DK for .NET | TatukGIS.NDK.TGIS_CSTransformAbstract | Classes | Constructors | Methods | Properties
A datum transformation type.
// C# public class TGIS_CSTransformAbstract : TGIS_CSAbstract { }
' VisualBasic Public Class TGIS_CSTransformAbstract Inherits TGIS_CSAbstract End Class
// Oxygene type TGIS_CSTransformAbstract = public class( TGIS_CSAbstract ) end;
→ TGIS_Object → TGIS_CSAbstract
Name | Visibility | Description | |
TGIS_CSTransformAbstract() | public | Create an instance. | |
Name | Visibility | Description | |
Assign | public | Copy content of the provided object into a current object (Overrides TGIS_CSAbstract.Assign) |
FromWGS | public | This function shifts a geodetic coordinate (in meters) relative to WGS84 to a geodetic coordinate (in meters) relative to Datum. | |
FromWGS3D | public | This function shifts a geodetic coordinate relative to WGS84 into a geodetic coordinate relative to Datum. | |
FromWGS3D_Ref | public | This method shifts a geodetic coordinate relative to WGS84 into a geodetic coordinate relative to Datum. | |
MarkDeprecated | public | Set object depreciation state. (Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstract) |
ToString | public | (Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstract) |
ToWGS | public | This function shifts a geodetic coordinate (in meters) relative to Datum into a geodetic coordinate (in meters) relative to WGS84. | |
ToWGS3D | public | This function shifts a geodetic coordinate relative to Datum into a geodetic coordinate relative to WGS84. | |
ToWGS3D_Ref | public | This method shifts a geodetic coordinate relative to Datum into a geodetic coordinate relative to WGS84. | |
Name | Visibility | Description | |
A | public | For Methods 9603, 9606, 9607, 9636: X delta of geocentric shift expressed in meters; For Methods 9618, 9119: latitude shift expressed in radians; | |
AreaEPSG | public | Area EPSG code. | |
B | public | For Methods 9603, 9606, 9607, 9636: Y delta of geocentric shift expressed in meters; For Methods 9618, 9119: longitude shift expressed in radians; | |
C | public | For Methods 9603, 9606, 9607, 9636: Z delta of geocentric shift expressed in meters; For Method 9618: gravity height over the ellipsoid height; For Method 9619: unused; | |
D | public | For Methods 9603, 9606, 9607, 9636: X rotation of geocentric expressed in radians; For Methods 9603, 9618, 9619: unused; | |
Deprecated | public | If true, then object is deprecated. (Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstract) |
Description | public | Additional description. (Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstract) |
DescriptionEx | public | Descriptive name; for internal use of TGIS_CSAbstractListHelper. (Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstract) |
E | public | For Methods 9603, 9606, 9607, 9636: Y rotation of geocentric expressed in radians; For Methods 9603, 9618, 9619: unused; | |
EllipsoidEPSG | public | Ellipsoid object. | |
EPSG | public | EPSG code. (Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstract) |
F | public | For Methods 9603, 9606, 9607, 9636: Z rotation of geocentric expressed in radians; For Methods 9603, 9618, 9619: unused; | |
FriendlyName | public | Friendly name constructed based on WKT (without underscores) and EPSG. (Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstract) |
G | public | For Methods 9603, 9606, 9607, 9636: scaled correction of geocentric relative to 1; For Methods 9603, 9618: unused; | |
GridShift | public | For Method 9613 and 91615: Grid Shift file. | |
H | public | For Method 9636: X reference point in Cartesian system expressed in meters; For Methods 9603, 9606, 9607, 9618, 9619: unused; | |
I | public | For Method 9636: Y reference point in Cartesian system expressed in meters; For Methods 9603, 9606, 9607, 9618, 9619: unused; | |
J | public | For Method 9636: X reference point in Cartesian system expressed in meters; For Methods 9603, 9606, 9607, 9618, 9619: unused; | |
MasterEPSG | public | EPSG code of the object for which current object is an alias. (Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstract) |
Method | public | Method EPSG code. | |
Number | public | Serial number of transformation for current datum. | |
WKT | public | WKT name. (Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstract) |