mapping full RGB colors. | |
prepCorTbl | protected | Prepare mapping table with no correction for full color images. | |
prepFinalCorTable | protected | Prepare final mapping table for full color (32-bits) images. | |
prepFullGrayTable | protected | Preparing map table for making a gray scale image from a full color (32-bits) bitmap scan line. | |
prepFullRGBMapTbl | protected | Prepare corFullRGB table. | |
prepGrayMapTbl | protected | Prepare an array (mapGray2RGB) for mapping gray scale to colors by points (grayMapList). | |
prepRGBHist | protected | Prepare histograms for ARGB (32-bits) bitmap scan line. | |
prepTransparent | protected | Prepare transparency table. | |
PreRecognize | public | Checks if the layer can read the file. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
Project | public | Applies a projection on the single point. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
Project3D | public | Applies a projection on the single point in 3D. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
Project3D_Ref | public | Applies a projection on the single point in 3D. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
ProjectExtent | public | Applies a projection on the extent. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
projectionNeed | protected | If image reprojection is needed. | |
Project_Ref | public | Applies a projection on the single point. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
putBitmapRawData | protected | Fills provided _bitmap array with values defined by _extent. | |
PutGrid | public | Puts _grid array into layer at the place defined by _extent. | |
RaiseBusyEvent | public | Fires Busy event of the layer. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
RaiseBusyPrepare | public | Fires BusyPrepare method of the assigned viewer. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
RaiseBusyRelease | public | Fires BusyRelease method of the assigned viewer. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
RaiseBusyShake | public | Fires BusyShake method of the assigned viewer. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
RasterToMap | public | Converts raster pixel location to map coordinates | |
RasterToMapRect | public | Convert raster rectangle to map extent | |
ReadConfig | public | Reads the layer configuration files. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
ReadConfigParam | public | Reads the layer configuration parameters. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
readDoubleBE | protected | Read double (8 bytes) from big endian stored bytes. | |
readDoubleLE | protected | Read double (8 bytes) from little endian stored bytes. | |
ReadGridLine | public | Reads a specific line of the grid into the preallocated buffer. | |
RecalcExtent | public | Recalculates extent based on real shapes. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
RecalcProjectedExtent | public | Recalculates the projected extent. (Overrides TGIS_Layer.RecalcProjectedExtent) |
Recalculate | public | Recalculates layer MinZ and MaxZ values. | |
ReOpen | public | Reopens the layer. (Overrides TGIS_Layer.ReOpen) |
replaceWorkingFiles | protected | Replces origninal image by modified (temporary). | |
RereadConfig | public | Rereads the layer configuration files. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
resetMustReproject | protected | Reset MustReporoject state. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
resolveBandDefintion | protected | Resolve bands definition from ForceBandLayout or metadata. | |
RevertAll | public | Reverts layer to its original content. (Overrides TGIS_Layer.RevertAll) |
RootLayer | public | Returns the absolute parent layer. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
rotationNeed | protected | If image rotation is needed. | |
SaveAll | public | Saves layer and destroys mirrored items. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
SaveData | public | Save the entire layer to the file. (Overrides TGIS_Layer.SaveData) |
ScaleGrid(float[][], float[][], int, int) | public | Scales grid array using a linear filter by default. | |
ScaleGrid(float[][], float[][], int, int, TGIS_ScalingFilter) | public | Scales grid array using defined filtering. | |
setBitmapPalette | protected | Set bitmap palette to gray scale image. | |
setBmpTransparent | protected | Fills provided _bitmap array with Alpha value = $FF (full transparent). | |
SetCSByEPSG | public | Sets up Coordinate System to a coordinate system provided by a EPSG code. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
SetCSByWKT | public | Sets up Coordinate System to a coordinate system provided by a WKT string (GEOGCS or PROJCS). (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
SetCSByWKTFile | public | Sets up Coordinate System to a coordinate system provided by a file which contains a WKT string (GEOGCS or PROJCS). (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
SetCurrentFileScale | public | Sets internal file scales - (1.0, 1.0) is always possible | |
setFileScale | protected | Set internal imagery scale. | |
setFileScaleXY | protected | Set internal imagery scale. | |
setFileView | protected | Set internal imagery view. | |
setMapZone | protected | Set mapping zone in color map table. | |
setNoDataTable | protected | Fills provided _grid array with NoDataValue | |
setPage | protected | Sets CurrentPage in multipages image | |
setUp | protected | makes a general layer setup (Overrides TGIS_Layer.setUp) |
setUp2 | protected | Makes a general layer setup second step. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
setUp3 | protected | Makes a general layer setup third step. (Overrides TGIS_Layer.setUp3) |
setUpInternal | protected | setting up pixel layer parameters | |
setupParams | protected | Set up parameters cache. | |
SetWorld | public | Sets world parameters (equivalent to worldfile). | |
setWorldFile | protected | Set extent based on world file (like .tfw, .bpw) itp. | |
simpleRGBCorrection | protected | Mapping red, green, blue colors bands if image. | |
storeConfigOptions | protected | Store layer options in a configuration file. (Overrides TGIS_Layer.storeConfigOptions) |
transformExtent | protected | Custom transformation of the extent. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
transformNeed | protected | If image transformation is needed. | |
Unlock | public | Unlocks layer from burst-mode operation. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
UnlockPixels | public | UnLocks a fragment. | |
unlockThread | protected | Unlocks thread. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
Unproject | public | Applies reverse projection (recovers from the projection) on the single point. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
Unproject3D | public | Applies reverse projection (recovers from the projection) on the singlepoint in 3D. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
Unproject3D_Ref | public | Applies reverse projection (recovers from the projection) on the single point in 3D. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
UnprojectExtent | public | Applies reverse projection (recovers from the projection) on the extent. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
Unproject_Ref | public | Applies reverse projection (recover from projection) on the single point. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
ViewerReParent | public | Sets viewer for the layer and its sublayers. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |
WriteConfig | public | Writes layer configuration files. (Inherited from TGIS_Layer) |