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TGIS_CSAreaList class

DK11 for .NET | TatukGIS.NDK.TGIS_CSAreaList | Classes | Constructors | Methods | Properties

List of datum area. Datum area is a text representing geographic area for which datum is valid. List is always sorted based on geographical region string.

Available also on: Delphi | Java | ActiveX | Python.


// C#
public class TGIS_CSAreaList : TGIS_CSAbstractList
' VisualBasic
Public Class TGIS_CSAreaList
  Inherits TGIS_CSAbstractList
End Class
// Oxygene
  TGIS_CSAreaList = public class( TGIS_CSAbstractList )


→ TGIS_ObjectDisposable → TGIS_ThreadClassTGIS_CSAbstractList


Inherited Overrides Protected
Name Visibility Description
TGIS_CSAreaList() public Standard constructor.


Inherited Overrides Protected
Name Visibility Description
Add(int, string) public Add new item into the list.
Add(int, string, double, double, double, double) public Add new item into the list.
Add(TGIS_CSAbstract) public Add new item into the list.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstractList)
AddAlias public Add new item being alias to an existing one.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstractList)
Alias public Define alias between two items.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstractList)
ByEPSG public Find object on the list based on EPSG code.
ByWKT public Find object on the list based on WKT string.
Clear public Clear the list.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstractList)
Count public Number of items on the list.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstractList)
Fix public Fix item by substituting exiting item based on EPSG code.
GetEnumerator public Get enumerator.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstractList)
Init public Initialize list form definition.
(Overrides TGIS_CSAbstractList.Init)
LockThread public Locks the thread.
(Inherited from TGIS_ThreadClass)
uniqueWkt protected Generate unique WKT name
(Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstractList)
UnlockThread public Unlocks the thread.
(Inherited from TGIS_ThreadClass)


Inherited Protected
Name Visibility Description
WKTObject public Default property for retrieving list element.
(Inherited from TGIS_CSAbstractList)


use global CSAreaList instead of creating instance of this class.

2022/11/16 01:28

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