DK11 for .NET | TatukGIS.NDK.TGIS_DbAbstract | Constructors | Fields | Methods | Properties | Events
Name | Visibility | Description | |
cursorClose | public | Free cursor allocated by CursorOpen(). | |
cursorOpen | public | Allocate new cursor. | |
FinalizeProvider | public | Finalize provider. | |
getLastCursor | public | Get last opened cursor index. | |
GetLastErrorMessage | public | Return last error message text. | |
InitializeProvider | public | Initialize provider. | |
PreRecognize | public | Check if layer can read a file. | |
safeParam | public | Get a safe parameter. | |
sqlBaseFolder | public | Return base folder for a layer. | |
sqlBindField | public | Obtain a bind number for a given field name. | |
sqlBuild | public | Build new SQL layer. | |
sqlConnect | public | Open database connection. | |
sqlCreateFunction | public | Create a function on database site. | |
sqlDisconnect | public | Close database connection. | |
sqlExec | public | Execute a command. | |
sqlGetBindedField | public | Get the field value for a shape given by a unique identity. | |
sqlGetParams | public | Get parameters list. | |
sqlInitialize | public | Initialize database flags and options. | |
sqlLastInsertId | public | Get last inserted record id. | |
sqlPathAbsolute(string, string, bool) | public | Resolves potentially embedded database path in a connection string into an absolute path. | |
sqlPathAbsolute(string, string, Char, bool) | public | Resolves potentially embedded database path in a connection string into an absolute path. | |
sqlPathAbsolute(string, string, Char, string, Char) | public | Resolves potentially embedded database path in a connection string into an absolute path. | |
sqlQueryClose | public | Close the query. | |
sqlQueryEof | public | Test for Eof on query. | |
sqlQueryGeometryIsText | public | Is geometry data a text. | |
sqlQueryGetBlob | public | Get blob data type. | |
sqlQueryGetField | public | Get a field from the query by field name. | |
sqlQueryGetFieldById | public | Get a field from the query by field id. | |
sqlQueryGetFieldIndex | public | Get field index from query. | |
sqlQueryGetGeomObj | public | Get a geometry object from the query. | |
sqlQueryGetGeomPtr(string, int, int) | public | Get a geometry from the query. | |
sqlQueryGetGeomPtr(string, string, int, int) | public | Get a geometry from the query. | |
sqlQueryGetGeomVAR | public | Get a geometry from the query. | |
sqlQueryGetGEOUID(int, int) | public | Get a GEO.UID from the query. | |
sqlQueryGetGEOUID(string, int) | public | Get a GEO.UID from the query. | |
sqlQueryGetSHAPETYPE | public | Get a SHAPETYE from the query. | |
sqlQueryGetXMIN | public | Get a XMIN from the query. | |
sqlQueryGetYMIN | public | Get a YMIN from the query. | |
sqlQueryMoveFirst | public | Move to first record of query. | |
sqlQueryMoveNext | public | Move to next record of query. | |
sqlQueryNameGEOUID | public | Get a GEO.UID field from the query. | |
sqlQueryOpen | public | Open the query. | |
sqlQueryReset | public | Reset current sql query. | |
sqlQueryStructure | public | Fill the current layer structure based on the query. | |
sqlQueryUnPrepareGetGeom | public | Unprepare geometry access. | |
sqlTableAppend | public | Append a new record into the table. | |
sqlTableClose | public | Close the table. | |
sqlTableCreateParam | public | Create a table parameter. | |
sqlTableEof | public | Test for Eof on the table. | |
sqlTableExec | public | Execute opened table command. | |
sqlTableGetField | public | Get a field from the table. | |
sqlTableGetParam | public | Get a parameter from the table. | |
sqlTableOpenRead | public | Open the table based on provided filter. | |
sqlTableOpenWrite | public | Open the table based on provided filter | |
sqlTablePost | public | Update the table (after any change). | |
sqlTablePrepared | public | Is table prepared for insert. | |
sqlTableSetBlob | public | Set a blob data to the table. | |
sqlTableSetField | public | Set a field to the table. | |
sqlTableSetGeometry(int, string, OleVariant, TGIS_MemoryStream) | public | Set a geometry to the table. | |
sqlTableSetGeometry(int, string, TObject) | public | Set a geometry to the table. | |
sqlTransactGlobalUpdateCommit | public | Commit global transaction. | |
sqlTransactGlobalUpdateStart | public | Start global transaction. | |
sqlTransactRestructCommit | public | Commit transaction. | |
sqlTransactRestructStart | public | Start transaction. | |
sqlTransactRollback | public | Rollback global transaction. | |
sqlTransactUpdateCommit | public | Commit transaction. | |
sqlTransactUpdateStart | public | Start transaction. | |
sqlUpdateStart | public | Macro for starting updates. | |